I could have stopped reading right there.
No one could say that while having played both SC1 and SC2 without lying through their teeth.
The improvement part, that is.
The game's improved in every way possible while still maintaining the core gameplay mechanics that makes StarCraft StarCraft.
About the innovation though, yes, you're right.
Blizz has even said multiple times that they're not going to on some grand innovation crusade.
They said they were going to make StarCraft 2, and that's exactly what they did.
And why is innovation put on such a high pedestal anyway?
Why does games get a bad rap because they use tried and true concepts, even when they do it better than anyone has ever done it before?
Also, what 'dated problems' are you even talking about anyway?
Plus abiia the reason I flat out ignored that link is because it's EIGHT YEARS OLD. This may surprise you but things have changed in almost a decade and PC game prices have changed.
Yes, the economy's changed and the dollar is much weaker now.
So the games are technically cheaper, even though they've got the same pricing.
Sadly this thread is now down to people defending their purchasing decisions rather than talking about the game, so it's not going to go anywhere.
That's funny, because you haven't really been talking about the game either.
You're mostly complaining about non-specific graphical issues and extraneous issues like pricing and people not being 'gamers' now.
The bit where you talked about the game actually made me very doubtful you've actually even played SC2 more than a few minutes, if at all.
I mean, seriously? Scouting doesn't work?
Pretty much everything you said is either wrong or plain stupid.
Yes, some units win over other units.
Isn't that the point of having more than one type of unit?
Anti-air wins over colossi, hellions win over lings, ultralisks win over everything but air units, etc.
That's what tactics is all about.
You're not gonna win over a protoss player using void rays by using roaches.
But that doesn't mean that just because you use a specific unit to counter your enemy's army, you're gonna win.
Planning, resources, macro, micro, harassment, pressure, speed, strategy; all of it are vital to win in multiplayer matches.
Besides, your statement about scouting not 'working' and just using units that's strong against the units your enemy's using kinda contradict each other, don't they? You think you've got time to build a force tailored to defeat your enemy's force in time to defend against an attacking force without any kind of information? Without scouting, they'd be in your base before you know what units they're using.
And yes, units scuffle around each other, trying to get into range of their enemies.
This is by design; it's not a flaw. The units do
exactly what you tell them to.
They move toward a target and open fire the moment they're in range.
To get more units into firing range quicker, you need to micro them manually.
You can't just send your army to attack and expect to win.
A skilled player can annihilate an evenly matched army purely through skilful micro.
Also abiia what other games have you played on your rig? Does it not worry you that you can play games that are graphically far more impressive and yet get better FPS? It seems like X2 all over again, but I doubt you'll understand that reference, so it seems like an engine which is hideously optimised for the higher end of it.
Are you actually
trying to be condescending?
Can't really comment on the graphical optimisation thing though.
I mean, as I get a constant 60 FPS on ultra settings, I wouldn't really have any reference to go by.
Plus where are you finding out that the editor is low setting graphics? Just curious as I checked the graphics options and there was nothing about quality.
File > Preferences > Video.
It's not rocket science, man.
It's automatically set to the same settings you have in the game, so it's no wonder you think the graphics are shit if you play with that.
Though I wonder why you complain about graphics when you play on low settings.
I mean, that's pretty much understood. It's called 'low quality' for a reason.