Rumor: PSN Hackers Already Have Third Attack Ready to Go


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
Disgusting... this is why I hate hackers. At least Steam is safe... for now.


New member
Feb 28, 2010
Imp Emissary said:
icyneesan said:
Sony just can't catch a break. Hopefully this attack is not truth and the PSN will return to full services soon.

Sparrow said:
For the love of god. What the hell are these people attempting to achieve, other than being giant wankers?
International Criminals/Internet Terrorists/Super Villain status? I wouldn't be surprise if they try to ransom the PSN off for...

If thats the situation we're in then we just need to get a very weird and horny british guy to go after the criminals,
and defeat them with the power of their shear coolness and quick tongue! But who can we ask?....O_O Oh my god, quick someone get Yahtzee!
Weird, horny British men. I'm pretty sure we could find one anywhere in Britian bro ;3

Though it might get us into a whole heap of trouble


New member
Apr 16, 2008
If this happens, every PS3 owner worldwide should gather together, we find these bastards, and kick the ever loving SHIT out of every one of these sons of bitches.
Tie em down and everyone who gathered around gets one kick (per hacker)?

Needless to say, I'm going to refrain from putting any of my information online again, until this whole thing is done with. And hopefully erasing my card info after purchases saved it from being recorded and stolen.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
The hackers that did this were not intentionaly trying to bring down Sony, they wanted what was in the database and they got it. Ofcourse they left the system wide open for further intrusion, no hacker/script kiddie will gain full access to a system and not leave a way back in. thats a given! would they claim they are going to attack it after the intrusion was discovered? well if they are script kiddies and not afraid of lotsa prison time then probably. but a for profit hacker will walk away the second his intrusion is discovered and never look back... atleast until the heat is gone. same exact thing if a con man was trying to con you, first signs of police and they disapear. same thing as a mugger, first sign of police they walk away.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Am I wrong, but wasn't it misreported that the SOE attack was a "second" hack? Sony said that the SOE hack and the PSN hack happened at the same time, but they didn't know SOE was breached until later. This does not make it a second attack.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
So basically a bunch of douchebags are attempting to possibly ruin the livelihood of several million people because... why? Besides being the biggest assclowns in the known universe? I don't care how unprotected or whatever Sony's servers were, there is no excuse good enough.

Hackers who perpetrated the Sony attack, I hope you get stabbed in the neck. With a bus. On the highway. And the bus is on fire.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
If this isn't true; these hackers would be completely nuts to attempt a third attack on a service where Sony, FBI, Homeland Security, and enraged customers are all looking for them.

If this is true; I want these people sent to jail. For life. And make the soap as slippery as you can.


New member
Jun 20, 2010
Xan Krieger said:
harvz said:
maybe sony will get the message, pull the f****ng servers physical connections when you believe a breach is in progress/going to happen/has happened.

it would not shock me if they had some sign that they were being hacked, they wouldn't be so stupid to not have any secu...oh, uh, they were relying completely that the client (ps3) was 100% secure and not "jailbroken", oh dear... run for the hills.

i would like people to note, though i dont have a ps3 (not enough incentive to get me one), probably my favorite console other than the 360 is the ps2.
It's okay, they're new security was to put condoms on the cords before they inserted them.

In all seriousness though, imagine if this happened to Steam. This kinda thing could've happened to anyone because no system is unhackable unless you unplug the whole thing. WoW could've gone down, EVE online (especially EVE because if I remember right it's on just one server), Face of Mankind, or even World of Tanks.
its true that anything is hackable but sony were being big headed about it, assuming that no one would crack the client is like me giving you an everlasting cookie and telling you not to eat it until i release the next cookie years later, eventually you will eat the cookie.

god knows i would have fit if steam went down and my details were stolen but frankly, i dont see it happening. whatever your impressions of sony are, you know that they pissed off the wrong people and thats why this whole problem occurred. its like being in the park at midnight, if you piss off one of the thugs there you will have your ass handed to you, whether your right or wrong.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2010
I do not see why they do not just delete the credit card numbers and have users reenter them when they come back online (just in case). But I know I won't be, from now on it is just prepaid gift cards for me.

I do not believe that this is true (but I would not be surprised if it was) because why would they tell Sony they were planning to attack again?

Dr. wonderful

New member
Dec 31, 2009
cocoro67 said:
Dr. wonderful said:
...Listen here hackers..God help you if I find you.

God help you.

38. Caliber revolver.

when you absolutely positively have to leave a nice size hole in someone, accept no substitutes.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
All I have to say is that if this actually happens, I'm finding the idiots on both sides and breaking some kneecaps. I don't even game online that much, but I do like having the option to, not to mention I was about to get myself some of the classics...


New member
Apr 15, 2010
This is like some sort of crazy cyber nightmare. If the next tron movie isn't about these hackers hacking sony tron style and the FBI tracking them too the tune of daft punk then all this sorrow will be for nothing!


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Atheist. said:
Seriously Sony. Why were you stupid enough to take off the Other OS option, and sue someone for posting your root key that caused the majority of this?

Silly Sony. Good thing I haven't touched my PS3 in a few months, or I'd be pretty pissed right now.
How ridiculous!! A corporation trying to prevent its products being stolen? INSANE!


New member
May 15, 2010
I dont believe this is another attack at all , its much more likely this is Showing just how TERRIBLE Sony Is at dealing with a major network/security overhaul.. Its taking longer than they thought, migrating the whole network to a new system wich for ANY company has bugs, downtime etc, and they simply dont have the talent to get the problems solved in a reasonable amount of time.

hate on me all you want but I see a Spade..Theres no way in Hell its just a great big hate on sony by some Skilled hackers on the internet.. there are WAY More tasty targets, and a LOT more stuff to steal and mess with than Sony and has any major IP or Gaming company suffered as much for as LONG ?? no .... Wake up .. smell the coffe.. they FAIL


New member
Dec 31, 2010
If this is Anonymous doing the attacks...then they have lost ALL of my support. If it is a group of individual hackers just trying to steal info...I say we take them out into a field and put a bullet in each one. BUT LOUGH BE THE DAY THAT I DISCOVER SONY WAS BEHIND ALL THIS...THEIR CHILDREN SHALT BE CURSED FOR GENERATIONS, THE SKYS WILL WEEP BLOOD, AND THEY WILL WATCH IN AWE AT THE MOUNTAINS OF BURNING PLAYSTATIONS!