Saddest Fictional Death


New member
May 8, 2010
enzilewulf said:
The end of million dollar baby....I don't know why but I felt so empty after that..
Probably this, Gibson at the end of Braveheart, or Hanks at the end of Saving Private Ryan for me. Something about strong characters finally being broken.


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
I don't really watch/read any sad things really, but in Heavy Rain...

at the very start where one of the boys dies, I felt pretty sad.

damn, I need to actually finish the story! good game


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Definitely from sword of truth, book 6, "Faith of the Fallen"
Warren, he died like, 6 months after he got married trying to save a little girl, when he could have done it with magic and not even risked himself, god damn prophecy.
It was sooooo sad, he was probably my favorite character other than Rrichard and Kahlan, and maybe Cara, MAYBE.


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
Reagus said:
SERIOUSLY GUYS, PUT THINGS IN SPOILER BOXES! Just scrolling down the first page to type this you spoiled: Mass Effect 2 and Dead Rising 2.

Jee, thanks a bunch.
agreed completely!


Then quote me to find out how to use spoilers properly, and put text to show what is inside a spoiler box!


New member
Feb 21, 2009
JoeCool385 said:
Grand Admiral Thrawn from Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy. I mean, I know he was the villain, but damn what a villain.

"But it was so artistically done...."
He shoulda survived. Greatest military mind of all time and they kill him off just before the greatest invasion of their galaxy of all time.

Also, the death of Duriel. Because he drops absolute crap after one of the toughest fights in the game. I label him as harder than Baal, yet Baal drops soo much more.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Captain Kirk... I mean... they dropped a fucking bridge on him? Damn you Hollywood! Kirk was to die in an epic manner!!!!!


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Mufasa in the Lion King for me

...not so much for the death itself but for the way Simba kept trying to wake him up and then Scar toying with him "Ohhhhhhh what will your mother think?"

plus the music for that scene was perfect


New member
Apr 1, 2009
neffers said:
Bragg in Gaunts Ghosts novels

I mean, tk'ed? Really? And he was such a lovable giant
Wasn't he the one who was killed by that guy bragg gave to the enforcers for murder?
And then was killed while he manned an auto cannon?

I think I read that book...something to do with assassinating some important chaos space marine right?


New member
Feb 11, 2009
The entire scene involving 'the first time' Jackie dies in The Darkness.
either that or when Harry died in Silent Hill 3.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Well, it was only a metaphorical death, but Charlie's reversion to his pre-experiment mental retardation in Flowers for Algernon was one of the saddest literary moments I remember.


New member
Apr 15, 2008
Egobrain said:
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I -gurk-
Oh my God, this has seriously got to be the winner. I was VERY close to start crying (again) just by reading that.


esperandote said:
Dr Kutner in House
Seriously? You're a House fan and you're going with Kutner? I mean sure it was sad, but Ambers death was heartbreaking.


Charming, But Stupid
Mar 22, 2009
It's hard to choose.
Yes, that MW2, don't get uppity. When Ghost gets shot by Shepherd, it's surprisingly sad. I can't say I was necessarily attached to his character, but he just got done dragging my sorry ass to safety, only to be betrayed. Doesn't help that you're too injured to save him in return.
When Uncle gets shot. Just kidding, John Marston. His death threw me into a "THERE IS NO JUSTICE" attitude and made me all mopey for the rest of the day.
Having to leave behind either Williams or Alenko. If that doesn't make you feel guilty, I wouldn't trust you with my own life. Not having a high enough paragon/renegade score to talk down Wrex is also particularly devastating if you know his character well enough, because it justifies his outrage on a level beyond a simple "I'm Krogan, therefore, this matters" explanation. Man, Virmire just plain sucks.
When a squadmate other than Miranda dies. If it's Miranda, then whatever, we'll get a special coffin made to accommodate her potato-shaped head and call it a day. If it's anyone else, then GOD DAMMIT WHY DIDN'T I SPEND MORE TIME GATHERING RESOURCES?! WHYYYYYYYYYYY?!

Oh, and I almost forgot... on Tali's loyalty mission: "Jonah, if you get this, stay strong for daddy! Mommy loves you very much!" Oh, man.
Sydney, Dogmeat, and Liam Neeson. The first two were my favorite non-story NPCs, but near-impossible to keep alive. Even though I didn't get too attached to Liam Neeson (it's less weird to refer to the character by the voice actor since I've already got a perfectly adequate father), his death still hurt, because hey, Liam Neeson, so he just barely qualifies.
Queen Himiko, or rather, the part immediately after her death. I admit, I don't really remember exactly what transpired, but the part where you have to travel on the dragon bridge to Oni island at sunset. The emotional buildup from her death, the music, and the imagery all combined together to be one of the most moving parts of a game that I've ever experienced. (If I messed this up, feel free to correct me, because I wouldn't mind remembering and a preliminary Google search was no help.)

S'all I can think of, off the top of my head.

EDIT: Can't believe I forgot the biggest one.
ldbmikey86 said:
The entire scene involving 'the first time' Jackie dies in The Darkness.
Not the part I'm thinking of, but it certainly reminded me of it:
When Jenny dies. It was like being shot right through the heart.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
RobotNinja said:
no_more_usernames said:
AREITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Indeed. Her theme song still gives me shivers.
Also Kamina, from Gurren Lagann. I almost cried manly tears when he died.
Both of these. Aeris (no, I refuse to use the "th"), and Kamina were both really sad moments for me.

I will also mention that Zack's death in FF7 Crisis Core was really hard for me to watch without unleashing the waterworks.