Not going to lie, I feel let down. In fact, I feel this final episode was a good summary of the season as a whole:
Awesome opening, with a great callbacks--especially to the original opening of the show--followed by some great action. I suspected that the entire world was going to come down on Aku once he revealed where Jack was, and seeing all these forces come together was amazing.
And then it started to slip about half way through with Ashi mastering her powers so quickly that Aku is no longer a threat, and then it just blitzed through the final battle, something that we've waited YEARS for, in under...what? Two minutes, tops?
And then, to top it all off, we don't even get the payoff of this whole romance, as Ashi dies/ceases to exist at the end. Starts off strong, and finishes with a rushed job that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
You mean to tell me those three all-powerful gods couldn't bend the rules, after EVERYTHING Jack has been through in his entire life? All the pain, all the death, all the suffering? And they couldn't cut him even a little bit of slack?
And what about everyone in the future? Last we saw, they were all about to be toast--some of them already were toast. I know that, with Jack's actions, none of them are going to turn out that way now, but still. Some sort of goodbye, some sort of closure, some sort of ANYTHING with the people from the future would have been nice. I mean Jack doesn't even get to say goodbye to any of them, or thank them for what they did.
And on a personal note, I wanted to know if the girl who got knocked off the bird was okay. It seemed to go out of its way to focus on her.