Report: Mirror's Edge 2 Open World and Combat Details Jump Out


New member
Apr 2, 2010
I know to be concerned when the words 'Always online' and 'EA' are put in the same sentence. I'll be watching this game with cautious optimism.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
"Occasionally a third person take-down move will be used when an enemy is beaten"

^This is the part I'm going to say "oh, god damn it" to. I do not like it when my immersive first-person games suddenly relieve me of control over my character to do some "cool" third-person shot. (Partial exception made for Metroid Prime, since the Morph Ball would be awful in first person.)

That said, I'll still try to keep an open mind about the game... while also remembering that EA has a bad habit of turning good things into shit, so I won't get too excited.

duct tape guardian

New member
Nov 8, 2010
Mirrors Edge is like 5 1/2 years old, like 3 years ago I figured there would never be a sequel. Despite Mirrors Edge being one of my favorite games I don't really care if they mess this one up because they can't unmake the first one, so if you'll excuse me I'll be keeping my hopes subterranean for this one.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
Chrozi said:
I'm going to defend this a bit.

If the online stuff works a lot like Journey then I'm OK with it. I think you should be able to pop in and out of peoples games at random times, but not MMO crazy with a thousand people popping around the rooftops.

- snip -
I'm not familiar with Journey, but what I would personally be okay with is something like what Watch Dogs appears to be doing: You're in a sprawling open world populated by NPCs, and people can drop in to interact with your session. But only if you're playing on a public session.

When Mirror's Edge was released I thought "I'd like to see this universe, but with Faith having access to the streets and alleyways." My hope was to play as a courier navigating busy city streets on foot, and having to evade pursuers through crowds, across busy streets, down alleys, over fences, up fire escapes, onto rooftops, into buildings, out of windows etc.

In addition, possibly a co-op mode where you have to deliver the bag to a teammate waiting inconspicuously somewhere, and then attempting to flee as forces divide between chasing you and your teammate. Or, you could opt for stealth, and try to navigate the city unnoticed. And then counter ops: a friend joins your game and plays as police, or a rival courier service, trying to intercept you and your package.

Something like that, in my mind, with a max of perhaps 4 players in cordoned off sections of the city could be fun imo. But not some "24 player" parkour fest.

Chatboy 91

New member
Feb 25, 2011
I REALLY want this to go well, but I know I shouldn't get too hype.

Open world? Awesome. I spent so much time just dicking around in the tutorial mission, once I found out how to break out of the path in the demo. Being able to just run around where ever you want, great.

Always online? As long as it isn't mandatory, fine. Journey did an excellent job, so if it's like that, no worries.

Combat? I really don't know. The trailer looked pretty good, but until I see a gameplay video I'm gonna try to keep my hype down. My biggest fear is that it just becomes a quick-time event extravaganza.
Sep 24, 2008
Chatboy 91 said:
Always online? As long as it isn't mandatory, fine. Journey did an excellent job, so if it's like that, no worries.
I'm curious, how can always online NOT be mandatory? If they are forcing you to connect or not play the game... that seems madatory.

OT: I love racing games. Need for Speed Rivals scratched an itch that I had for a while. Not perfectly, but it was a good start. My first soiree into that world, I didn't get out of the garage when and jutting, stuttering mass of racers and cops jittered it's way across the screen and knocked me out with one hit.

Whether Hacking or whatever else, Other racers were moving fine. This... mass did seem to target people, though.

Been offline ever since.

Here's the rub.

If it's hackers, then they are out to ruin the experience. DayZ fans can tell you that games are ruined by pricks who think it's funny to make your purchase unplayable. Ban one, ten more emerge. Diablo 3 fans can tell you how fun being connected really is. Hell, some are still waiting to get back their stuff that someone hacked. Those persistent always online people have no place to go. These things will always be a problem.

Now, if it's connection... there's always going to be people with bad connections trying to exercise their right to play the game, and bring everyone down with them. If you get stuck with someone like this, say in the Showdown Effect, are you any more right telling him to leave because he's ruining your experience while he has the same right to have an experience too?

This is a deal breaker for me. Some experiences, I just want on my own. I want to go on my own pace, and I don't want people actively ruining my experience simply by existing in it. I already have a game set against me, I don't need some guy who doesn't know better mucking everything up.


New member
Oct 26, 2013
Unless there is a way to play the game COMPLETELY offline with NO other people able to make me miss the QTE's with their mere presence causing lag rendering the game unplayable then I will not be buying this


New member
Apr 23, 2013
I heard "always online" and then the rest was drowned out by sheer disappointment...
I hope they just worded it wrongly and meant the kind of "always online" that is not really "always" like in borderlands or something.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Persistent online components aren't a bad thing. They're an integral part of Dragon's Dogma and Dark Souls. But 1. I don't know exactly what they intend to do in this case and 2. I would steer clear of describing anything in a game as "always online" for a very, very long time.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
I know that having "EA" and "always online" in the same sentence is bound to have some negative gut reactions here (present.) but I'm going to reserve judgement until I know a bit more about the setup - it kind of sounded like from what little info was there that it was a setup sort of like Dark Soul (not super familiar with Journey so I can't make the comparison) which could potentially be optional/not necessary for the game to be running.

If nothing else, hopefully EA learned something from SIM City and appropriately stress tests/ makes it possible for the game to run when servers are having problems/have a big on-off switch for the feature if it turns out to be problematic.


Oct 6, 2009
we're years out from the game that we know little to nothing about and everyone is throwing a tantrum, I'll go ahead and reserve my judgement till we know more. This is however, a game I look forward to and I sincerely hope they do not screw it up.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Aside from the "always online" component? This all sounds pretty promising if it proves to be true. Open-world multiplayer is something I've wanted out of a Mirror's Edge sequel ever since playing the first game. Having such a gorgeous setting and smooth freerunning controls just begged for an open-world multiplayer game, especially if the focus has changed from melee to racing and time trials. It's a bit of a shame, though. Mirror's Edge has a lot of potential as a franchise but I feel like EA is holding it back in many ways. None of the original development team of the first game have returned for Mirror's Edge 2 and we'll have to wait and see if it's for better or worse.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
mindfaQ said:
Oh please no open world crap. Like we don't have enough of this, already.
Open world in an parkour game is amazing.

What isn't amazing is shoehorning in always online and multiplayer crap. Thanks EA, keep ruining art. In the future, I'm sure TV and movies will embed video and sound from other theaters/homes so that you're forced to experience the product with "more people".

Ways I will buy this game:

1. If Origin isn't required to play it.
2. If they didn't completely ruin the game with EA's ridiculous forced multiplayer shenanigans (such as letting me not do that).
3. If it's always online.

I have not yet purchased always online games from them. They have technically lost hundreds of dollars from just me.


New member
Dec 19, 2013
It's a shame they never sold off Mirror's Edge to a publisher who would take the care to not completely butcher the game.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
The annoying thing about this is I've never really been able to play online games till recently... But you know what I don't want? ENFORCED PvP!! I AM NOT A FIGHTER! I AM A TACTICIAN! And it games like this and Souls, it just makes my life a misery whilst trying to enjoy those online elements which add to my play style :(

Keiichi Morisato

New member
Nov 25, 2012
am i the only one who was fine with the linearity of the game? sure more optional paths could be opened up for more flexibility, but full open world with multiplayer seems a bit overkill and would take away from the story, if there is one.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
Have they actually said the "always online" is DRM? It sounds more like the kind of system they had in Need For Speed: Rivals, it functions perfectly well offline but if you want you can have it online all the time and it has drop in and drop out multiplayer. Other players roam the world with you and you can either ignore them or interact with them, you can also turn it off. They said that game had "an always online open world drop in, drop out multiplayer" and it was fine.

If thats what they are doing why are people getting their knickers in a twist? I know for some the multiplayer might be a turn off and I wonder what they intend to do with it in a game like mirrors edge, PVP? Casual co-op to do the missions? I don't know so I will reserve judgement until they make it clear what they are trying to do with it.


Don't ask, or you won't know
Mar 16, 2011
Now this "seamless, drop in/drop out multiplayer" claim they make leads me to believe that they're doing the same thing Criterion did with Burnout Paradise...

And if this IS the case, I'm all for it...

I enjoyed the original Mirror's Edge... Generally anyway...
But I still don't believe the teaser trailer being actual gameplay...

But, I guess we'll find out in a year or two when we hear more of it...

I am quietly waiting, but not super hyped about Mirror's Edge 2...