Russian Media Suggests Modern Warfare 2 Trained Terrorists


Nov 1, 2009
This was inevitable, no less. The level practically screamed "this will likely be used one day as a scapegoat for terrorism in some airport somewhere.. somehow".

Also, a "global terrorism expert"? Well, good! Unfortunately, when it comes to separating reality from gaming (and gaming from reality), he fails harshly.

..We fucking called it.

Mr Shrike

New member
Aug 13, 2010
Well, it was only a matter or time wasn't it...?

For fuck's sake.

Come on, Russia, see some sense.

EDIT: It was from Russia Today, that pretty much explains this. But it was totally the game's fault, nothin' to do with the war in Chechnya at all. Totally Call of Duty to blame here. -__-

Captain Pirate

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Wow, this was totally unexpected! [/sarcasm]

Seriously, chill Russia.
Games =/= Terrorism trainers, calm down.
Oct 14, 2010
I think both this incident and Tuscon show that people, understandably, want an immediate someone or something tangible to blame for horrible acts. The media is all too happy to point their finger at anyone as quickly and easily as possible, knowing people will gobble it and their product up.

This is your competitive, 24-hour, up-to-the-second news stream in action.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Video games are the current boogieman, and it's international. Blaming video games is a way of avoiding serious societal issues. It's nice for a lot of people to delude themselves into thinking that they can prevent terrorism by taking away their training tools, rather than having to put insane amounts of blood on their hands to destroy the cultures involved (though this is an entirely differant discussion). Video games are blamed for most of society's ills today, and they are not the first thing to be put into such a position, nor will they be the last as the central problems are not going to go away no matter what anyone does.

On the other hand, those of us defending video games also have to be realistic, and acknowlege when they other side has some legitimate points. I doubt "Modern Warfare 2" inspired this, and even if it did it's no worse than any other work of fiction that inspired real world events (like the book "Hijacked"). It is true that shooter games can be used as part of a training process. It helps with visualization, and developing tactics and an understanding of what you are trying to do. Our military in the US uses FPS games as a *part* of training, and so do a lot of other armed forces groups. Indeed one of the selling points for some games like "ARMA" is that they are hyper realistic, and were developed as training tools. It's hard to deny that the terrorists involved probably did train with FPS games, because almost anyone with combat training and access to the technology probably did. Terrorists are not stupid. I'd imagine like a lot of groups these guys probably did the FPS games while working out and practicing physical skills, and also doing things like paintball (which is another common training exercise).

As far as demonizing the Russians in games goes, well they seemed well on the path to reform, but they have themselves to blame for their return to popular consciousness as the bad guys. Ukraine, Georgia, threatening Poland, cutting off fuel to the EU... it's not exactly unwarrented. As someone pointed out though, "Modern Warfare 2" did have a differant justification other than the Russians simply being douches for the sake of being douches.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
To be fair, this story is being propagated by a lot of media outlets in Europe, not just in Russia.

Also to be fair, IW are wangs for making that bit of the game.

To be extra fair, the word terrorist has been used in this part of the world very often to describe "induced opportunity for temporary national unification in mind and spirit with some degree of governmental involvement"

To be extra extra fair, it happened in the US as well.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
I think terrorists and explosives have been around a lot longer than post 2009, and it was Die Hard 2 involving the airport, that was 1988.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
Numachuka said:
Pressing a button on a game = training people to plant explosives.

Of corse!
Sure, how many times have you sat with a bomb and not known how teh fuck to plant it.
After gaming CS i think must've been the first bomb planting game for me, i know that you just hold down "E" till you hear beeping noises.

Now ofc, it's not as simple as that, it may be a PS/XBox bomb, and you'll have to use one of the buttons corresponding with the platsoforms controlelrs button (can't remember which buttons is used for planting in the consoles)

But eventually, if you play all paltforms, you'll know hwo to plant almost any bomb, apart from those shitty ones with custom controlls, i hate those.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Am I a psychic or just capable of predicting the obvious for thinking this was going to be stated at some point?


Devourer of pie
Nov 9, 2009
I knew it! I knew games would be blamed! Games still aren't taken seriously as a medium, so they have become an outlet of the media to blame events with occasionally nothing to do with said game, but "oh the same location was involved it must have been relevant" or "some kid played a violent game, then committed a murder" argument to blame. Some people just don't have a good mindset. Its still free thought, and just because they did something in a game doesn't mean that a majority, or even all people think its right in real life. Its not the game's fault, the person involved either chose to do it, or had clouded judgement.



New member
Dec 6, 2009
Some people are just too stupid. It's amazing that we've come so far as a species. Not thanks to people like these idiots.

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
In related news, Moscow TV announces the hiring of a new expert correspondant on the ties between media and violence, Jakov Thompsonski [].


-- Steve