Salt Lake City Gets Bombed in 2026


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Nominated for best ad campaign ever. Seriously... that gave me goosebumps. They'd better give a good reason for bombing freaking Salt Lake though... Center of resistance perhaps?


New member
Mar 10, 2008
An interesting ad campaign, though those explosions looked pretty bad. I do appreciate that the writers are actually trying here, as it is an interesting premise. While many non-Americans may be exacerbated by what seems to be yet another wank-off to "Amurica Fredum!" I don't think that it's message is solely for Americans. This game seems to focus on "What if your home was invaded?", and that home just happens to be the US.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Mr.Mattress said:
Why Salt Lake City? That's such a random city for Korea to take. I know it has a large population, but it basically has nothing of value (Unless you count their giant Churches and Large Salt Lake). Why wouldn't Korea go after, oh, Aspen? Hollywood? Disneyland?
Maybe the fact that it has nothing of value IS the reason they bombed it.

Perhaps it was a scare tactic to end enemy resistance like the two nukes dropped on Japan were, and Salt Lake City was chosen because its population was big enough that the attack had a large impact, yet they lost no important resources for when they eventually bring in an occupying force.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
Mr.Mattress said:
Why Salt Lake City? That's such a random city for Korea to take. I know it has a large population, but it basically has nothing of value (Unless you count their giant Churches and Large Salt Lake). Why wouldn't Korea go after, oh, Aspen? Hollywood? Disneyland?
Because about 60 miles southeast of SLC is the Tooele (pronounced Toowilla) Chemical depot which is still in the process of destroying large amounts of chemical weapons.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
It seems like everything this game does in the sense of advertising and marketing decreases my willingness to play it.

I've already seen Red Dawn.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
somerandomguy76 said:
Nominated for best ad campaign ever. Seriously... that gave me goosebumps.
Yeah, it's odd...I don't see what's so special about this ad, but it works.


New member
Feb 4, 2008
Wow, kudos to the ad team that came up with this campaign.

Never before have I seen an idea so ludicrous actually become really compelling and evocative.

Bravo. The game has pretty big shoes to fill.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
ampzero66 said:
Mr.Mattress said:
Why Salt Lake City? That's such a random city for Korea to take. I know it has a large population, but it basically has nothing of value (Unless you count their giant Churches and Large Salt Lake). Why wouldn't Korea go after, oh, Aspen? Hollywood? Disneyland?
Because about 60 miles southeast of SLC is the Tooele (pronounced Toowilla) Chemical depot which is still in the process of destroying large amounts of chemical weapons.
Yeah, and Dugway proving grounds and a lot of rocket manufacturing and Hill Air Force Base...of course none of that was even close to being in danger in that attack. And honestly as a resident of the Salt Lake Valley, bombing the area that they did in that video kind of did us a favor!

Honestly, the only reason I think they pick Salt Lake is because those hills right behind our "skyline" (or lack thereof) gives a great view for bombing downtown SLC. Makes it easy to film a cheap trailer like that.


New member
Feb 4, 2008
danpascooch said:
Mr.Mattress said:
Why Salt Lake City? That's such a random city for Korea to take. I know it has a large population, but it basically has nothing of value (Unless you count their giant Churches and Large Salt Lake). Why wouldn't Korea go after, oh, Aspen? Hollywood? Disneyland?
Maybe the fact that it has nothing of value IS the reason they bombed it.

Perhaps it was a scare tactic to end enemy resistance like the two nukes dropped on Japan were, and Salt Lake City was chosen because its population was big enough that the attack had a large impact, yet they lost no important resources for when they eventually bring in an occupying force.
Or maybe the Mormons are the ones taking charge of the resistance, ferociously fighting for the holy land of Joseph Smith much like the Russians in World War 2.


Oh my God, that would actually be pretty cool. I'd watch a movie about that.


New member
Jan 11, 2009
You know, this makes me think of what the US is doing in Iraq. You think that could be a message they're trying to convey?

Maybe I'm looking too deep into this, but now I really want this game.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
So the Mississippi River and everything within 100 miles of it becomes irradiated and uninhabitable? Shit, there goes both my hometown and my current city of residence...

Interesting Ad campaign I must say. Makes me a hell of a lot more interested in the game, to say the least.


New member
May 17, 2009
I'm just glad to someone acknowledging that Salt Lake City isn't just another town no ones heard of in America, that has nothing more then three shacks in the middle of nowhere's ass and where everyone wants to get in a fight with you just for looking at their pick up truck... like say Butte Montana (I kid I really do.). Though I have to say it's a little odd that they chose to bomb Salt Lake City more specifically because in all honesty somewhere like one of the many chemical dumps/nuclear waste dumps would be a much more feasible target for someone as insane as the North Korean army that's basically hell bent on ignoring M.A.D and just wants to take us all down with them.

That or if they were smart about their geography they'd bomb strategically with low power bombs along a fault line near the Great Salt Lake which would cause seismic activity and if powerful enough could actually cause a miniature Tsunami that would end up flooding most of Northern Utah and pretty much destroy the rest of it. But hey that's just me. >.>

Oh and if you're from the lovely city of Butte I better no be finding letter bombs in my mail box. :p


New member
Dec 19, 2003
Korea conquering the US? Not someone actually powerful like China or Germany or Russia or even Japan, but (North) Korea? Why not Madagascar or Greenland? I know North Korea is a safe boogeyman (i.e., they won't be able to mount a PR campaign to protest), but most reports say they can't even feed their own and yet in 16 years they're conquering the US? I just can't get past such a ridiculous premise.

Sn1P3r M98

New member
May 30, 2010
Damn, I hope this game lives up to the hype. I loved Red Dawn, and I really want to be able to love this.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
GREAT, and here I thought I'd be fine in the middle of Utah. :( oh well. This game looks alright though, I'll be renting it.


Pee Eye Em Pee Daddy
Apr 4, 2010
Idk i just cant seem to take it serious that korea is occuping the USA even with an emp blast its not like we dont have submarines with MRBM's OR Aircrafts carriers to smash thier country into a parking lot. I just cant see it, this is not WWII were you could actually do that.

Baneling Aspect

New member
Feb 20, 2011
Depending on the execution, this game could either be really awesome or really dreadful. I'm hoping for the former.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
The Random One said:
Every time they try to sell Homefront I feel less inclined to buy it. Oh wow Salt Lake City is bombed! I don't even know where that is. If they told me it was in Canada I'd believe it.

I'm Brazilian and you can only reply with information I should know about Salt Lake City if your post also includes at least twice as much information about Campinas, along with your non-wikipedia sources.
I believe that you establish an excellent counter-point to the developer's claim that Homefront will still retain a "universal" appeal for its situation. By focusing so greatly on Korea's war against the U.S., Homefront could easily lose people's interest who are not actually from the U.S. Personally, this makes the premise more absurd to me because in the back of my mind I keep wondering why the rest of the world was just sitting on its laurels as a joke of a small nation grows practically overnight to be a formidable opponent to the United States, "former" superpower or not.

I am an American, but I can sympathize with those of other countries who face waning interest or outright indifference. If this new Korea is in fact so powerful, should not other nations across the globe be involved in some way, shape, or form? There just seems to be too much made-up history and backstory required to explain the disarray the global community is in where this new Korean power rises to slap anyone around.

The advertising is intriguing, but I just find that so many elements distract me from being very confident or excited about what the final product will be upon release.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Now watch the game turn out to be shit, the story completely botched and the wait totally worthless. I shall wait for this. (Live in Canada, cheering on those Koreans right now!)