Review: Call of Duty: Black Ops


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
Ease up on the hate. Seriously bad review score for the most part due to have lengthy cutscenes and scripted pieces? Then MGS4 probably got no score at all... So it's not for the ADHD people among us, and the story is a bit tacky. Ah well, I liked it.


New member
Nov 12, 2010
although i hate sounding like a fanboy, i have to disagree, i think the storyline does make quite a bit of sense, that is if you have the will to pay attention, if you go into a game thinking it will be trrible and attempting to give it no credit, youre not going to like it, if you go in expecting the stars you will be dissapointed. i personally enjoyed it alot but hell what do i know?


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Modern Warfare had "heart"? That's news to me. I found it utterly apathetic and disengaging. But if Black Ops handles its story even worse, then it must be atrocious.

Well, you'd be buying it for the multiplayer anyway. But I prefer crazier multiplayer style games, so this one's not for me.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Korten12 said:
It's sad, I love the escapist, but people take these reviews as if they're only right. I think their shouldn't be perfessonal reviews anymore for any game, only user reviews.
Do you honestly believe that the replacing of professional, objective reviews of material with infantile screaming and fuck-your-opinion-fanboyism would be an improvement?

If people choose to believe a review, that's their choice to make. At the very least, we should be striving to provide them with as objective a view of the material as possible. If it was bad enough for the reviewer to rate it two stars, then so be it.


New member
Feb 2, 2010
The story may be bollocks but it was enjoyable which was what matters - I wasn't expecting the 'brainwashed-by-numberwang' twist. This review stinks of that infuriating 'gonna hate it cos everyone loves it' mentality. To enjoy CoD you have to have a bunch of friends to play the multiplayer with, otherwise you're doing it wrong.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
I think this is just proof to the concept really. The more vitriolic you are about something popular, the more people attempt to relate or claim you have some sort of 'insight' or maybe this is just the community depicted by the appeal of yahtzee at hyperbole value. Honestly, as far as it goes your review doesn't really clarify anything. Seriously. Yet here everyone is claiming that you have exposed the conspiracy of the year. Honestly, I am genuinely curious to how 'gratuitous' your claims are; such as dedicating nearly half of the review and the video on the pentagon scene to essentially state 'omg the graphics, omg' because honestly:

I'm not seeing it.

Furthermore, I feel as if I should question the overall integrity of this review, being that every other credible source of reviews have given the game story it's appraisal. Yet here, it seems as if you have missed the point entirely. And this entire thing seems like an extreme catch-22 to me. considering a game as you so put it where you simply get to 'shoot things', would be deemed as lacking in any immersion value; while the opposite would be considered lacking in gameplay. And I know, the Call of Duty series has never been the best source of logical story. And I also know that majority of their player base doesn't give a flying fuck about any conceivable story. In all truthfulness, I enjoyed the fact that Treyarch attempted to change the formula, in a way to scrutinize themselves accordingly from the Infinity Ward layout. Yet Treyarch would be getting the boot from pundits either way; if abiding by the Infinity Ward formula, they would be called lazy and unoriginal and when attempting to mix it up a little, they are considered to be 'ruining' the COD series. But I feel it foolish to try involve the player more because really, look where its gotten them.

The story is ridiculous and poorly implemented, the levels are a mishmash and the gameplay feels like the worst elements of Modern Warfare were tossed into a bag then dumped out on the carpet without any of the heart that glued them all together into a good game the last time around.
Really? Really, really... really. Considering that Modern Warfare 2 was given the award for 'best shooter' on this site. Although I do suppose none of these rewards actually mean anything -- to the other writers opinions either way. And anyway I don't think there isn't a Call of Duty game where, if I can quote my own review a second: 'the standard Call of Duty, world of implausibility and inexplicability' could not be considered and to use another quote from my own review(cwidt): 'inconvertible, incomprehensible and incorrigible descension into a conspiracy theory nightmare'. So anyway, lets see what some other reviewers thoughts on this are.

Jim Sterling said:
From its genuinely intriguing plot, full of dark twists and historical cameos, to the endless set pieces that throw the player from one ludicrously action-packed scenario to the next, Call of Duty: Black Ops is the game with which Treyarch has finally put its definitive stamp on the series, and even eclipsed Infinity Ward in terms of in-game narrative and memorable moments.

Keith Stuart said:
this is easily the most cogent and well-constructed story we've seen from this franchise in a number of years. Although it's not quite the time-travelling psychedelic drug orgy some were expecting, there are several well-handled plot twists that make Modern Warfare's narrative battering ram look even more brutish and incoherent.

And if I was lastly to key upon some points made in this review. This time an example of writer dissuasion. Or at least the extent of a flawed or 'self-opinionated' rating system in operation here.

Russ Pits said:
Recommendation: Playing Call of Duty Black Ops is an exercise in futility and frustration punctuated by brief moments of genuine fun. I can't recommend the game to anyone who doesn't hate themselves and want to inflict pain on their own psyche.
While -

John Funk said:
With its brilliantly-designed credits system that encourages players to try new things, some great maps and some hilariously creative game types, though, it's safe to say that the multiplayer in Treyarch's Black Ops is easily as fun as the series has ever been - perhaps even more so.
But I suppose this was Treyarch's original downfall, by generally hoping that people would adequate enough and actually enjoy a bit more emphasis on complexity in single player story. And in addition to well-made multiplayer. They have pretty much signed the contract to become the essential snide/snobbery remark target for the pseudo-gaming community. If only this attempt at story telling was pulled off in a different series. Then it might of been considered an intellectual attempt at creating a good story. But due to this being a mainstream game it is born with the stamp of both disinterest and the tard fanbase.


Now, my problem with this isn't the clear avoidance John Funk had with mentioning anything residing with single player content. No. Although the rating could be changed in addition to his review to level out the score of a complete review, not just the score of the first person to review it. But what I am against - is bad reviews. With plenty of problems residing within Black Ops, there is so much more that could be used to criticise the game. And avoiding the process of coming across as forced and inessential. Most of which have been within the Call of Duty series since they started going modern. But sorry russ, this twinned with a few of your other reviews - can easily be discredited by anyone with even a smidgen of individual thought; as result they do not hold water, hell they barely hold air. Either you are lacking a solid 'insight' or you are simply caught up in the meaning of 'awesome' to see the real faults behind the thing considered prominent.

And I can already see how this will pan out.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
Silva said:
Modern Warfare had "heart"? That's news to me. I found it utterly apathetic and disengaging. But if Black Ops handles its story even worse, then it must be atrocious.
I don't think that there is a single gamer that wasn't sad when Zakhaev killed Gaz in CoD 4. So yes, MW had heard. MW2 was also awesome, at least the campaign. IW realizes something most people don't about campaigns. Fun is the most important part of the game. And MW2 campaign was fun all the way through. It may be short but I replayed it at least 5 times. It's over the top edge of the seat action. It's not even remotely realistic but it's cinematic, intense and fun. And I really like Soap, Price and Ghost so it even has likeable characters. I honestly want IW to make MW3 as soon as possible. Probably never though cause they're fired or they quit or something. It's a damn shame! And Treyarch should make the MP part. That would be a killer combination.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
MiracleOfSound said:
Azaraxzealot said:
this is why The Escapist is not factored into the metacritic scores, because the big publishers pay good money for rigged reviews and they can't have some independent-thinker out there can they?

sad, really, as this is the ONLY site that has fairly judged Black Ops for what it was SUPPOSED to be, and that was an intense, gritty game that made you excited, not bored or angry.

now all we judge games most games off of is their multiplayer... i weep for humanity...
Have you played Black Ops? Anyone I've spoken to loved the campaign.
the same logic could be applied to Transformers 2 or Jumper.

those movies sucked (according to critics... and anyone with an IQ over 50, not saying anyone who enjoyed Black Ops's Campaign is an idiot but... they do have low standards) but if you ask a layman about those movies they'll say they were AWESOME (seriously, try it)

this isnt even a matter of taste, its just people are either idiots or have low standards


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Azaraxzealot said:
the same logic could be applied to Transformers 2 or Jumper.

those movies sucked (according to critics... and anyone with an IQ over 50, not saying anyone who enjoyed Black Ops's Campaign is an idiot but... they do have low standards) but if you ask a layman about those movies they'll say they were AWESOME (seriously, try it)

this isnt even a matter of taste, its just people are either idiots or have low standards
Now that's just pure intellectual snobbery.

If you think people are idiots due to which videogame or movie they enjoy, then we won't see eye to eye. I enjoyed the Black Ops campaign.

I'm a 30 year old, educated man who has been gaming for 25 years and it was one of the most fun games I've ever played. So according to you I am either an idiot or have low standards...

So much for objective opinions.


New member
Aug 29, 2008
Well while its short, i thought overall it was a pretty interesting campaign.

But yes all of the cutscenes and parts when the computer took over were a bit annoying. The amount of platform gunning in it was over the top too imo. There were parts where I did really like the game and others when i thought it was being dumb.

Unfourtunatly being a pc user, this game is linked to my steam account for the rest of my life, I'd probably have borrowed it off a friend had i wanted it on console. What i will say though is that the multiplayer (once i have the time to get used to it, sort out my learn to play issues and get better weapons etc) will be awesome. Was playing it today and before i knew it an hour or 2 had gone by.

Sadly i had my alarm set as i have college work to do. Reluctantly tore myself off the computer, opened a word document and began typing :(


New member
May 19, 2009
Zizak said:
I think this is just proof to the concept really. The more vitriolic you are about something popular, the more people attempt to relate or claim you have some sort of 'insight' or maybe this is just the community depicted by the appeal of yahtzee at hyperbole value. Honestly, as far as it goes your review doesn't really clarify anything. Seriously. Yet here everyone is claiming that you have exposed the conspiracy of the year. Honestly, I am genuinely curious to how 'gratuitous' your claims are; such as dedicating nearly half of the review and the video on the pentagon scene to essentially state 'omg the graphics, omg' because honestly:

I'm not seeing it.

Furthermore, I feel as if I should question the overall integrity of this review, being that every other credible source of reviews have given the game story it's appraisal. Yet here, it seems as if you have missed the point entirely. And this entire thing seems like an extreme catch-22 to me. considering a game as you so put it where you simply get to 'shoot things', would be deemed as lacking in any immersion value; while the opposite would be considered lacking in gameplay. And I know, the Call of Duty series has never been the best source of logical story. And I also know that majority of their player base doesn't give a flying fuck about any conceivable story. In all truthfulness, I enjoyed the fact that Treyarch attempted to change the formula, in a way to scrutinize themselves accordingly from the Infinity Ward layout. Yet Treyarch would be getting the boot from pundits either way; if abiding by the Infinity Ward formula, they would be called lazy and unoriginal and when attempting to mix it up a little, they are considered to be 'ruining' the COD series. But I feel it foolish to try involve the player more because really, look where its gotten them.

The story is ridiculous and poorly implemented, the levels are a mishmash and the gameplay feels like the worst elements of Modern Warfare were tossed into a bag then dumped out on the carpet without any of the heart that glued them all together into a good game the last time around.
Really? Really, really... really. Considering that Modern Warfare 2 was given the award for 'best shooter' on this site. Although I do suppose none of these rewards actually mean anything -- to the other writers opinions either way. And anyway I don't think there isn't a Call of Duty game where, if I can quote my own review a second: 'the standard Call of Duty, world of implausibility and inexplicability' could not be considered and to use another quote from my own review(cwidt): 'inconvertible, incomprehensible and incorrigible descension into a conspiracy theory nightmare'. So anyway, lets see what some other reviewers thoughts on this are.

Jim Sterling said:
From its genuinely intriguing plot, full of dark twists and historical cameos, to the endless set pieces that throw the player from one ludicrously action-packed scenario to the next, Call of Duty: Black Ops is the game with which Treyarch has finally put its definitive stamp on the series, and even eclipsed Infinity Ward in terms of in-game narrative and memorable moments.

Keith Stuart said:
this is easily the most cogent and well-constructed story we've seen from this franchise in a number of years. Although it's not quite the time-travelling psychedelic drug orgy some were expecting, there are several well-handled plot twists that make Modern Warfare's narrative battering ram look even more brutish and incoherent.

And if I was lastly to key upon some points made in this review. This time an example of writer dissuasion. Or at least the extent of a flawed or 'self-opinionated' rating system in operation here.

Russ Pits said:
Recommendation: Playing Call of Duty Black Ops is an exercise in futility and frustration punctuated by brief moments of genuine fun. I can't recommend the game to anyone who doesn't hate themselves and want to inflict pain on their own psyche.
While -

John Funk said:
With its brilliantly-designed credits system that encourages players to try new things, some great maps and some hilariously creative game types, though, it's safe to say that the multiplayer in Treyarch's Black Ops is easily as fun as the series has ever been - perhaps even more so.
But I suppose this was Treyarch's original downfall, by generally hoping that people would adequate enough and actually enjoy a bit more emphasis on complexity in single player story. And in addition to well-made multiplayer. They have pretty much signed the contract to become the essential snide/snobbery remark target for the pseudo-gaming community. If only this attempt at story telling was pulled off in a different series. Then it might of been considered an intellectual attempt at creating a good story. But due to this being a mainstream game it is born with the stamp of both disinterest and the tard fanbase.


Now, my problem with this isn't the clear avoidance John Funk had with mentioning anything residing with single player content. No. Although the rating could be changed in addition to his review to level out the score of a complete review, not just the score of the first person to review it. But what I am against - is bad reviews. With plenty of problems residing within Black Ops, there is so much more that could be used to criticise the game. And avoiding the process of coming across as forced and inessential. Most of which have been within the Call of Duty series since they started going modern. But sorry russ, this twinned with a few of your other reviews - can easily be discredited by anyone with even a smidgen of individual thought; as result they do not hold water, hell they barely hold air. Either you are lacking a solid 'insight' or you are simply caught up in the meaning of 'awesome' to see the real faults behind the thing considered prominent.

And I can already see how this will pan out.
Wow man... that's a better damn critic of the game and Russ' skills as a reviewer than anything I've ever seen!

Hell, you should apply here, they'd be stupid not to give you Russ' job.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
Hm... wasn't expecting the game's single player to be great... but wasn't expecting a review like this either...

Most other places have given the campaign at least a pass if not a thumbs up. I'll probably end up asking for it for Christmas for the multiplayer since I've heard good things about it and because I don't have CoD4 or MW2 anymore.

Still... harsh review. Personally I was OK with MW's stories. I saw them as kinda like a summer action movie where not everything made great sense but that was ok because things were blowing up and people were doing awesome things.


New member
Jun 3, 2010
Lillowh said:
Cool. I was completely right when I didn't buy this game and went my my old favorite MOH instead. I, personally, loved MOH, but that's also because I've always liked how the series was handled better than COD in my eyes. I also find it funny that people that called MOH terrible are the ones buying COD, who say its the greatest game ever, and it's really not.

You are the first one i have seen here that has stated this, and i couldnt agree more...
MoH:AA and its expansions was far more epic than any CoD ever made...


New member
Feb 9, 2010
I will have to disagree on some points in your review.

I haven't played any of the CoD's since Call of Duty 2 and some meddling in the CoD4 multiplayer at a friends house (I was impressed, but then, the last multiplayer game I had played was Quake III Arena. I lacked internet.). I enjoyed not only the gameplay but the story of Black Ops.

Despite two glaring plot holes:

One being how Reznov got to the reprogramming room to tamper with Mason's brain washing and were Nixon, Castro, and the Secretary of State went after the cut-scene at the end. Which was hilarious. "He lost, why the hell is he here?!" Best line in a video game. Ever.

The gameplay was fast paced and interesting, and the graphics didn't really break immersion for me unless the camera cut away from Mason's point of view. So the beginning of the Pentagon scene kind of made me want to puke.

And the story really does make sense.

1. You try and kill Castro, fail, and get sent to a russian gulag.
2. You escape with the help of a russian who doesn't make it out. You don't know it but you were brainwashed to kill JFK, but the russian snuck in and programmed you to kill two russians and a german who double crossed him and killed his friend and left him for dead.
3. As a side affect of the brainwashing you see your friendly russian overmind everywere.
4. This ghostly russian keeps you tracking down those three guys to kill
5. These three guys are about to make the world boom
6. As a result of your insanity you wind up killing the german, and you have a photographic memory so you remember the name of the boat the russian came to cuba in, and the conversation that the russian had saying that all operations will be controlled from that boat.
7. Ergo, you know were the russian plans to blow up the world.

This is a bare bones of the plot but it isn't difficult to follow, and its much better than "Germans are invading. Shoot them till that particular moment in history over stays its welcome."


Hmm.. what's this button do?
Nov 2, 2009
kokirisoldier said:
I completely agree the campaign story makes no sense. Another thing what is up with the grenades and explosions sounding like they're underwater/muffled?
I noticed this too but I've heard explosions before from fireworks and detonated bombs. They do kind of make that odd thudding sound. I think it's a decent sound effect anyway. (story mode is crazy too I agree)