Rumor: Tobey Maguire in Talks For The Hobbit


New member
Nov 4, 2009
I do not want spiderman to play Bilbo Baggins.

How fun would it be to watch a guy who can turn invisible AND climb on walls?
*Shrug* the same actor played Agent Smith in the Matrix and the Elven King in the first LotR movie..granted, the second role was just an episodic one, IIRC, but still..


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
While I would buy Maguire as Bilbo, Ian Holme just OWNED the part when he played him in the LOTR films, and even though they were pretty short bits, it'll be really hard for me to see another actor in those shoes.

And to all you Bilbo was 50 yutzes, so was Frodo.


Keeper of Ying
Nov 25, 2008
Oh god kill me. I don't think I could take him in any movie at all anymore after Spiderman 3. *Shudder*

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
Ok, for everyone saying that Maguire is a bad choice, offer up someone that would be a good choice. Assume for the moment that "star-power" doesn't factor into it (in other words, it doesn't have to be someone bankable like Maguire), just the ability to actually do the role justice.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Disaster Button said:
Gxas said:
AkJay said:
I can't read this article with Toby Maguire staring at me like that...
Disaster Button said:
His stare is so penetrating, almost.. violating.
I too feel this way...

Should I tell someone? I feel like they'll think I'm a whore... Who do I go to? What if I'm pregnant? What will my parents think? I'll never get a job! My life is ruined! DAMN YOU TOBY! DAMN YOU!
I'm afraid there's only one option, you must flee to Mexico, meet a local boy by the name of Eduardo. Tell him the baby is his and he must care for it, then when it is born dump it on him and run from that sucker. Its his problem now.
I shall do this! But, what if I fall madly in love with this "Eduardo" while waiting for the baby to be born? Do I stay? What if he beats me? If this doesn't work out, what is my plan B?

Disaster Button

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2009
Gxas said:
Disaster Button said:
Gxas said:
AkJay said:
I can't read this article with Toby Maguire staring at me like that...
Disaster Button said:
His stare is so penetrating, almost.. violating.
I too feel this way...

Should I tell someone? I feel like they'll think I'm a whore... Who do I go to? What if I'm pregnant? What will my parents think? I'll never get a job! My life is ruined! DAMN YOU TOBY! DAMN YOU!
I'm afraid there's only one option, you must flee to Mexico, meet a local boy by the name of Eduardo. Tell him the baby is his and he must care for it, then when it is born dump it on him and run from that sucker. Its his problem now.
I shall do this! But, what if I fall madly in love with this "Eduardo" while waiting for the baby to be born? Do I stay? What if he beats me? If this doesn't work out, what is my plan B?
Then, whilst making his favourite alcohloc beverage, a Shirley Temple, you accidently drop 23 painkillers into it, and only then realise what's happened afterwards. You take the kid and run, or not, depends how much you care about it. Obviously if its named Josh you're going to leave it there.


Vice-Captain Hammer
Feb 9, 2008
Tough role to cast, but I'm convinced Maguire is a bad choice. I'd prefer an actor who looks in his 30s (a heavily made up Maguire would be distracting imo). Frodo got the ring at the age of 33 (at their joint birthday), and his appearance fits a hobbit's slower ageing process for that age imo, but someone of a similarly youthful appearance wouldn't fit that of a fifty year old hobbit (and I have severe doubts Maguire'd convincingly convey Biblo's fussy attitude).

PedroSteckecilo said:
While I would buy Maguire as Bilbo, Ian Holme just OWNED the part when he played him in the LOTR films, and even though they were pretty short bits, it'll be really hard for me to see another actor in those shoes.
I've got the exact same attitude, although I think any actor getting the part has a tricky job. The way I see it, they have to play a character 20 years older than their physical appearance (the somewhat doddery personality can be conveyed by clothing and mannerisms). I can't think of any talented actors in their mid-thirties that could pull off this role, as Bilbo can't look like a Hollywood star.

Thank fuck for that. Rumour denied by Maguire.

Let the wild speculation continue. I'm hoping for a relative unknown, but I fancy Michael Sheen could do a good job. He's just got a hobittish look about him (along with being a phenomenal actor, although I don't know how he'd take to a fantasy role, he's already got one upcoming in Burton's Alice).


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Gildan Bladeborn said:
Wait, they're making two more Spiderman films starring Maguire? Huh.
I do not want spiderman to play Bilbo Baggins.

How fun would it be to read about a guy who can turn invisible AND climb on walls?
It would certainly make the part of The Hobbit where the giant spiders capture everyone kind of awkward, wouldn't it?
Yes, but it could lead to a lot of awesome spider-on-spider action.
That spider in the picture is already going right to town on his hand there. No doubt it got turned on by the slightly dreamy slightly perverse stare of Maguire.

In all seriousness (did I spell that right?) the movie (in my opinion) would either need to be 5 hours long or split into two seperate films.


New member
Oct 9, 2006
His performance in Brothers was fantastic, and very different from other things he has done. I think he could do it. I'd have to get used to picturing him at half height though. It's good for him to push out of the spider man role, he has done other movies before/after that but nothing has managed to take that title off. Maybe something like The Hobbit is what he needs.


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
steeltrain said:
Suggestions? Sean Connery, cause he can do anything. I think Liam Nesson could also pull it off.
There is one very BIG problem with Liam Neeson playing a Hobbit, the fact that he's 6'4 and looks very tall. For LOTR they picked actors who "looked" short to play the Hobbits, and they're likely doing something similar while casting Bilbo.


Level 80 Legendary Postlord
Dec 4, 2007
I think Tobeyvankenobey would be a great choice. He has an expression of childlike curiosity, smug innocence and naivité worthy of a Hobbit.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
Susan Arendt said:
Ok, for everyone saying that Maguire is a bad choice, offer up someone that would be a good choice. Assume for the moment that "star-power" doesn't factor into it (in other words, it doesn't have to be someone bankable like Maguire), just the ability to actually do the role justice.
How about Ian Holme ? I think he'd manage to pull it of.screw that, just read he can't do it.
I'll be back with a candidate later, just gotta find one first. But he has to be at least in his forties, since Bilbo was in his fifties in the book.


Vice-Captain Hammer
Feb 9, 2008
Thoughts on Michael Sheen? 40yrs old, 5ft 10...

I'd totally buy into him as a hobbit, and he's definitely an actor capable of doing the role.