Ron Jeremy Says Games Are Worse For Kids Than Porn


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Lost In The Void said:
Charli said:
Oh look, another person who hasn't even picked up a controller or keyboard in their life swinging around their opinion to the masses. Man. I am shocked at this revelation.

Totally wrong choice of words :p

On topic, saw this a few days ago and thought "WTF." Seriously when does a porn actor get to tell me what is wrong with the world
Intentional innuendo is intentional. :)


New member
Feb 21, 2009
There are so many things I could say about this, but I think I'll just ask: what kind of name if It sounds a little dirty, if you ask me.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Macgyvercas said:
And yet another person is added to my "List of People That I Hate Because They Are Against Video Games"

Already on the list are Jack Thompson, Uwe Boll, Michael Atkinson, and "Frumpy Mom" (God I hate that woman)
Jack, Michael, and Frumpy are all trolls. Uwe Boll isn't against video games, he's just a really bad director.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
hamster mk 4 said:
While both M-rated games and porn should be on the prohibited list for young children. I don't think either of them is going to cause irreparable harm. Most kids can tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Those that don't have problems worse than M-rated games or porn.
It depends. Sure in a broad overall statement this is true but individual children could be effected negatively by either. If they are already predisposed t oit. Then again I can't help but remember the kid who offed his family because of the Matrix (which was later blamed on DMC because of the trenchcoat). Parents should be aware and look for signs.

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
While I don't think games will have a negative influence on kids who are the right age, I'm kinda looking at Dr. Dong's statement about violent games' effects on young kids (i.e., seven-year-olds playing Modern Warfare 2) and am inclined to agree.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
I'm sorry, what? No really, this is like the strangest anti-gaming statement i've ever heard.

In actual fact, both porn and M-rated video games can't be good for 8-year olds.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
If porn is bad for kids, and videogames are worse for kids, what does that make porn videogames?

However, this is clearly a case of a non-gamer not knowing what the hell he's talking about. Neither is particularly bad a a genre, but obviously there are degrees of severity. Hardly anyone is going to be scarred for life by some boobs, and hardly anyone will be scarred by jumping on Goombas in Mario. Your mileage varies on Rom Jeremy naked, as it does with MW2 or even the old Zelda games (REDEADS ON YOUR FACE!)

Sensei Le Roof

New member
Jul 2, 2008
Snowalker said:
I think porn is good for the growing mind....

No seriously...

Ok, yeah, I was joking... kinda...

Well, they're are some benefits... Oh forget it
Huh-huh, you said "growing"...
May 28, 2009
Well, famous porn stars are excellent role models to be listening to. I'm sure "FRUMPY" mom will be in a moral dilemma here. Shall we tell her frumpiness?


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
Doug said:
Macgyvercas said:
And yet another person is added to my "List of People That I Hate Because They Are Against Video Games"

Already on the list are Jack Thompson, Uwe Boll, Michael Atkinson, and "Frumpy Mom" (God I hate that woman)
Jack, Michael, and Frumpy are all trolls. Uwe Boll isn't against video games, he's just a really bad director.
Okay, you have a point. But I still hate him because his movies pretty much depart from the source material on a rocket ship to Mars.


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
So what would I rather my hypothetical children saw...

Simulated gun-fighting, fantasy creatures being slain by other fantasy creatures or even mushroom obsessed Italian plumbers jumping on turtles and other, more evil mushrooms...


A huge meaty cock pounding its way into a fleshy vagina or gaping anus...
leading up to the eventual messy face-splatters of a substance children won't need to know about until they have a desire to prevent it from doing what it's made for...(Or respectively until they feel they should use it)

I'm fairly certain I know the answer to this one somehow...

I respect his opening argument.
"We don't want kids to watch porn"
It's true, we don't (I did as a child, but that's me) much like we don't want children playing age inappropriate videogames...

But to outright dismiss them entirely just because you'd heard "recent studies said..."

Well I think it would'a been better for Mr. Jeremy to just leave it his first argument, really.

Although saying all this.

Porn never hurt me as a child, in fact it opened my mind early to the things I'd be getting up to later on in life, and I really appreciate that heads up (Ha, puns).

And on the other end, videogames have never hurt me, but virtually everything I know I learned from videogames (I had a terrible education).

So in my mind at least, Neither is incredibly scarring.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Alright, Ron isn't exactly a behavioral scientist. This is true. And when he says that studies show that violent games harm children, well he has nothing to back that up. Ill admit that he doesn't have a robust view of video games. In a debate about porn. You have to forgive him, he was useing a brief example, not trying to make a separate criticism. Games arn't his concern here. However, we have to remember that he is talking about children here. The unsupported hypothesis that violent games are bad for small children is not unreasonable. Indeed, I think that video games are a powerful enough medium to merit concerns about adult content, and I would not let my 10 year old play GTA. And Ron's position is that sex is a natural, wonderful act that should not merit a the need to be an adult to appreciate, seeing how it does not address issues that are violent in nature. Agree or not, its reasonable. Yes, there is logical inconsistencies, but there not worth any major concern.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Well that's just crap. I'd rather my kid have the incredibly slight, temporary aggression increase that those studies have shown games to cause than to see porn, any day, ever. Fail for Ron Jeremy, but I have to say, go Craig Gross. Seriously, he's an awesome guy: his organization fights against porn, but do so in a loving, not condemning, way. Good example of what Christians are supposed to be like.


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
There seems to be a recent uprising of these people, first Grumpy Mom, now this!


New member
Dec 4, 2008
and the Doug Lombardi (no offense) says "Porn is worse for kids than games" , everyone hates something and everyone has a different taste. in my opinion both things has negativity, porn eventually stops interest in love, and distorts feelings, and games in other hand takes away the joy of normal (boring, because you can't risk, for you will die) life.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Macgyvercas said:
Doug said:
Macgyvercas said:
And yet another person is added to my "List of People That I Hate Because They Are Against Video Games"

Already on the list are Jack Thompson, Uwe Boll, Michael Atkinson, and "Frumpy Mom" (God I hate that woman)
Jack, Michael, and Frumpy are all trolls. Uwe Boll isn't against video games, he's just a really bad director.
Okay, you have a point. But I still hate him because his movies pretty much depart from the source material on a rocket ship to Mars.
Oh, of course - I didn't suggest not hating Uwe, just hating him for the correct reasons ;) Though to be fair to him, do you really think the video game companies actually put any effort into the adaptations if they are letting him do it? ;)


Amazingly, this wasn't an Uwe Boll film, though you could be forgiven for thinking so ;)

TGWTG reviewed it if your interested -