Rumor: Tobey Maguire in Talks For The Hobbit


New member
Oct 24, 2008
Isn't it Guillermo del Toro's movie? I realize Jackson is a producer on the project and probably has more name recognition than del Toro but I've always though the director was the one to get the credit. We shouldn't stiff a deserving and talented director like del Toro.


New member
Aug 21, 2009
I still think that the original, animated The Hobbit was an absolute masterpiece.

Yeah, I could go for this. I liked him in Spiderman (Spidermen?) 1 and 2, although I haven't seen Spiderman 3 or Brothers. But I do think that they could find someone better, and I doubt it's finalized.

EDIT: Just saw the above Michael Sheen pictures and I agree. He should do it.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
ouch, i'm not very fond of the idea of spidey being Bilbo.

My choice would be Martin Freeman


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Disaster Button said:
Then, whilst making his favourite alcohloc beverage, a Shirley Temple, you accidently drop 23 painkillers into it, and only then realise what's happened afterwards. You take the kid and run, or not, depends how much you care about it. Obviously if its named Josh you're going to leave it there.
Alas, the child's name will be Keith. He will grow up not knowing his true father and will, in turn, resent me for it. We will live together, alone in the Yukon, among the wolves, until I pass on and he is free to go about his life, which will be short lived due to being raised by wolves.

All because of you Toby... Damn you and your penetrating stare!

Yog Sothoth

Elite Member
Dec 6, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
So what do we think?
I think that Latino Review is not a very credible source, and that even if what they reported was 100% true, it's still pretty thin evidence...

Disaster Button

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2009
Gxas said:
Disaster Button said:
Then, whilst making his favourite alcohloc beverage, a Shirley Temple, you accidently drop 23 painkillers into it, and only then realise what's happened afterwards. You take the kid and run, or not, depends how much you care about it. Obviously if its named Josh you're going to leave it there.
Alas, the child's name will be Keith. He will grow up not knowing his true father and will, in turn, resent me for it. We will live together, alone in the Yukon, among the wolves, until I pass on and he is free to go about his life, which will be short lived due to being raised by wolves.

All because of you Toby... Damn you and your penetrating stare!
TOOBBBYYYY! *shakes fist*

Also, epic mindfuck. I was debatign using Keith instead of Josh.. If I said Keith would you have said Josh?


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Susan Arendt said:
Ok, for everyone saying that Maguire is a bad choice, offer up someone that would be a good choice. Assume for the moment that "star-power" doesn't factor into it (in other words, it doesn't have to be someone bankable like Maguire), just the ability to actually do the role justice.
Remember most people said the same thing when the rumors started about Joker being portrayed by Ledger. We all know how that turned out and besides, Del Toro is not someone known for making wrong decisions.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
I dunno. I just can't see it. The article picture dosen't help.

Susan Arendt said:
Ok, for everyone saying that Maguire is a bad choice, offer up someone that would be a good choice. Assume for the moment that "star-power" doesn't factor into it (in other words, it doesn't have to be someone bankable like Maguire), just the ability to actually do the role justice.
How about James MacAvoy? I could see him doing a good job as bilbo.

pigeon_of_doom said:
Thoughts on Michael Sheen? 40yrs old, 5ft 10...

I'd totally buy into him as a hobbit, and he's definitely an actor capable of doing the role.
Yeah I can see him as Bilbo.


Amazing Human Being
May 12, 2009
Ok, I know I'm crazy and he's old, but Ian Holm did a damn fine job as Bilbo in the Peter Jackson movies. Futhermore, due to his possession of the ring, he never really aged, so the look he had in the begining would be fine for a Hobbit movie. It was just about how I had always imagined Bilbo.

I can see Tobey doing some work in it as a human or one of the Wood Elves (That's right, I'm calling it. Tobey Maguire is playing the role of Wood Elf #3.), but he looks way to young to be the esteemed Master Baggins. If they put him as the voice for Smaug, however, I will protest.

On a lighter note.... that stare is really creepy. It's like he's looking right through me... at my cookies.


Amazing Human Being
May 12, 2009
pigeon_of_doom said:
Thoughts on Michael Sheen? 40yrs old, 5ft 10...

I'd totally buy into him as a hobbit, and he's definitely an actor capable of doing the role.
I could see him doing it and doing it well. He might have to gain some weight, as Bilbo was always kinda portly, but this is the best suggestion I've seen.


Vice-Captain Hammer
Feb 9, 2008
Fritzvalt said:
Ok, I know I'm crazy and he's old, but Ian Holm did a damn fine job as Bilbo in the Peter Jackson movies. Futhermore, due to his possession of the ring, he never really aged, so the look he had in the begining would be fine for a Hobbit movie. It was just about how I had always imagined Bilbo.
Holm is too old to play the role imo, as it's a fairly energetic role which would probably be too much for a 78 yr old. I thought he looked too old at the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring too (I thought he was great, but just wish he looked 10 years younger).


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
...seriously? Thats a seriously bad choice for Bilbo Baggins if they do =\

Well, I guess make-up can do a lot of wonders...


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Im going to kill you in your sleep with spiders....

OT: As long as Spider-Man 4 and 5 comes out with pure movie goodness I dont care. But I think with a little tweaks he just might pull it off. This might become the newest Sherlock Holmes! Infer that the cast of SH is bs and that this might be too BUT! they might change the story a bit to make it fit.