Rumor: Tobey Maguire in Talks For The Hobbit


New member
Feb 2, 2009
pigeon_of_doom said:
TsunamiWombat said:
Honestly, it's going to be impossible for the movie to top this.

Hmmm, that's got me is the visual style of this film going to fit in with the LOTR trilogy? In The Hobbit, the orcs/goblins were much more comical, the trolls much more personable and a talking dragon won't work well in the same visual style of LOTR. I'm sure Del Toro will think of some suitable solution, and Jackon's involvement should help provide some visual consistency between the films, but a faithful stylistic approach would be some achievement. I'd prefer for it not to go for a very light-hearted approach (as the casting of someone like Maguire would suggest), but LOTR's style (except the tone at the beginning of FOTR in the Shire) would be detrimental imo.

Del Toro is fully capable of taking the film in his own direction, but I'd rather see him adapt Tolkien's direction to the screen instead. Jackson did a fantastic job of transferring the epic, sentimental side of LOTR to film, so while Del Toro may have a difficult time making the film's mood mesh with Jackson's work, there's no need for him to create a new atmosphere for the film, or mould it into his current vision explored in other works.
Del Toro already talked about it.

The first film will stand on its own, and the second will be a transition and fusion with Peter's world. I plan to change and expand the visuals from Peter's, and I know the world can be portrayed in a different way. Different is better for the first one. For the second, I have the responsibility of finding a slow progression and mimicking the style of Peter.

Yes it will be two movies.


Into the Wild Green Snuggle
Jan 15, 2009



Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
I honestly felt naked reading this article...

Someone call the police... He just stole my innocence...

Tobey Maguire? Seriously?

No no n-no no!



New member
Nov 15, 2009
please God dont let him destroy that promising movie...



New member
Dec 3, 2008
Simriel said:
messy said:
Simriel said:
Bilbo is 50. He isnt Tobey Maguire.
to be fair that's 50 for hobbits, and it's been awhile since I've read the books but I swear that's when they come of age.
33 is when they come of age.
So from coming of age to 50 is an increase of around 51.5% (33 + 51.5% of 33 = 50)

The human equivalent would be 27.27 (18 + (51.5%of 18)) and Mr Maguire is 34 so not a huge stretch really. Late 20's early 30's

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
Pyromaniac1337 said:
I'm sorry to have to be the first to point this out but...
Andy Chalk said:
... the prequel to Peter Jackson's epic Lord of the Rings [] trilogy.
LotR was created by Tolkien. Jackson made the movies, sure, but he didn't create the trilogy itself. Might want to watch how you word things in the future Andy.
Except he's clearly referencing The Hobbit movie, which is the prequel to the LotR movies. Were he talking about the books, that would be another matter entirely.


New member
Nov 21, 2008
Pyromaniac1337 said:
I'm sorry to have to be the first to point this out but...
Andy Chalk said:
... the prequel to Peter Jackson's epic Lord of the Rings [] trilogy.
LotR was created by Tolkien. Jackson made the movies, sure, but he didn't create the trilogy itself. Might want to watch how you word things in the future Andy.
The movies were created by Jackson.

Tolkien wrote the book they are based on which is considered one volume, thus no trilogy at all.

Demanding people refer to the movies as "Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy" or something to that extent, every time they are mentioned, is absurd.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Galad said:
*Shrug* the same actor played Agent Smith in the Matrix and the Elven King in the first LotR movie..granted, the second role was just an episodic one, IIRC, but still..
When I saw the movie and Elrond came onscreen and said "Welcome to Rivendell" someone in the audience shouted out "Mr Anderson!"

When I read the article I thought, Great, now we got Emo Bilbo.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
oliveira8 said:
pigeon_of_doom said:
TsunamiWombat said:
Honestly, it's going to be impossible for the movie to top this.

Hmmm, that's got me is the visual style of this film going to fit in with the LOTR trilogy? In The Hobbit, the orcs/goblins were much more comical, the trolls much more personable and a talking dragon won't work well in the same visual style of LOTR. I'm sure Del Toro will think of some suitable solution, and Jackon's involvement should help provide some visual consistency between the films, but a faithful stylistic approach would be some achievement. I'd prefer for it not to go for a very light-hearted approach (as the casting of someone like Maguire would suggest), but LOTR's style (except the tone at the beginning of FOTR in the Shire) would be detrimental imo.

Del Toro is fully capable of taking the film in his own direction, but I'd rather see him adapt Tolkien's direction to the screen instead. Jackson did a fantastic job of transferring the epic, sentimental side of LOTR to film, so while Del Toro may have a difficult time making the film's mood mesh with Jackson's work, there's no need for him to create a new atmosphere for the film, or mould it into his current vision explored in other works.
Del Toro already talked about it.

The first film will stand on its own, and the second will be a transition and fusion with Peter's world. I plan to change and expand the visuals from Peter's, and I know the world can be portrayed in a different way. Different is better for the first one. For the second, I have the responsibility of finding a slow progression and mimicking the style of Peter.

Yes it will be two movies.
GOOD! The Hobbit always felt like 'two' stories to me. Bilbo's journey from The Shire to Beorn the Skin Changer's cottage is the first phase, and Mirkwood to Smaug is the second. The first chronicle's Bilbo the coward trying to cope and growing into an adventurer, and the second is Bilbo the adventurer coming into his own.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Gxas said:
AkJay said:
I can't read this article with Toby Maguire staring at me like that...
Disaster Button said:
His stare is so penetrating, almost.. violating.
I too feel this way...

Should I tell someone? I feel like they'll think I'm a whore... Who do I go to? What if I'm pregnant? What will my parents think? I'll never get a job! My life is ruined! DAMN YOU TOBY! DAMN YOU!
Ditto, 'cept the pregnancy bit, for obvious reasons


New member
Nov 21, 2008
Pyromaniac1337 said:
Byers said:
Pyromaniac1337 said:
I'm sorry to have to be the first to point this out but...
Andy Chalk said:
... the prequel to Peter Jackson's epic Lord of the Rings [] trilogy.
LotR was created by Tolkien. Jackson made the movies, sure, but he didn't create the trilogy itself. Might want to watch how you word things in the future Andy.
The movies were created by Jackson.

Tolkien wrote the book they are based on which is considered one volume, thus no trilogy at all.

Demanding people refer to the movies as "Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy" or something to that extent, every time they are mentioned, is absurd.
The wording of the sentence, if you will notice, says that the LotR trilogy, without specifying the movies, was made by Jackson.
Since there is no such thing as a trilogy of LotR books, but rather one big work spanning 3 volumes and 6 books, one should think that would be enough to distinguish between the two when referring to a trilogy.

If not, there's the fact that the article clearly references the upcoming Hobbit movie, which is unmistakably a prequel to the LotR movie trilogy by Peter Jackson. It does not necessarily have anything to do with anything Tolkien has written, since the production company has purchased the license and name, and are technically free to do just about anything they want with it.


Residential Idiot
Oct 24, 2008
Wait...Warner isn't backing this? I mean, LOTR is widely considered one of the best trilogies ever done and I know it made craploads of money. You'd think that Warner would've jumped all over this, there's a chance to make lots of money here.

Anyway, I'm glad that they're doing it in two movies. I've never actually read the Hobbit, and I know it's got a different style, but I think that exploring more of the world of Middle Earth could be fun. Heck, I wish they'd show the trilogy in theatres again, lol.

As for who should play Bilbo, who knows? I don't have any actors in mind that could play the role, and I'm sure that Tobey were to do it, he'd do a fine job. Still though, I'm probably the only one here actually glad they're making Spidey 4 and 5.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
FolkLikePanda said:
Gxas said:
AkJay said:
I can't read this article with Toby Maguire staring at me like that...
Disaster Button said:
His stare is so penetrating, almost.. violating.
I too feel this way...

Should I tell someone? I feel like they'll think I'm a whore... Who do I go to? What if I'm pregnant? What will my parents think? I'll never get a job! My life is ruined! DAMN YOU TOBY! DAMN YOU!
Ditto, 'cept the pregnancy bit, for obvious reasons
He made me pregnant with his eyes and I'M A DUDE. I don't even want to think about how that happened. Run now while you can.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
shewolf51 said:
Guillermo Del Toro, who just happens to be directing The Hobbit.
Wait... Not Peter Jackson!? That's blasphemy!

And would someone tell Tobey Maguire to stop staring? I feel like he can see my insides.
Del Toro is a much more talented director than Jackson. Jackson is a hack compared to Del Toro.

clairedelune said:
His performance in Brothers was fantastic, and very different from other things he has done. I think he could do it. I'd have to get used to picturing him at half height though. It's good for him to push out of the spider man role, he has done other movies before/after that but nothing has managed to take that title off. Maybe something like The Hobbit is what he needs.
I completely agree. I rescind my statement about his ineptitude after seeing Brothers tonight; he is a gifted actor, and I could very much see him performing well as Bilbo.

A more important question;



New member
Apr 15, 2009
I like Tobey Maguire, but I just don't see him as Bilbo Baggins. I always pictured someone a little older, a little rounder, and a little less of an action star (I know, it's odd that Tobey Maguire can now be considered an action star). I don't really know who I'd put in the role, but I don't think it's him. Still, I had my doubts about Elijah Wood as Frodo and was pleasantly surprised, so maybe I'll be proven wrong again. It certainly won't stop me from seeing the movie.