Rise for This Live Action Assassin's Creed III Trailer


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Dammit EA!!! This edgy videos always cause you Public relations nightmares. I thought you learned your lesson with Dante. Now here you are doing it again.

.... What? ACIII is not produced by EA!

Erm, Nevermind....


Fuhuhzucking hellcocks I'm good
Mar 17, 2010
Woodsey said:
kurupt87 said:
Woodsey said:
2) Either they're ripping the shit out of Americans with that kid, or that line is just straight-faced embarrassing
That's the thing, it was delivered straight faced with not a hint anywhere in the trailer of a dissenting opinion or sarcasm. My eyes literally goggled at that line.

If it is a stealthy dig then it is possibly the most po faced delivery I've ever seen.
Considering the marketing department has seemingly named the marketing drive "Operation Pander", it'd make sense that it's buried pretty deeply. Hilarious though if it was a dig.
Baha, really? That gives me hope. Suck them in with Patriotic garbage and deliver some education like a Hidden Blade to the gut, I like it.

It fits too because that line doesn't make sense in context, only in modern day. That kid would be taught other countries History because not only does America at that point not really have any of its own but it is ruled and the world is controlled by those that do. Compare that to the stereotype that modern day Americans don't have a clue about anything outside of Planet America.

The modern day meaning fits better because in context the line makes no sense if played straight and isn't funny or "insightful" if ironic; so the line has to be an ironic play of the modern trope. I hope. Operation Pander, lol, it has to be!


New member
Aug 9, 2009
kurupt87 said:
Woodsey said:
kurupt87 said:
Woodsey said:
2) Either they're ripping the shit out of Americans with that kid, or that line is just straight-faced embarrassing
That's the thing, it was delivered straight faced with not a hint anywhere in the trailer of a dissenting opinion or sarcasm. My eyes literally goggled at that line.

If it is a stealthy dig then it is possibly the most po faced delivery I've ever seen.
Considering the marketing department has seemingly named the marketing drive "Operation Pander", it'd make sense that it's buried pretty deeply. Hilarious though if it was a dig.
Baha, really? That gives me hope. Suck them in with Patriotic garbage and deliver some education like a Hidden Blade to the gut, I like it.

It fits too because that line doesn't make sense in context, only in modern day. That kid would be taught other countries History because not only does America at that point not really have any of its own but it is ruled and the world is controlled by those that do. Compare that to the stereotype that modern day Americans don't have a clue about anything outside of Planet America.

The modern day meaning is the only one that makes any sense because in context the line makes no sense if played straight and isn't funny or "insightful" if ironic, so the line has to be an ironic play of the modern trope. I hope. Operation Pander, lol, it has to be!
Well, not the literal name, but that's the impression that's been given - the developers themselves commented on it recently and seemed less than impressed with how it's been.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Just a reminder guys. The marketing department are not the people actually making the game.
They just spin it the way they think will garner the most sales.


Fuhuhzucking hellcocks I'm good
Mar 17, 2010
Woodsey said:
Well, not the literal name, but that's the impression that's been given - the developers themselves commented on it recently and seemed less than impressed with how it's been.
Ah ok, I am giving too much credit to satirical marketing departments then. Still, if the devs are moaning about the marketing campaign that is a good sign.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Daveman said:
It's making it damn hard for me to like this game as a Brit. I mean it's saying we're the bad guys pretty damn clearly despite that being less than true ( http://www.cracked.com/article_18442_5-reasons-founding-fathers-were-kind-dicks.html ).

There's definitely some preposterous notion of black and white that's being enforced by this game. The past two Assassins Creed games weren't even remotely based on the conflict of the time and it had you assassinating people on both sides of the war.

I mean I know it's only a game but for a series that accurately represented the cities of the time to the point that it's instantly recognisable to people who've been there, it doesn't seem to care even remotely for an accurate portrayal of the war.
LOL you quoted a humor website, as if it were some kind of historical authority. I am not saying your are completely wrong, just pointing out that you should maybe actually try to prove your point.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
DalekJaas said:
When I refuse to learn the history of a country I will never see?

What a ridiculous, American attitude. I'm rooting for the British.
I feel like creating a meme for that.

"I refuse to learn the history of a country I will never see.

Makes a game about a country's historical revolution."

Works for me since I am Canadian :D

regardless I am so looking forward to this game. I will just start killing whomever I want. Like I always do in every assassin's creed.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
From watching this trailer I can only assume the actual events occurred something like this:

In the Second Era of Man. At the end of the seventh century a great shadow was cast over the Eastern American Coast. King George the Third had forged a dark and evil tax. A tax which would rule all taxes before it. Valiantly the Colonials refused education, exporting goods, demanded political representation and decided to rise up.

Sensing the rebellion against his rule the Dark lord gathered his armies in the East, across the deep seas he amassed his horde. He gathered the vilest of creatures and the most despicable of men to his cause. The Irish, The British, The Welsh, The Germans. All abominations of nature headed his call. Thus the Black Ships set sail. To bring death and destruction to America.

What is this? Seriously people? Come on. This is borderline fucking ridiculous. I get it it's a 4th of July advertisement, of course it's going to play to American patriotism to get them to buy the game. But this?

It's so bad it's almost good. No no scrap that. It's so bad it's almost like EA made it. If you told me this was an EA add I'd believe you.

The fact that Connor is mostly anti British wouldn't bother me so much, except when you pick up a history book and see the Cherokees, supporting Britain. Guess what our little Connor is? Yep, half Cherokee. If anything Connor would be siding with the British first, Americans second.

I will just continue being amused by Ubisofts marketing department wanking of the big old american patriot cock. I just hope that after all this pandering they just do a complete 180 in the game and we get to see Americans taking to the forums complaining about how the game gave a fair depiction of both sides rather than portraying the Americans as complete saints.


Fuhuhzucking hellcocks I'm good
Mar 17, 2010
RoBi3.0 said:
Daveman said:
It's making it damn hard for me to like this game as a Brit. I mean it's saying we're the bad guys pretty damn clearly despite that being less than true ( http://www.cracked.com/article_18442_5-reasons-founding-fathers-were-kind-dicks.html ).

There's definitely some preposterous notion of black and white that's being enforced by this game. The past two Assassins Creed games weren't even remotely based on the conflict of the time and it had you assassinating people on both sides of the war.

I mean I know it's only a game but for a series that accurately represented the cities of the time to the point that it's instantly recognisable to people who've been there, it doesn't seem to care even remotely for an accurate portrayal of the war.
LOL you quoted a humor website, as if it were some kind of historical authority. I am not saying your are completely wrong, just pointing out that you should maybe actually try to prove your point.
You realise that The Daily Show is one of the more trusted "news" shows on air. That FOX News and MSNBC spin every story for their political side. And that the Discovery Channel puts on science fiction dressed up as documentaries.

American media is fucked up.


New member
Jan 7, 2012
irmasterlol said:
Oh dear God a trailer released on American Independence Day that's clearly advertising a game made in Canada by a French company to Americans is pandering to a romantic American view of the American Revolution. How unexpected! Remember when they advertised all those Christians and Chosen People of God you were going to kill in the first Assassin's Creed? No? Huh, me neither. Why didn't I hear all the Russians crying about Cally of Duty: Let's Kill Some Ruskies, or whatever. Get some thicker skin, Brits. Yes we know it sucks that having a tiny land mass means you can only be a ghost of the mighty empire you used to be, but I think it's time to get over it.

captcha: move along
It's not the fact that you kill British people, it's the fact that they're completely misrepresenting actual historical events. Almost no one in the UK got pissed about the bad guys being English in Killzone because it's completely made up.

And the idea that we don't like it because we don't have an empire anymore?


Fuhuhzucking hellcocks I'm good
Mar 17, 2010
tehpiemaker said:
Secondly, I have a theory that the Colonist Templars are going to be a big part of the story line, so they can't show to much of them or else we'll get spoilers. So calm your shit, brit.
As for the American Templar plot, just watch me be right about that.
This is assumed, every other AC game has had the Templars playing two sides against each other for its own ends. We assume this game will be the same. Or we would if the marketing of it followed the marketing of the other games, that being the Assassin happily chopping his way through the grunts of both sides.

Hopefully it's just as @Woodsey has implied; that the marketing department is really worried about OTT American Patriotism. About them being unable to handle the reality that the founding of their country wasn't a black and white struggle of the just underdog against the evil empire. That they're bigging it up and only showing the Americans in a good light for the adverts.

Which, if true, is good for the game. It should also be pretty embarrassing for any American.

Edit: A terrible run on sentence got split up.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
kurupt87 said:
RoBi3.0 said:
Daveman said:
It's making it damn hard for me to like this game as a Brit. I mean it's saying we're the bad guys pretty damn clearly despite that being less than true ( http://www.cracked.com/article_18442_5-reasons-founding-fathers-were-kind-dicks.html ).

There's definitely some preposterous notion of black and white that's being enforced by this game. The past two Assassins Creed games weren't even remotely based on the conflict of the time and it had you assassinating people on both sides of the war.

I mean I know it's only a game but for a series that accurately represented the cities of the time to the point that it's instantly recognisable to people who've been there, it doesn't seem to care even remotely for an accurate portrayal of the war.
LOL you quoted a humor website, as if it were some kind of historical authority. I am not saying your are completely wrong, just pointing out that you should maybe actually try to prove your point.
You realise that The Daily Show is one of the more trusted "news" shows on air. That FOX News and MSNBC spin every story for their political side. And that the Discovery Channel puts on science fiction dressed up as documentaries.

American media is fucked up.
Yeah, hmm. I not really sure what to say to this. I don't have cable so I really can't comment on any of your impressions of those channels and shows.

Like I said I wasn't out right refuting his claim. Cracked could be 100% correct in this regard. I do know that is not always the case. Had Cracked bothered to cite sources or provide some kind of historical documentation I would not have even brought it up. Cracked didn't because their chief concern is getting readers to chuckle, not provide accurate historical commentary.

EDIT: went back over the article, as I like to double check my claims(rarely before I run my mouth off). The quoted article by Cracked did provide links to a few historical books. Obviously I haven't had time to go over them. Just thought I would point this out before someone else does.

I will also point out (even though I shouldn't have to) the extreme biased of the Cracked article to one particular point of view. That also doesn't make for accurate history.

Farther than stars

New member
Jun 19, 2011
snagli said:
Now to hope there's an alternate ending in which the British win. Realism? History? Screw that.
That's certainly the attitude the trailer seems to take. I seem to remember that Revolutionary Army were more like brigands, ransacking and burning down quite a few farms in their conquest, more so than the British. But this trailer says they're the underdogs being oppressed by tyrants, so I guess that's the "real" version of events.


Fuhuhzucking hellcocks I'm good
Mar 17, 2010
RoBi3.0 said:
Yeah, hmm. I not really sure what to say to this. I don't have cable so I really can't comment on any of your impressions of those channels and shows.

Like I said I wasn't out right refuting his claim. Cracked could be 100% correct in this regard. I do know that is not always the case. Had Cracked bothered to cite sources or provide some kind of historical documentation I would not have even brought it up. Cracked didn't because their chief concern is getting readers to chuckle, not provide accurate historical commentary.

EDIT: went back over the article, as I like to double check my claims(rarely before I run my mouth off). The quoted article by Cracked did provide links to a few historical books. Obviously I haven't had time to go over them. Just thought I would point this out before someone else does.

I will also point out (even though I shouldn't have to) the extreme biased of the Cracked article to one particular point of view. That also doesn't make for accurate history.
My point was more in line with your original concession, that you shouldn't discount it just because it's made from a comedic point of view.

Though the article wasn't really biased, the point of it was to show that they weren't all saintly.

If I were to write a paper on how Hitler was a bit of a good guy, I wouldn't write about how bad he'd been I'd bring up the good things. I'd assume you already knew the bad stuff and am bringing up this other stuff to make you think about what was going on in his bonce.

The article is a "the more you know" type look, not an outright condemnation of being utterly evil. It assumes you know the good things already and doesn't seek to erase them, it just adds the less savoury bits that Nationalistic History glosses over.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
kurupt87 said:
RoBi3.0 said:
Yeah, hmm. I not really sure what to say to this. I don't have cable so I really can't comment on any of your impressions of those channels and shows.

Like I said I wasn't out right refuting his claim. Cracked could be 100% correct in this regard. I do know that is not always the case. Had Cracked bothered to cite sources or provide some kind of historical documentation I would not have even brought it up. Cracked didn't because their chief concern is getting readers to chuckle, not provide accurate historical commentary.

EDIT: went back over the article, as I like to double check my claims(rarely before I run my mouth off). The quoted article by Cracked did provide links to a few historical books. Obviously I haven't had time to go over them. Just thought I would point this out before someone else does.

I will also point out (even though I shouldn't have to) the extreme biased of the Cracked article to one particular point of view. That also doesn't make for accurate history.
My point was more in line with your original concession, that you shouldn't discount it just because it's made from a comedic point of view.

Though the article wasn't really biased, the point of it was to show that they weren't all saintly.

If I were to write a paper on how Hitler was a bit of a good guy, I wouldn't write about how bad he'd been I'd bring up the good things. I'd assume you already knew the bad stuff and am bringing up this other stuff to make you think about what was going on in his bonce.

The article is a "the more you know" type look, not an outright condemnation of being utterly evil. It assumes you know the good things already and doesn't seek to erase them, it just adds the less savoury bits that Nationalistic History glosses over.
Meh, to each their own I guess. If I were to right a paper on Hitler I would endeavor to be as unbiased as possible and showcase his complete character rather then then a certain aspect. It is the same thing I would do when writing a historical piece on anything.

That being said I do see your point. The Cracked Article did point out a few books I will probably be reading at some point in the future. :)


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Badassassin said:
NewYork_Comedian said:
I wonder how they will handle "The Boston Massacre" in the game. If they do it the way it is shown in Paul Revere's picture my blood will boil. That should be one of the shades-of-grey moments in the game but from the vibes I get from the trailers i doubt it will.
From what I remember in history class colonists were throwing rocks and one of the British soldier's guns went off by accident and then the rest started shooting.

So the person whose gun "went off" was a Templar. No way they'll skip that chance for a conspiracy.
What I meant was how the founding fathers took advantage of this and made propaganda out of it by calling it a massacre, that the British attacked for no reason when in reality the colonists started it.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
"When I refuse to learn the history of a country I'll never see."

Ignorance is bliss I'll take it...