Rumor: George Lucas Thinks the World Will End in 2012 UPDATE


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Therumancer said:
Let me be blunt about something here:

I'm not personally making any preparations for the end of the world or anything, however the 2012 thing has been out there for a long time. Truthfully it's one of the creepier ones out there with a lot more supporting it than most of these theories (like Y2k). As it's gotten closer you've seen more and more people claiming to have "debunked" it. I've noticed this is a general tendency among people in general whenever something "big" is supposed to be coming. Nobody wants to be "that guy" who reacts on a massive level, and gets laughed at when nothing happens. Heck, in reality that's the biggest problem with emergency situations is that unless someone actually SEES the fire (or at least the smoke) or evidence of a disater or whatever, they are going to think your jerking their chain, trying to scam them somehow, or involved in some kind of a drill. More people die in emergencies through lack of appropriate reaction, even given plenty of time (disbelief) than do in massive stampeding panics. Strange but true, and it's a big part of emergency training, or at least it was when I did it. In this case there is no obvious danger, and nobody wants to be that idiot who goes on on a limb for something that doesn't happen. It's easier to be a victim "OMG I didn't think it was real" after the fact, than the clown who say runs away from a fire only to come back 20 minutes later when he realizes the building isn't burning to find all his buddies laughing about
him while having a beer.

The point here is that I'm 35, the 2012 thing has been around and closely examined for decades of my life. It's only as it's gotten closer that I have seen many serious attempts to debunk it being given time, while at the same time very few of the people who made the previous cases open their mouths, or are given much time.

Speaking entirely for myself, if I was going to believe in one of these things to the point of taking action (which I doubtlessly won't) this would probably be the one. While unrelated events can be connected to anything to give a veneer of signifigance, it's interesting to note that a lot of things that have been being said for decades (longer actually) do seem to be happening. I mean we have massive numbers of natural disasters happening all over the place, heck I was even reading an article about how polar north is apparently shifting (very slowly, but it's happening) and has been messing up insturments not too long ago. All of this at once is a bit on the uncanny side, above and beyond people who want to believe trying to tie anything they can into it. I mean how often do we have polar shifts, and an area roughly the size of Texas (if I remember the measurements right) in Australia getting stuck under 30' of water.

Now for those going "lulz, Theru is as mad as George Lucas" I'll be blunt, I find the situation more or less irrelevent other than as brain candy to ponder. It's not much of an apocolypse if any amount of preparation a disabled guy like me could make is going to allow them to survive, and if it did, and I lived, I need so much medication to operate comfortably that it's unreal. It's not like I'm going to be able to get by as "Mad Max" or something. This basic reality renders the whole thing kind of meaningless.

My advice is that I wouldn't be so quick to mock people, any more than you should mock people who hold to a religion. If nothing happens on 2012 they are going to feel like giant goofuses already without needing more mockery.

Also I'll be blunt, 2012 is a good enough excuse to do something cool. I mean let's say you *DO* make a survival vehicle or something, even if the apocolypse never happens you've still got something pretty cool that you did. Someone screws you on a real estate deal or whatever and you decide to pull a Heemeyer your already set. :p

Jokes aside, I recommend anyone who is capable of surviving an emergency should as a matter of course have a pack ready to go. Not literally because of zombies, 2012 events, or anything in paticular, but for anything that could happen. Heck, it could just be your neighbor's house on fire, or a weather/flood based evacuation. Having a couple changes of clothes, and some basic supplies ready in a bag that you can just grab and run out the door with is not typically a bad idea. For nerds thinking "what would I need to survive a Zombie Apocolypse" or "what if 2012 causes radical shifts in the climate and I don't die instantly" is a good basis to do your packing, because most of what would help in that situation would help you deal with say... unexpecting flooding. This includes having something that can be used as a weapon handy to bring with you because well, crazy people aren't Zombies, but look at what happened during Katrina in New Orleans... you had people shooting at the rescue copters.

At any rate, I'm HOPING 2012 will be the beginning of a Shadowrun like occurance where I will be physically transformed into a long lived and physically and mentally healthy form, gifted with magical powers. But then again I'm the God-Emperor of all nerds, before whom even Nerd Kings bow to in fits of "WTFness". I'm not banking on something this cool (especially seeing as it's popular fiction, which pretty much excludes it's potential as an occurance) but the thing about hope is you can hope for anything. :p
See: NASA. They have an entire section dedicated the debunking nigh every single one of the more thought out theories.

As for your other points, I totally have a zombie survival plan, I say 75-90% of people on here do.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
Who... cares? Kind of a funny conversation, but even for geek culture, I'm surprised this made news. It's not just the Escapist, either!

Even if George Lucas thinks that, it doesn't necessarily make him stupid or gullible. Maybe he just believes in fate, destiny, things like that? I don't, but who knows? Don't think that means I like the man, though... ohhh no.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Cpu46 said:
wulfy42 said:
So yeah, unless a meteor is going to hit us (we'd probably know about it by now) or a power plant in Japan melts down causing a chain reaction to start (there are over 50 nucleor power plants in japan) that knocks the early out of orbit or something...I don't think there is much chance of the end of the world in the next year or so.

Now in the next 30 years? Thats another story.
I completely agree with you however I feel the need to point out that a nuclear reactor meltdown is not an explosive event. It would just leak large amounts of radiation. So we dont have to worry bout that. The subsequent creation of Godzilla (Godzillas... Godzilli?) from said radiation would be something to worry about.
All jokes aside (some people took parts of my last message on the subject a bit too seriously despite the prescence of smileys) I'd expect the Mayan apocolypse to be a supernatural occurance *IF* something did happen, and that incidently makes it unlikely. This would mean that there would be forces behind the weather or whatever beyond the understanding of science's abillity to predict or control (oooh, scary!).

See, the Mayans did intend this the way 2012 theorists claim, the debunking is more or less a pretty recent thing since it's getting closer. I grew up with this in shows like "Unsolved Mysteries" and various end-of-the-world theme documentaries and the like over the years. The big point of course being that nobody can say one way or another (insert dramatic theme music) including the debunkers.

Simply put the Mayans didn't have the scientific abillity that we have now, heck while advanced in a few areas, these guys didn't even have boats sufficient to travel around the continental coast line, never mind the oceans. The odds of them having predicted any kind of polar shifts, or whatever are pretty much unlikely. Any prophecy they are involved in has to have been dictated to them by some kind of divine being or whatever (or more likely someone claiming to have had one dictated to them).

Thus, theories about what the apocolypse might entail (joking or not) should probably involve the supernatural. Godzilla and nuclear meltdowns were kind of outside their range of experience. :p

For example a good theory for them to have had would be us all being wiped out by the "White Effect". After all despite claims of people being descendants the mysterious thing about the Mayans was how they disappeared virtually overnight. Theories about disease, and other things are rampant, but (dramatic music) nobody knows for sure. This makes it one of the first cases people use to tie into "The White Effect". "The White Effect" being the phenomena of large groups of people suddenly vanishing abruptly, things like Roanoak, or some of those old ghost town stories about how all the people were discovered missing (and never seen again), with the area looking like they just walked out a couple seconds beforehand, or vanished where they sat. Some investigators into the wierd have tied it into various disappearances, the idea being that it doesn't always involve large groups of people, but sometimes individuals who generally become unresolved missing persons cases. So under this funtime theory the Mayans would have predicted the evaporation of every person on earth on this date! Probably connected to them realizing their own fate somehow.... now that's a much cooler and more entertaining cracked theory than Gojira or your typical zombie apocolypse.

Okay, okay, I'll stop typing now. I'm probably having more fun writing this than people are reading this.

... but still, think about it, if these guys had a team of stone carvers making calanders for a thousand years or so, why stop aribitratly on that date? I mean there was obviously some people making a career out of this project, some kind of goverment cut backs? Early crack down on pork barrel spending? Why there, why not a few years ahead or back (creepy music again).

A Pious Cultist

New member
Jul 4, 2009
Therumancer said:
Huge fucking snippeth.
But surely you can see that none of those events can rationally be said to cause each other, meaning that in order to be related gods or aliens or some other supernatural force would have to be causing it, especially if it was predicted.

Now I don't know about you but I see little I could possibly do to stand up to some super advanced intelligence or being trying to destroy us. Hell a big bomb would do it, nevermind something so technologically advanced or powerful as to manufacture thousands of global incidents.

Even if the world does end I don't see anything I should really be doing differently that will do anything whatsoever. If big man in the sky wants me dead then my chances of survival really arn't great.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Geourge Lucas and Steven Speilberg repopulate the human race far far away, then Star Wars happens...

Even if it does happen "long long time ago."


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Well we all knew Seth Rogan was an idiot, I guess this confirms it. He's a "comedian" that doesnt know when someone is yanking his chain.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
I, for one, propose George Lucas just gets it over with, becomes the founder of the official Church of Star Wars, falls to the dark side ala Tom Cruise by going batshit crazy, starts making his bucks that way AND as a bonus takes all of the canon apologists who already treat Star Wars as some kind of new-age religion along with him and away from the entertainment part of Star Wars, leaving its future stories along with future canon control to other artists.

Would save us all a whole lot of time and trouble I think. But until then...I guess the tabloids will have to just make-do with this kind of sub-standard tripe. :)


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
We should all pitch in $10 to hire someone to get rid of George Lucas, the guy gets his kicks off of self destructing beloved franchises.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
That response is so wonderfully passive-aggressive. I think Rogen just got himself onto Lucas' shit list. That's not a good place to be.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Trogdor1138 said:
I wouldn't believe a single thing that comes out of Seth Rogens mouth, he can't even write a decent joke.
Carlos Mencia thought he was funny enough to steal material from him.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
"Dig deep enough of a hole and you'll find yourself at the other side of the earth, facing the same problems."

I'll keep this short; I find the entire concept of "World's End" scenarios to be the magnum opus of proof of what society has become in civilized parts of the world. Civilized in the form of safety. Up until recent years, mankind has almost always been facing one form of annihilation or the other, it was a common trait, something given in the world. We, the last 2,3 generations have been blessed, and ironically enough, the human mind cannot fully process the concept of us living in safety.
"From safety to where?" is an old Joy Division quote, that might be applicable.

But beyond teenage rave fests in early/mid december, I really couldn't care less for these self-proclaimed "theories". We've heard it all before, from the semi-realistic prospect of y2k with the idea that most computers couldn't handle the number "2000" (as an IT-specialist, myself, I can guarantee that this was, as the time, an honest-to-god safety risk concerning railroads, airports and the stock-market; but not a doomsday scenario) to far more abstract concepts such as 2012. Let's be honest, nobody would take stock in this unless they, at some level, hoped the world would just cease to be.

Now, there's a million of theories, all which have been struck down or shrunk down at the approach of logic, so all we've got left is superstition.

Now, indulging in these matters only seem to increase the amount of people who do worry about it, and as such, just feeding the masses with even more ammunition. Yeats spoke of a concept called "Hollow people", and this applies with room to spare. The most basic concept of the idea is people who need to absorb structure-less, useless information in order to function as a human being, lacking the integral core of what makes the concept "I think, therefor I am" functional.

Just ignore talk of it, and laugh it off. It's for the best.

I'll agree with "therumancer" on one point, though. It's a mighty good excuse to build a survival gear. But that's what it is, an excuse, nothing more.

- Also, just to add on what the rumancer said; the Maya did, by no mean, actually predict that the world would end at 2012, this is just an uneducated, common-day assumption. Infact, that was the time their Calendar simply ended, and a new "age", so to say, would commence. It's said that's the time when their god, which ironically enough, is assumed to have been the very original of horoscopes, would return to Earth in part of their 5 Life-tree belief. Every god was a mish-mash of characteristics that resulted from a simple, mathmatic combination of their own calendars.

So, to sum up; their belief was at the end of 2012, their calendar god is going to return down to them and usher in a new age. Talk about setting the expectations high for a first date, huh?