Rumor: George Lucas Thinks the World Will End in 2012 UPDATE


New member
Apr 28, 2010
MolotoK said:
That man thought Jar Jar Binks was a good idea. What does he know?
And yet he's still "personally ashamed" of the Star Wars Holiday Special. Make of that what you will.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
If it was between oblivion and spending the rest of my time with Lucas, I'd welcome the apocalypse thank you kindly.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
Just remember folks, if the world ends next year and you have to fight off panicked crowds and zombies, remember to shoot first. That shit helps.


Lock 'n' Load
Feb 22, 2008
What does Lucas know that we don't? I say we check the earth for an exhaust port, roughly two metres wide, that someone who can bullseye womprats could hit...and put a cover on it?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Reed Spacer said:
So another Star Wars movie then, George?
Haha, exactly what i had in mind. The stability of our reality simply cannot stand another SW title where Lucas has a say in it.


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Jan 13, 2009
Narcogen said:
The world may very well end next year. I see no particular reason why it should, nor has any evidence-based claim come forward to explain why it should, which makes it categorically different from the first two examples.
2012 is not the end of the world, everyone with a brain can see that. If Planet X were real you could see it with the naked eye by now. It would be a similar distance to Jupiter which we can see from Earth during certain nights. Any predictions made by the Mayans would be way of since they did not have full knowledge of all 8 planets or Pluto. Only people that will die are the ones in the mass suicides and riots. I hope your not one of them.
Edit: Also your wrong, almost every 4 years some nutty cult or group make predictions either made up or from ancient cultures about the end of the world. I suppose it makes people feel special I don't know.

Hunde Des Krieg

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Sep 30, 2008
You all had better hope the shit goes down in 2012, otherwise we are in for a really bleak goddamn future. Peak oil, climate change.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Hunde Des Krieg said:
You all had better hope the shit goes down in 2012, otherwise we are in for a really bleak goddamn future. Peak oil, climate change.
Don't forget Palin running for office. Yup, give the Alaskan hockey mom who trophy hunts endangered species from a plane, and who think dinosaurs walked the Earth 4000 years ago the nuclear codes. D:
Mar 28, 2009
Why is it that the people who believe the world is coming to an end still trade shares and continue living their lives as normal? I refuse to believe any of these people actually believe the world is ending, I think they just like being involved in hype.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Elizabeth Grunewald said:

Lucasfilm representative Lynne Hale emailed to clear some things up about Lucas' beliefs:

"He was not serious when he talked about the end of the world in 2012 but he is an adamant believer that the world is flat, that Stonehenge was built by aliens, and that the sun revolves around the Earth. These are among the many subjects he commonly discusses at length with Elvis, who he's going to digitally insert into Indy 5 along with a roster of famous dead actors."

Seth Rogen could be exaggerating, but I still wouldn't be surprised if Lucas were prepped and ready to escape this planet for a galaxy far, far away.
Best... reply... EVER.

New member
Apr 10, 2008
wulfy42 said:
In all likely hood the world isn't go to end over night or even over just a few years. Even if our population continues to rise and we eventually have huge oil shortages which causes the masses of humanity to act similarly to grasshoppers and become locusts apon the earth (eating, destroying and ruining everything in their endless quest for food, heat and survival) it will take much more then 1 year for everything to play out. Probably at least 10 years and even then there is a VERY high chance that some humans will survive and eventually repopulate the earth.

So yeah, unless a meteor is going to hit us (we'd probably know about it by now) or a power plant in Japan melts down causing a chain reaction to start (there are over 50 nucleor power plants in japan) that knocks the early out of orbit or something...I don't think there is much chance of the end of the world in the next year or so.

Now in the next 30 years? Thats another story.
I'd be more worried about France or America, the both have more power stations and Japan are very strict about Nuclear stuff.

The chances of seeing meteors heading towards us are exceptionally slim, it is much more likely that if a large chuck of rock was on a collision course with earth that the first we'd know about it was the moment it hit our atmosphere, then a second later our entire annihilation. Comforting isn't it?


Gloria ex machina
Sep 21, 2009
wulfy42 said:
So yeah, unless a meteor is going to hit us (we'd probably know about it by now) or a power plant in Japan melts down causing a chain reaction to start (there are over 50 nucleor power plants in japan) that knocks the early out of orbit or something...I don't think there is much chance of the end of the world in the next year or so.

Now in the next 30 years? Thats another story.
I completely agree with you however I feel the need to point out that a nuclear reactor meltdown is not an explosive event. It would just leak large amounts of radiation. So we dont have to worry bout that. The subsequent creation of Godzilla (Godzillas... Godzilli?) from said radiation would be something to worry about.

Grimlock Fett

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Apr 14, 2010
Zhukov said:
I can't wait until 2012 passes without event.

Then people will finally shut up about it.
I guess if the world ends there will be no one around to say they told you so!