Saddest Fictional Death


New member
Jun 28, 2010
when Teresa died in Claymore
i never cried at fiction before, and the death was so sudden i just sat there, at my computer, stunned, until i realized my cheeks were wet
claymore is one of the best manga i have read to date


Dec 24, 2008
DethVanXan said:
John Coffey, the black inmate from The Green Mile.
Seriously if you did not cry at that movie you have no soul. You know it's going to happen to whole time, but when it finally happens... oh God ...
To hell with the movie, the book makes it harder. Still a great movie, but the book really lets it soak in and beats you up with the guilt.

As for the Serenity reference, if you need to ask you are no geek, he's playing with God's dinosaurs now... real dinosaurs.


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Mar 17, 2009
cotss2012 said:
mrF00bar said:
Paul Mau'dib from Dune.
Ummm... he didn't die until Children of Dune, and even then, his death was NOTHING compared to Alia's. I actually became emotionally attached to Alia... it tore me up when she died.
Obviously I know he didn't die until Children of Dune but I thought he died in Dune messiah...until I read Children of Dune.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
kikon9 said:
I just read this and up until now I didn't really realize how emotionally attracted to the pilot I was. And that lead me to ask you this escapist:

Which do you think is the saddest death of a fictional character?
There are many of them that it's hard to pick a "saddest". Especially given the popularity of tradgedy, and the whole motif in Japanese storytelling about how it's trying and the journey that matters, not whether you succeed or even had a chance to begin with, which leads to some of the most depressing endings of stories that I've ever seen to my way of thinking.

I'd probably have to say that if I was going to pick an objective choice I'd probably have to say Romeo and Juliet simply because that ending was truely messed up, and has become a timeless example of tradgedy for a reason. I'm sure if I really put more time into it I could come up with a more appropriate, and personal answer though.

8-Bit Grin

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Apr 20, 2010
CK76 said:
"Bridge to Terabithia"

Leslie did nothing to "deserve" the fate, Jesse is left all alone with only emptiness and misplaced guilt. There is no vengeance, no relief, no explanation, just randomness. The sense of loss is tangible and it just seems cruel to a lonely sympathetic character to lose something so dear. The only thing we're left with is sometimes we just endure life.
Oh, gosh I forgot all about this you bastard!

This is the only book that made me cry in junior high.

Emergent System

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Feb 27, 2010
I only read the first page of this thread, but the most tragic fictional death was cleraly Simba's father in The Lion King, and then scar fooling Simba into believing he was responsible for his father's death T.T

More recently, Lem's death in The Shield.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
Well, I've basically had all my choices taken already, but screw it, I'll say it anyway.

Film: Okay I don't think this one has mentioned. The Terminator at the end of Terminator 2. It really was kind of sad even though he was just supposed to be a killing machine. Also I agree with Darth Vader. Also Wash. Damn you Joss Whedon.

Literature: Dammit, someone already got Lee Scoresby. I thought for sure I could nail that one. For supposed children's books they had some awfully adult parts. At least he didn't go down like a *****.

I'm also going to say Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop. I though he had a great nonchalant attitude and was a pretty cool guy. I did not see that one coming the first time I watched the series.

In a game it has to be Eli Vance. That was just a gut punch. It was the absolutely awesome voice acting that really sold it though. I really hope I get to kill those flying maggots in Ep.3. That's assuming I ever get to play Ep.3. Grrr.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
I would have to say:

I shed a manly tear several times, but the saddest moment was when: Lucy died in the end

I was devastated after watching the entire series with a couple of my friends.


New member
Jun 13, 2008
Spoilers for Mass Effect 2 and Harry Potter.

From a game: Yeoman Kelly Chambers. I know, you can save her and rest of your crew, but I'd saved before and wasn't able to go far enough back. It really shook me that I'd failed to save her, and had to watch her go through a blender before my own eyes.

Book: Lupin and Nymphadora. Right after they'd been married. That... that stung a bit.


Posting in the wrong thread.
Sep 3, 2009
Almost certainly
[spoiler/]Eli Vance[/spoiler]

I remember seeing that part of the game, and literally being speechless.

Random Argument Man

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May 21, 2008
It's a bit hard to not get teary when you know Vivi's inevitable death. That and the letter at the end is the best tearjerker I know.

Jaded Scribe

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Mar 29, 2010
JoeCool385 said:
Grand Admiral Thrawn from Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy. I mean, I know he was the villain, but damn what a villain.

"But it was so artistically done...."
Best villain ever. And that final line... /hatsoff Timothy Zahn (he writes the best Star Wars books).

Though sadder for me was probably one of these two:

Chewbacca in Vector Prime. He sacrificed himself to save Anakin Solo, and then stood defiant, roaring at the moon that was crashing into the planet. Nothing less could have killed Chewie.

Mara Jade Skywalker in Sacrifice. Betrayed and cut down by her nephew Jacen Solo. Saddest for me because she was my favorite character.


New member
Jul 15, 2009
Owen and Tosh from Torchwood.
Everybody rants about how sad it was for Ianto to die, or Jack's grandson, but OWEN AND TOSH, YOU GUYS. Hate on Torchwood all you want, but that was the saddest five minutes of television I have ever seen. Blood and tears and rage and yelling and crying and then Owen's all like 'No, it's cool' and the screen goes white and Tosh just slips away D':

Then a whole new wave of tears when Tosh's video message plays... Oh god.

Also, though it's kind of an odd thing, I cried a little the first time I read The Highwayman. Poor Bess... Poor Highwayman... 'Shot down like a dog in the moonlight' or something like that is pretty powerful imagery.


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Mar 11, 2010
MystryMeet said:
Pip from the comic Hellsing...only because a little prick killed him off. I literally FFFFFF'd because I hated the prick.
dam you ninja

On the topic of Hellsing I felt sad nearly everytime a charecter died in Hellsing as they had such good chareter developement that I even liked the bad guys, Why did Rip and Walter have to die


New member
Jul 8, 2008
If anyone has read Saikano, then they know why every death of a named character made me cry like a *****.

Before I forget, there are also two very tragic deaths in the manga Hoshi no Samidare.