Review: Call of Duty: Black Ops


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Oct 18, 2008
handbagok said:
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Oh god. This fucker hasn't even got the decency to write in good English. I hope this isn't the start of the spam infection that IGN suffers from.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
Yet it will still get perfect scores... bullocks to this game. Im not a fan of COD games but if the Multiplayers as good as everyone says yet the single player is this bad surely the game should only get 60%, 70% at the most.


New member
May 17, 2009
I'm still buying it..but only because Nazi Zombies has taken a huge and apparently better overhaul. So yeah call me pathetic but Nazi Zombies is really the only reason I'll be shelling out 60 bucks for this game.. >.>

You know Action vision should just release a spin off game of Nazi Zombies, I'd totally buy that.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
duck-man said:
With regards to reviews, I don't think that you're meant to go off the one :D Or for that matter see it as 'This is bad about the game, This is good about the game'
The idea is that if he didn't like it, felt that everything had been done before and better, perhaps finally got sick of the implausibility or lack of player control... The point is that if one person thought this then there's bound to be others getting the same impression, and even though the majority of other reviews didn't mind the same things at least now we can find that not Everyone will like the game, mixed reviews are useful! In my opinion anyway...
I don't think you got the point of my original post. Considering a lot, if not all of my claims contradict everything you said. And no, I'm not defending the game, in ANY way, just to clarify. But as far as being unbiased as a reviewer goes; this is quite the opposite. You see my initial point was about how erroneous and asinine this review actually is. What you have to think about with reviews like this is the point of people using it to essentially bolster their mixed feelings on a game, either to avoid buying it in general or in the case of a mainstream title, simply using it as a way to create a false-sense of superiority. So in that sense is it okay to say a game is terrible without any real reasoning? Such as in an ambivalence review like this? Only to come across as saying: 'yeah.. the action is still there in its glorious call of duty style', to say the game just isn't worth playing? Right. That clears up everything. In addition to that seeming like the only 'professional' reviewer to come across as saying the story was terrible? Right, because Activision MUST of paid both of those unbiased reviewers I used as an example to say the story was good; but I guess Activision didn't pay enough for them to say the gameplay was sufficient. Or maybe its just the fact that this review seems to be on the exasperate route of simply being anti-popular.

[link][/link] For my initial point.

Unhappy Crow

New member
Mar 14, 2010
Wow. A score that's different from the other high reviews. Oh well, it doesn't bother me that much since I don't like Call of Duty. From what I heard, it's the same game with the same campaign and multiplayer in a different theme. I could be wrong, but I don't follow the series.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
Inco said:
I would like to add onto that with the mission objectives being very vague at times.

There are times where in order to proceed you are required to do something that is not set as objective and you are not told to do it until you have either failed (for not doing it) or have been told by an ally who sometimes "forgets" to tell you.

For example, playing on Hardened there was this one bit where you had to push back some forces for a strike (vagueness is intended to remove the need for spoiler tags) but they spawn fast and infinitely. The game never tells you that you had to stab a barrel and kick it down a hill. It doesn't even be nice and waypoint it.

The time for that was wasted after finding out how to do it.
I remember that part. I got pissed and lowered the difficulty to Recruit and wandered around until I figured out what to do.

OT: I actually think the SP was better then all the other ones.


New member
Nov 13, 2010
all the "interesting stuff" being what? boosters? noobtoobers? whoring killstreaaks and camping till your legs fall off from lack of use?

Treyarch has crafted a great storyline (just as good, if not bettar than the MW2 story)and great game mechanics (and i love the dive to prone feature btw), there's zombies (which is even MOAR fun now) and there's fucking Reznov :D

The multiplayer is finally balanced, taking more than a quarter of a second to kill someone, and killstreaks no longer stack, meaning theres less camping waiting for your harrier to kill enough people to get a chopper gunner.

Honestly, this is the first step -- arguably ever -- that Treyarch has taken in the right direction.

Also, if you like a dev team that doesn't address issues at ALL, go back to MW2. If you like one that listens, and fixes shit WITHIN THE FIRST WEEK, stay right here, it's only gonna get better.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Story doesn't make sense isn't much of a criticism for an FPS campaign. What it needs to be chiefly is IMMERSIVE, which I found the game to be. Very much so, in fact. While calling the characters round would be quite a stretch, their situations were more immersive than the fantasy 'epic' fights of an invaded America in MW2. Going over the top isn't necessarily immersion. In fact, it often brings the player out of the game. The game took the time to tell a story, which was highly episodic. The point isn't to draw a tight narrative from this, but to enjoy and experience it moment by moment. Attaching a lot of meaning to it just gets in the way. What's at stake is your life and the mission, nothing more.

In short, I found the campaign to be one of the best FPS ones I've come across. The criticisms of this review are out of place.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Grayjack said:
Inco said:
I would like to add onto that with the mission objectives being very vague at times.

There are times where in order to proceed you are required to do something that is not set as objective and you are not told to do it until you have either failed (for not doing it) or have been told by an ally who sometimes "forgets" to tell you.

For example, playing on Hardened there was this one bit where you had to push back some forces for a strike (vagueness is intended to remove the need for spoiler tags) but they spawn fast and infinitely. The game never tells you that you had to stab a barrel and kick it down a hill. It doesn't even be nice and waypoint it.

The time for that was wasted after finding out how to do it.
I remember that part. I got pissed and lowered the difficulty to Recruit and wandered around until I figured out what to do.

OT: I actually think the SP was better then all the other ones.
SAME. That was the only real (though severe) flaw of the campaign. HATED having to lower to regular just because they wanted you to take a point that lacked cover and was surrounded by constantly spawning goons...Perhaps it'll be fixed, but I'm not relishing taking on Veteran at that point...


New member
Mar 15, 2010
To just better see why Black Ops is immersive, play the prison break and Vietnam levels. I have difficulty seeing how one could not feel the rush of the revolution when in the throng of men throwing themselves blindly into gunfire for freedom. The Nam levels mean more if you've seen movies like Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket, and of course, Deer Hunter. The intro and outro of the first level, playing just the right song to bring you out of the chaos, if only seemingly, really do wonders to capture a bit of the spirit that these movies do (though more articulately, because they're movies). One could try to dismiss this as an easy thing to ape, but its simplicity is rather the telling point of good storytelling.

This requires subtlety of the player, not a childish desire to go shoot shoot shoot.


New member
Feb 14, 2008
"I get to stab somebody? WEEEEEEEEEE!"




New member
Feb 9, 2008
That review was far too critical and sounds as if someone played it wanting to dislike the game.

While the scene transitions do happen a bit too often there is a reason for them - you are not playing the missions in the moment they are relapses of a ruined psyche with interruptions as the interrogator asks questions.

But really? Using the pentagon example twice in one article? Seems a bit like scraping the barrel. Besides that scene was meant to show you early hints about the brainwashing Mason has undergone.

While the campagin wasn't amazing it was a far stretch better than a fair number of the other campaigns CoD has come out with recently.


New member
Feb 9, 2008
Nifarious said:
To just better see why Black Ops is immersive, play the prison break and Vietnam levels. I have difficulty seeing how one could not feel the rush of the revolution when in the throng of men throwing themselves blindly into gunfire for freedom. The Nam levels mean more if you've seen movies like Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket, and of course, Deer Hunter. The intro and outro of the first level, playing just the right song to bring you out of the chaos, if only seemingly, really do wonders to capture a bit of the spirit that these movies do (though more articulately, because they're movies). One could try to dismiss this as an easy thing to ape, but its simplicity is rather the telling point of good storytelling.

This requires subtlety of the player, not a childish desire to go shoot shoot shoot.
This right here - the feeling of the prison is really immersive like you said, with prisoners fighting with pipes, shanks and home made slingshots against guards with guns, body armour and choppers


New member
Jan 25, 2009
While the progression doesn't always make sense, mainly the jump to hudson (the jump to the russian guy kinda makes sense if you know the whole story), it does add to the story and help make things clear. I don't know why it received so much hate in the review. The ebst single player... no, but its not THAT bad haha.

Nifarious said:
This requires subtlety of the player, not a childish desire to go shoot shoot shoot.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
It did feel very...meh, to be honest. I found the concept more interesting really, I just wanted to know what happens in the end. It's probably not a good thing when the cut-scenes are far more interesting than the game itself.

Decent ending though.


New member
Apr 27, 2010
Sabartooth101 said:
Look, the story is not bad at all, it just requiers you to THINK and to follow it yourself instead of having the game hold ur hand and spell out every obvious plot twist.In my first play through I understood it all. The game's story treats you as a thinking being, unlike nearly all other shooters.
I hate to disagree, but the story doesn't require any thinking on any level. It plays at being a suspenseful, "what's-going-on" story, but the execution ruins it. That's not to say it COULDN'T have been a great story, but even a great story badly told is a bad story.

I mean, there was a lot of potential here. Cold War drama, these unseen conflicts that were going on in the behind-the-scenes of the worldwide consciousness, and these epic battles that, for the official record, never happened.

But then you get a game that doesn't look as good as the ones that came before it, with characters that are pretty much there to be thrown away, and motivations that just didn't make any sense.

The story feels like a bunch of guys sat around and picked all the worst parts out of the last couple of COD games and decided that the whole would be greater than the sum of its parts.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Once again, this is what happens when bad games get over-hyped. It is a good thing I wasn't taken in. (Granted, that controversial ad was really intriguing though.)


New member
Nov 13, 2010
I 100% agree with this review. I already had a firm opinion that Black Ops sucked, even before I read this review. In my opinion, Treyarch makes good storylines as Capcom makes good storylines. They make it like they were spoon-fed dirt and were expected to call it food. And Capcom has high monkeys do the writing.