Report: GTA V For PC Ships on a Whopping Seven Disks


New member
Sep 4, 2010
Why is everyone complaining about the files size and disc count and no one is thrilled about the implications of that? The amount of Content in this game must be unbelivable, and we are getting it for meager 60?. I also read somewhere in the thread, that the console version was about 1/3rd of that size, so they must have cranked up the quality quite a bit.

And still several people in this thread are complaining about "Rockstar not giving a shit about PC gamers".

I don't get the hate.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
Malpraxis said:
Some big publisher should make a deal with an electronics company, and start bundling special editions with cheap BR drives. Other publishers will follow, and it will become the standard in less than a year.
Not really, fewer and fewer PC gamers even bother with any optical drive at all. The amount of cases that have no 5.25" bay are increasing because of this, unless someone really needs a writer of some kind optical drives are simply ignored.

Its more common to see bay reservoirs and card readers in place than an optical drive, we sometimes keep a SATA>USB kit for an internal drive or get an external optical drive but internally mounted optical drives are going the way of the dodo.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Inevitably within the first three months there will probably be downloadable patches with a total size of 32 GB, so what does it really matter? All this is good for is something to stick on the shelf ? so they might as well just announce the "Deluxe Edition" with some form of whatsit to go along with it.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Mmm it make me wonder how less discs there will be if there was a blu ray version but in saying so has there been a game that come in a blu ray disc yet?


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Strazdas said:
Can you give a source for that? Its not that i dont believe this might be in game, its just that every "whats new on PC version" anouncement i read only ever mentioned different textures, more animals and first person camera. More audio/models/physics/AI/foliage was never mentioned.

DirectX and C++ libraries are really small and we know what they are lumbering (setups are leaked already) and its bloated but its not bloated in size, more like requiring various crap like the social club thing.

Also Audio folder in the install takes up 15 GB, so its not the main source of the size apperently.
The PC version of the game is the same one, with some additions, as the version seen on the Xbone and PS4. All three have more content than the disc version seen on the 360 - the downloadable cars that have to be spawned from the player garage in the 360/PS3 version are actually part of the regular traffic in the current gen/PC release. There are also vehicles unique to that version and an entirely new racing mode. Each of these vehicles requires models, textures, audio and handling characteristics not present on the 360 version.

The new animals require AI, models, textures and audio not found in the 360 version.

A new foliage system is explicitly mentioned on Rockstar's page regarding the PS4/Xbone and PC releases back on the 12th September 2014. The other content I referred to is either explicitly mentioned, or like the models/textures/audio/physics and AI is implied. -

For a list of added vehicles, take a look though this list here:

As for more audio Rockstar also mentioned that the version for the current consoles and PC includes all new radio stations and expanded playlists. This includes 162 new songs, and you can see the track listing here:

The 360 version comes on two DVD's, now assuming that both discs are double layered the maximum size the game can be on the discs is 17gb. The PC's audio is, if your correct, 15gb - that alone would mostly fill the 360 version's disc space. It's not really surprising that the textures, which will have made an even larger jump in filesize, have ballooned out so much.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
I was just installing some PC disks on my computer today. I actually laughed with a "I remember this" as I had to "please insert insert disk 2". Ahhhh the good 'ole days.

Anyway, seven?!?! Fucking seven?!?! That's insanity. I remember thinking Warhammer: Mark of Chaos was crazy with five, but adding two more to that is crazy!


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Vie said:
See, i was looking/asking for differences between this generation and PC, not last generation and PC.

Since the current gen version is already out for a while, its not really a "new" addition.


New member
Mar 1, 2014
Strazdas said:
on the contrary, reports show that as much as 92% of PC games are digital purchases []
How long are you going to peddle that? If it counts mobile and tablet games that are by nature digital than the 92% figure even if accurate is false.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
Rozalia1 said:
Strazdas said:
on the contrary, reports show that as much as 92% of PC games are digital purchases []
How long are you going to peddle that? If it counts mobile and tablet games that are by nature digital than the 92% figure even if accurate is false.
The article is about "92% of PC Video Game Sales are Digital Downloads" not "92% of digital game purchases are on the PC"...

Techno Squidgy

New member
Nov 23, 2010
Hairless Mammoth said:
aluminum coated data frisbees
I'll forgive the spelling just because I love that description of DVDs so much. Sometimes I forget just how awesome optical discs are, or at least the way they work is awesome.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Rozalia1 said:
Strazdas said:
on the contrary, reports show that as much as 92% of PC games are digital purchases []
How long are you going to peddle that? If it counts mobile and tablet games that are by nature digital than the 92% figure even if accurate is false.
Oh, i was wondering where you have been gone to, havent seen you post in a while.

If you look at the article (just reading the title is enough) you will see that this is dealing in PC Games only.


New member
Mar 1, 2014
J Tyran said:
The article is about "92% of PC Video Game Sales are Digital Downloads" not "92% of digital game purchases are on the PC"...
Yeah I can read thanks though I suppose I can see the confusion. Tablet and mobile games == facebook/free-to-play games.

Strazdas said:
If you look at the article (just reading the title is enough) you will see that this is dealing in PC Games only.
We've been through this before. If they include facebook games, MOBAs, free-to-play, and the like as downloaded PC games than the 92% figure is not honest as those games don't get physical releases to begin with. You know this yet continue to spread it as all as being completely honest. What is the actual figure without those included? Show me the source that shows that 92% figure and shows the breakdown. I doubt those games make up 0% of downloaded titles.

This goes for the digital > physical in revenue article, and the PC > Console in revenue article too but you already know that. Cooking the books is easy, so please present something concrete.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
Rozalia1 said:
J Tyran said:
The article is about "92% of PC Video Game Sales are Digital Downloads" not "92% of digital game purchases are on the PC"...
Yeah I can read thanks though I suppose I can see the confusion. Tablet and mobile games == facebook/free-to-play games.

Strazdas said:
If you look at the article (just reading the title is enough) you will see that this is dealing in PC Games only.
We've been through this before. If they include facebook games, MOBAs, free-to-play, and the like as downloaded PC games than the 92% figure is not honest as those games don't get physical releases to begin with. You know this yet continue to spread it as all as being completely honest. What is the actual figure without those included? Show me the source that shows that 92% figure and shows the breakdown. I doubt those games make up 0% of downloaded titles.

This goes for the digital > physical in revenue article, and the PC > Console in revenue article too but you already know that. Cooking the books is easy, so please present something concrete.
So you're going to try and support your mistake (you clearly said mobile and tablet games...) by arbitrarily excluding a whole bunch of games? Facebook games maybe but MOBAs and F2P MMOs are simply games, you're trying to say games like Planetside 2 don't count instead of just admitting your mistake?

Because that isn't being disingenuous at all.

That really is pushing new boundaries, you could get good money if you came to Britain and worked as a spin doctor for one of the parties during this election.


New member
Mar 1, 2014
Charcharo said:
You should be a politician mate :p

Also what is wrong with F2P games?

War Thunder is F2P. World of Tanks (more people on it right now then there are Wii U's sold probably...) and Warships is F2P. Survarium is F2P too.

I mean, as long as your goal is to be at least decent or even good, these are some effin hardcore titles...
Because the matter is Digital vs physical. If to throw some random figures out there as an example, if that 92% figure was when those titles were excluded actually only say 42% than it'd make physical sales actually 58% and not 8%. That is a world of difference and very important for both the consumer and the developer. If that figure is actually 58% you're shutting a lot of people out who will not all convert to digital as that is not quite how it all works.

I mean look at traditional games on PC that get sales of say 200K physical... is their true sales 2 million? Extremely doubtful considering the size of the community on them. Normally with such a figure you could be safe saying you could expect 8-10 sales digitally to physical however that is not completely the case because the % is faulty due to several factors.

Indie titles don't by the large get physical versions because they can't draw worth crap and wouldn't be able to recoup costs.

Free-to-play they'd have to be very confident to box considering it'd than not be free-to-play as they'd in essence be "paying you" (through the box+disc cost) to play it. Unless of course they put a price on it.

Facebook games are really just ^ but people separate them as "social" hence why I give them the distinction.

J Tyran said:
So you're going to try and support your mistake (you clearly said mobile and tablet games...) by arbitrarily excluding a whole bunch of games? Facebook games maybe but MOBAs and F2P MMOs are simply games, you're trying to say games like Planetside 2 don't count instead of just admitting your mistake?

Because that isn't being disingenuous at all.

That really is pushing new boundaries, you could get good money if you came to Britain and worked as a spin doctor for one of the parties during this election.
Social and free-to-play are synonymous with mobile and tablet games.
No mistake there. No they shouldn't count because they disrupt the data and make it useless. In traditional terms Physical > Digital still as once again the likes of MOBAs and the like are included which when removed shows that traditionally physical makes more money. Does it on PC? I don't believe so in actuality (though I'd not rule it completely out) however that 92% figure cannot be correct in traditional terms (what matters by the large) if it includes those type of titles.

Yes I'm the one spinning things when I'm targeting something that is cooking the books by including a bunch of titles that have no business being counted. This is not an attack on free-to-play games or anything like that, simply a case of their inclusion distorts the data and makes it give a false message.

To put it as simple as possible. If all games on platform X were to sell 100 physical, and 100 digital copies (50% each) and that was what was covered than you'd derive that both methods of delivery are equal.
However if the data also included an equal amount of free-to-play games that got 10,000 digital downloads than the data would show a 99.5% dominance of digital which would actually be incorrect.
Its why the % given is flawed and no use to anyone outside those who want to use it to push whatever agenda they want.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
Rozalia1 said:
J Tyran said:
So you're going to try and support your mistake (you clearly said mobile and tablet games...) by arbitrarily excluding a whole bunch of games? Facebook games maybe but MOBAs and F2P MMOs are simply games, you're trying to say games like Planetside 2 don't count instead of just admitting your mistake?

Because that isn't being disingenuous at all.

That really is pushing new boundaries, you could get good money if you came to Britain and worked as a spin doctor for one of the parties during this election.
Social and free-to-play are synonymous with mobile and tablet games.
No mistake there. No they shouldn't count because they disrupt the data and make it useless. In traditional terms Physical > Digital still as once again the likes of MOBAs and the like are included which when removed shows that traditionally physical makes more money. Does it on PC? I don't believe so in actuality (though I'd not rule it completely out) however that 92% figure cannot be correct in traditional terms (what matters by the large) if it includes those type of titles.

Yes I'm the one spinning things when I'm targeting something that is cooking the books by including a bunch of titles that have no business being counted. This is not an attack on free-to-play games or anything like that, simply a case of their inclusion distorts the data and makes it give a false message.

To put it as simple as possible. If all games on platform X were to sell 100 physical, and 100 digital copies (50% each) and that was what was covered than you'd derive that both methods of delivery are equal.
However if the data also included an equal amount of free-to-play games that got 10,000 digital downloads than the data would show a 99.5% dominance of digital which would actually be incorrect.
Its why the % given is flawed and no use to anyone outside those who want to use it to push whatever agenda they want.
A whole lot of irrelevant justification for you arbitrarily excluding games because the facts demolish your position, MOBAs, MMOs and Free To Play games like Warframe, Planetside 2 and Warthunder have every business being counted.

They are core games not cow clickers, you have no good reason to exclude them.


New member
Mar 1, 2014
Charcharo said:
OK advanced UK politician mate...

Explain to me how it is then. If all graphs and info is incorrect or biased, please tell me how it is.

PC communities are larger then console communities btw...
Yes politicians are well known for telling people to look closer at data and what it means. No, politicians do the opposite which is they present data, say it shows X, while making sure they've cooked up enough to keep the illusion going. Considering your replies you'd be the politician here if we are throwing petty terms around.

Already have before, have done now, and will do later... you keep missing it somehow. Also I cannot even find the source right now and I don't recall it ever having any graph.

It isn't traditionally which is my point. Either address that or don't bother. I can read what your links say and ain't disputing that (as that ballgame is one I have no intention of playing)... I just look a little closer which certain people seem to not want to do so (I'm sure some people can guess why as we're here playing these games).

J Tyran said:
A whole lot of irrelevant justification for you arbitrarily excluding games because the facts demolish your position, MOBAs, MMOs and Free To Play games like Warframe, Planetside 2 and Warthunder have every business being counted.

They are core games not cow clickers, you have no good reason to exclude them.
Of course I do in the context this is always done in. I've debated enough PCMR jobbers who've linked me to those articles across the internet and the point is always that a game... a traditional game at that should sell accurately based on that 92% figure as that is what the digital vs physical data says (though sadly the source seems to have disappeared into the ether from what I can see). However this counts games that do not get physical releases... in fact we are talking about a very sizeable amount of titles... which are also quite popular.

If I sell X game on PC and sell 10 physical copies... do I sell 80-90 digital also? Based on this % I should. However if its including download only titles than what does that mean for the digital vs physical breakdown for an individual game? I'm amazed by the cheek of accusing me of spinning things when you're defending something people push as the death of physical media on PC... yet even though this death is so obvious they have to resort to ignoring the "cooking of the books" that is inherent in all the articles that company gets used as source for in relation to gaming.

If physical sales vs digital for a game were 92% you'd be told straight. Instead they lumped all those other titles in with digital to make digital seem more dominate than it is when it goes head to head with physical media. Which is what actually matters... how are they head to head? Can you say its 92% verses 8%? If so than you'd be saying free-to-play, social, MOBAs, and so on would all make up 0% of digital and I doubt anyone would be dumb enough to actually try and push that. So head to head sales how do they stack up? Remember head to head, not overall... head to head... head to head... repeating myself in hope you'll answer but either way the result is the same I suppose. If that one is too difficult for you than you could try telling me how much of that 92% is free-to-play, social, MOBAs and the like. If you know that one than you could work out what it'd be head to head.

This is not an isolated incident either. The digital vs physical total revenue data also has digital stacked with these titles to make digital look like it has an edge on physical... when in reality in a head to head traditionally a game will still sell more physically than it does digitally the majority of the time (the exceptions being obvious).

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
Rozalia1 said:
J Tyran said:
A whole lot of irrelevant justification for you arbitrarily excluding games because the facts demolish your position, MOBAs, MMOs and Free To Play games like Warframe, Planetside 2 and Warthunder have every business being counted.

They are core games not cow clickers, you have no good reason to exclude them.
Of course I do in the context this is always done in. I've debated enough PCMR jobbers who've linked me to those articles across the internet and the point is always that a game... a traditional game at that should sell accurately based on that 92% figure as that is what the digital vs physical data says (though sadly the source seems to have disappeared into the ether from what I can see). However this counts games that do not get physical releases... in fact we are talking about a very sizeable amount of titles... which are also quite popular.

If I sell X game on PC and sell 10 physical copies... do I sell 80-90 digital also? Based on this % I should. However if its including download only titles than what does that mean for the digital vs physical breakdown for an individual game? I'm amazed by the cheek of accusing me of spinning things when you're defending something people push as the death of physical media on PC... yet even though this death is so obvious they have to resort to ignoring the "cooking of the books" that is inherent in all the articles that company gets used as source for in relation to gaming.

If physical sales vs digital for a game were 92% you'd be told straight. Instead they lumped all those other titles in with digital to make digital seem more dominate than it is when it goes head to head with physical media. Which is what actually matters... how are they head to head? Can you say its 92% verses 8%? If so than you'd be saying free-to-play, social, MOBAs, and so on would all make up 0% of digital and I doubt anyone would be dumb enough to actually try and push that. So head to head sales how do they stack up? Remember head to head, not overall... head to head... head to head... repeating myself in hope you'll answer but either way the result is the same I suppose. If that one is too difficult for you than you could try telling me how much of that 92% is free-to-play, social, MOBAs and the like. If you know that one than you could work out what it'd be head to head.

This is not an isolated incident either. The digital vs physical total revenue data also has digital stacked with these titles to make digital look like it has an edge on physical... when in reality in a head to head traditionally a game will still sell more physically than it does digitally the majority of the time (the exceptions being obvious).
Of course it wouldn't be 0%, I even agree that cow clickers shouldn't count but it's you trying to spin it by excluding games that have no business being excluded. If that number includes MOBAs they are certainly a big chunk of it, League of Legends is one of the most popular games in the world.

You can see it in your post, "I want to exclude core games because my point won't stand otherwise". I did manage to find an old article from 2009 [] that only included AAA games, no MMOs F2P or subscription based games. It suggested 57% of the AAA PC games were sold digitally, with the year om year growth its not hard to imagine that figure is around 75% now.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Jaeger_CDN said:
The_Great_Galendo said:
Given the low price per GB of storage media, I'm almost surprised that there isn't a cheaper way of doing this. I guess DVD is still about as cheap as it comes, though..
There is a cheaper way ... thumb drive which would be an interesting way of doing it. I've heard of some bands selling their albums by thumb drive rather than CD.
You're looking at 20-40 bucks for a 65gb drive though, as opposed to the dirt-cheap lower storage drive you'd need to hold 10-14 mp3s (not even a gig). I'd guess they'd get better then retail cost on them, but still probably would get a noticeable expense to it.