Rumor: Batman: Arkham Origins Will Add Multiplayer

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
DataSnake said:
:p Unfortunately it looks like your image failed. But judging by the url it looks like you were trying to show a pic of Mr. Freeze. And while I can understand where you'd be going with that, on the other side of the coin is the fact that he's the biggest example of what I'm talking about. The entire objective of the Freeze Fight is to exploit ALL of his weaknesses (especially if playing on hard or New Game +). Granted, you've gotta diversify your tactics in the sense that he always compensates after you take him down, but still, you're essentially pulling off a Flawless Victory on the guy by attacking his shortcomings. Against Penguin you just keep out of his line of sight until you circle around behind him and use the jammer on his freeze gun...then you fight Grundy and have to blow up those three electric things a bunch of times.

The Joker fight in AC is pretty much the only straight-up fight there is. Beat the crap out of the Joker, his gang, a one-armed mercenary, and a Titan thug. No weaknesses to exploit, just a good ol' fashioned brawl. I suppose technically the same could be said about the Ra's fight too, but that brings up the combat mechanic of flipping around, punching a guy and jumping over to the next in a free-flow could you do that with two people fighting against each other?

Like I said, I just don't see how they could pull it off very well. Either the enemy is so powerful that Batman has to use all of his cunning and to get a perfect victory because being spotted means getting his ass kicked (i.e. the Freeze Fight) or he's flying from one thug to the next in a massive combo, beating the piss out of everyone (i.e. the Joker Fight). Either way I don't understand how they could balance it out without changing some major mechanics of the game.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
RJ 17 said:
Like I said, I just don't see how they could pull it off very well. Either the enemy is so powerful that Batman has to use all of his cunning and to get a perfect victory because being spotted means getting his ass kicked (i.e. the Freeze Fight) or he's flying from one thug to the next in a massive combo, beating the piss out of everyone (i.e. the Joker Fight). Either way I don't understand how they could balance it out without changing some major mechanics of the game.
I agree completely. My point was just that the boss fights were less a case of "find the exploit" than in Asylum.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
DataSnake said:
RJ 17 said:
Like I said, I just don't see how they could pull it off very well. Either the enemy is so powerful that Batman has to use all of his cunning and to get a perfect victory because being spotted means getting his ass kicked (i.e. the Freeze Fight) or he's flying from one thug to the next in a massive combo, beating the piss out of everyone (i.e. the Joker Fight). Either way I don't understand how they could balance it out without changing some major mechanics of the game.
I agree completely. My point was just that the boss fights were less a case of "find the exploit" than in Asylum.
Yeah, and I still say that the Freeze fight is one of my all-time favorite boss fights, especially on the harder difficulties when you have to find a way to pull off literally every single possible takedown. The first time I played through it I got him down to one hit and for the life of me couldn't figure out which takedown I was missing...not knowing that you can do a takedown from the line-launcher. :p


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Ukomba said:
Devil is in the details, but I could see enjoying a Co-op or even vs Arkham Game.
Oooh... co-op I would consider. Sort of like Splinter Cell but with all the gadgets and hand to hand of Batman. However competitive MP means no sale for me.


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Sounds less like a "This game will have multi player" and more like "I really hope they make multiplayer."

And let's be honest, games like Bionic commando could have been made...i don't know passable single player games if not for the lame forced Multiplayer.

Really people, keep multiplayer to sports and FPS... otherwise it really detracts from the game, maybe a few rts games splashed in. But seriously...Multiplayer wouldn't -help- this game at all.


New member
May 21, 2011
Wait....Rocksteady is not developing it? (How did I miss THAT!?) And now this? Son of a.... And I actually had high hopes for this game.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Abandon4093 said:
I'm talking about what most modern games do for coop. Add a separates, shorter campaign.
Which is also a waste. They could've just put those missions in the singleplayer, making it even better.

Instead they force you to play online with screaming 12 year olds if you want to play those missions, because they've got to attract the Call of Duty crowd somehow.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Abandon4093 said:
How about you go make some friends who might want to play that coop with you, instead of relying on random matchmaking? Just a thought.

No reason the rest of us should suffer because some introverts want us to stop liking what they don't like.

No screaming 12 year olds in my experience, just a few friends online.
If I wanted to play with other people then I'd play a game that's supposed to be multiplayer like TF2 or CoD.

No point in sullying perfectly good games with an unnecessary multiplayer option.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
Abandon4093 said:
Mikeyfell said:
Abandon4093 said:
I never get this line of reasoning.

How are they alienating you?

The presence of a multiplayer doesn't affect the single palyer.
Time, money, disk space, and personnel are all finite resources.
Anything not going in to the single player experience is effecting it negatively.

That's the case with any game, but Batman? The Arkham games amazing single player experiences. Awesome stealth, cool puzzles, a lot of exploration and an amazing combat system.
It's tight, that's the only word for it. Adding a Coop player is just fluff at best.
And could easily mean cutting whole levels to balance the enemy AI for Coop, or making the difficulty trivial on Coop, or stupidly hard on single player

They have separate teams for multiplayer and single player components. They're essentially just giving the multiplayer guys something to do whilst the rest of them work on the single player.

And disk space.......... really?

Who gives a shit if it's fluff at best? That still doesn't tell me how it negatively effects your single player. It's still there, exactly how it would have been if they hadn't tacked on a multiplayer. And I'm not talking about changing the single player experience to allow coops in. I'm talking about what most modern games do for coop. Add a separates, shorter campaign.
Let's just say, for sake of argument that you're doing something really difficult.
Like... Um... making a game.
And you have 40 employes who you have to pay no matter what they end up doing.

Now, and hear me out here. Do you think the game would be better if you made 20 people work on the main game, and had 20 people working on pointless filler. Or, and this is a really big "or" is there the slightest possibility that the game would turn out one tiny iota better if you made all 40 people work on the main game?

Now. I'm sorry if that sounded condescending. But if you don't understand how only putting half of your recources to the part of the game that matters is negatively effecting it, I don't know how to respond to you.

If you have 10 dollars and you need to buy milk, do you end up with more milk if you spend 5 dollars on milk and 5 dollars on apples, or if you spend 10 dollars on milk?
I don't know how much simpler I can put it. If you do not use your recources efficiently you are going to get bad results.

Anyways, me being a smug douchebag aside.
There are two possibilities about the Multyplayer team.
They are either new employes, in which case they're basically getting payed to learn the engine the singleplayer team is already fluent in, or the multyplayer is going to be in an entirely different engine, either way the company is wasting money on them.

Or they already know how to use the single player engine, in which case they'd be more useful helping make the main game more robust.
Plenty of the best singleplayer games that came out in the past few months had tacked on multiplayer, if you don't want to play them... just don't.
Spec Ops, Xcom EU, Farcry 3 (If you're willing to forgive the crap UI), Tomb Raider(And I'm being generous here)
So 4 primarily single player games that were good despite having tacked on Multyplayer in the last 12 months.

Walking Dead, Bioshock Infinite, Lollipop Chainsaw, Mark of the Ninja, Dust an Elysian Tali (Again I'm being generous) 5 good single player games in the past 12 months and 3 of them came out on Xbox Arcade.
(Yes I don't play on PC)

And going back another year I can only add Catherine, Dark Souls and Assassin's Creed Revelations to the list of single player games that are good despite the tacked on multyplayer.

And you can look me in the text and say multyplayer doesn't effect the single player.
That's exactly what I will do. Any single player game that is bad and has multiplayer was going to be bad even if it didn't. There are probably exceptions to the rule, but yea. Don't blame tacked on multiplayer for already poor games.
Wow, that's depressingly nihilistic.
You've played Bioshcok Infinite right?
What if the team that was responsible for making the vigors made a tacked on competitive multyplayer mode instead of the vigors? Or the claw hook sky rail thing?
Or what if, in order to fit the multyplayer on the disk, they took out all the audio logs?

Would Bioshock Infinite be just as good as it is right now if instead of Vigors, hookshots and audio logs it had pointless multyplayer?

That's all hypothetical, but do you at least get it now?


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Hey, it could be a really inspired, innovative, valuable game mode.

I mean, it isn't going to be, but we don't know anything about it yet.


New member
Sep 17, 2011
synobal said:
And now if everyone on the tour bus will turn to the left you can see a publisher making the same mistake everyone else has made again. Now continuining on up ahead you can see what is left of the occupy mass effect movement outside of biowares headquarters...
Hey, ME3 multiplayer works. It's one of the only multiplayer games I admit to enjoying!

But we can only blame ourselves for this. When CoD is hailed as the greatest selling franchise due to its multiplayer. We can only blame ourselves.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
Abandon4093 said:
Oversimplification and bad analogies aside, at least I'm not under the impression that you add multyplayer by snapping your fingers and having the Reuse Assets Fairy conger functional mechanics.

No matter how easy Unreal is to use, or how many models have already been rendered it still takes time and effort to turn those elements into playable levels
Time and effort cost money and money doesn't grow on trees, so choices have to be made and things have to be cut.
And in a single player game (Which is what the Arkham games are) the single player experience should get priority.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
Abandon4093 said:
It costs money to fund the work, obviously. But that doesn't mean they're sacrificing anything from the singleplayer.

The singleplayer will carry on being made, uninterrupted as normal.

Where people have got this notion from that multiplayer development somehow effects the singleplayer is completely beyond me. If development focuses shift, then yea. It will have an effect. But these games are coming out with tacked on multiplayers, not tacked on single players like Battlefield etc.

The focus is still on the singleplayer. The existence of a multiplayer in no way effects anything else.

uh... I, uh... Are you having fun with this?

I'm really glad you have infinite money and workers who can do multiple things at once without sacrificing proficiency.

But in the real world human beings are only physically capable of giving 100%

You can put your resources into singleplayer.
You can put your resources into multyplayer.
Or you can put some resources into single and multyplayer

If you go with the third option you will not, ever get 100% of the possible experience out of either element.

It's not magic. It's math. If you want to do more than one thing in the same time frame with a finite recourse pool you will have to divide your effort.

Where people have got this notion from that multiplayer development somehow effects the singleplayer is completely beyond me.

100% possible effort split between 2 elements
90% single player
10% multyplayer

instead of
100% single player

How the in LIVING FUCK is that "completely beyond you"
If you still don't understand why wasting time, resources and money on fluff negatively effects the thing you're supposed to be making please send me a postcard from magical pixy land where your immortal elves work for smiles and rainbows.