I'm not sure how I feel about this review. I already bought the game, so it isn't going to influence me in that regard, and I've yet to finish 100% of the content despite being in Australia and thus getting it early, but... well, the whole thing read like a giant bitchfest that it wasn't a horror game. Sure, being upset at a reinvention of a horror series to an action series isn't something to be happy about, but I expect more from a reviewer. I feel that the game should be reviewed for what it is, an action game, and not for what one wants it to be.
On that note, make no mistake, it is an action game, and Capcom's claims to the contrary are so ludicrous they are almost false advertising. That said, anyone with a brain, combined with five to ten minutes or research, would have been prepared for this and adjusted their expectations according. What I've played of isn't perfect, there are annoying things such as forcing you to walk while the game tries to be scary, and hijacking your camera unnecessarily to bring shit to your attention, but for the most part I've been having a Hell of a lot of fun with it as me and my best mate play through the campaign.
Of course, if you had to play solo, maybe that would piss you off. But I have no idea. You didn't mention the (shit) AI at all. I think someone who hates to play online might like to know the AI is so bad it'll frustrate them and reduce their enjoyment of the game, for instance.
Anyway, sorry for the somewhat disjointed post. In summary, I think the reviewer should have discarded their expectations and reviewed the game from a neutral position, and that they could have been a little more thorough. My own opinion of the game is positive, though with some complaints.