HG131 said:
Anton P. Nym said:
Frankly, though, I don't see the point. All the expense of redoing the imagery for the same ol' gameplay, when the original title is still playable on the same hardware as the remake. It just seems superfluous to me... and even with my die-hard Halo fan credentials I won't be buying a shinier version of a game I already have and love.
Even with Online Co-Op and perhaps other features like H1 online MP and forge on the classic maps? Are you sure about that? A High-Res version of Classic Blood Gulch?
You forgot the pony.
Seriously, though, there are no facts in evidence suggesting anything that you listed there is coming... and only the "high-res version of Classic Blood Gulch" is even suggested by the article. Redoing the netcode to allow online co-op and H1 online multiplayer, and the
huge revision of the game engine that'd be required to put Forge into the old game, are not only beyond the scope of a "Halo: HD" quickie retread but would also jack up the price. (Perhaps even back into the "new release" territory that'd have the fanbase whining again about teh eBil M$.)
Besides, I can get a lot of the above in one form or another by dusting off my old copy of
Halo: Custom Edition. The fan-base has had se7en years to tinker with it and have made some astonishing creations in their spare time, all downloadable to my PC for
-- Steve
PS: grumble-mutter-reCaptcha-[profanity elided]