Samurai Jack Season 5 thread.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Oh, what the hell, why not? It's a public holiday here.


That was a lame intro sequence. The enemies were super generic and didn't even do anything. They just stood there. Maybe one of them ran at him one time? He might as well have been beating up scarecrows.

So... the main character is a cosplaying bikie? (I haven't watched this series before.)

I'm guessing the one ninja chick getting all the screen time turns good at some point then?

Okay, fine, the beatboxing robot was a hoot. A tuning fork knife is actually a nifty idea.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Zhukov said:
So... the main character is a cosplaying bikie? (I haven't watched this series before.)
That's a recent development. The "beatboxing robot" even took the piss out of him for it. Before he usually dressed like this.

And he hated any equipment that couldn't be found outside of feudal Japan. Him using guns and a motorcycle is actually a shocking swerve for fans of the show.

Also, you're probably right about that one girl turning good.


New member
Oct 12, 2013
Zhukov said:
Oh, what the hell, why not? It's a public holiday here.


That was a lame intro sequence. The enemies were super generic and didn't even do anything. They just stood there. Maybe one of them ran at him one time? He might as well have been beating up scarecrows.

So... the main character is a cosplaying bikie? (I haven't watched this series before.)

I'm guessing the one ninja chick getting all the screen time turns good at some point then?

Okay, fine, the beatboxing robot was a hoot. A tuning fork knife is actually a nifty idea.
He wasnt beatboxing he was scating

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
So Jack DID lose his sword then (I assume the green shadowy figure on the horse has it?). My only issue is that throughout the ENTIRE original run of the show, Aku was watching Jack CONSTANTLY from his lair. Unless they explain why he's no longer doing that, there's no reason why Aku doesn't just waste Jack right now. Aku fought Jack when he didn't have his sword before and beat him EASILY (turns out a fight with the greatest warrior in history will still go well for you when he literally can do nothing to hurt you). Obviously Jack doesn't want Aku to know he lost his sword based on stopping the assassin from telling him, but WHY doesn't Aku already know? Hopefully they explain that.

Zhukov said:
Oh, what the hell, why not? It's a public holiday here.


That was a lame intro sequence. The enemies were super generic and didn't even do anything. They just stood there. Maybe one of them ran at him one time? He might as well have been beating up scarecrows.

So... the main character is a cosplaying bikie? (I haven't watched this series before.)

I'm guessing the one ninja chick getting all the screen time turns good at some point then?

Okay, fine, the beatboxing robot was a hoot. A tuning fork knife is actually a nifty idea.
You probably won't get much out of this show if you didn't watch the original run. It's gonna pretty much be entirely for fans of the show who watched it as kids. That's why it's a limited series and not a full-on revival, they're banking on nostalgia and giving us a conclusion before the new run loses its appeal.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Kolby Jack said:
So Jack DID lose his sword then (I assume the green shadowy figure on the horse has it?). My only issue is that throughout the ENTIRE original run of the show, Aku was watching Jack CONSTANTLY from his lair. Unless they explain why he's no longer doing that, there's no reason why Aku doesn't just waste Jack right now. Aku fought Jack when he didn't have his sword before and beat him EASILY (turns out a fight with the greatest warrior in history will still go well for you when he literally can do nothing to hurt you). Obviously Jack doesn't want Aku to know he lost his sword based on stopping the assassin from telling him, but WHY doesn't Aku already know? Hopefully they explain that.

Zhukov said:
Oh, what the hell, why not? It's a public holiday here.


That was a lame intro sequence. The enemies were super generic and didn't even do anything. They just stood there. Maybe one of them ran at him one time? He might as well have been beating up scarecrows.

So... the main character is a cosplaying bikie? (I haven't watched this series before.)

I'm guessing the one ninja chick getting all the screen time turns good at some point then?

Okay, fine, the beatboxing robot was a hoot. A tuning fork knife is actually a nifty idea.
You probably won't get much out of this show if you didn't watch the original run. It's gonna pretty much be entirely for fans of the show who watched it as kids. That's why it's a limited series and not a full-on revival, they're banking on nostalgia and giving us a conclusion before the new run loses its appeal.
Might aswell watch the old ones right now, Adult Swim's website has been streaming the entire show.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
it's a decent start. mostly just set up so far so its hard to tell how the seasons going to be. i also hope he gets back to his old style at least partially.


New member
Oct 20, 2011
The thing that impressed is that even though it's on adult swim and they can get away with a lot more now, they're still showing a large amount of restraint.

It's not like Aku's robots were suddenly replaced with living soldiers for Jack to hack and slash up or when Aishi (or however you spell that name) stabbed that archer in the eye, there was only a small amount of blood and not a huge fountain of it.

It shows that the creators are definitely going to be using their newfound freedom, but they're going to be using it tastefully and not for pure shock value. I really applaud that.


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
Zhukov said:
That was a lame intro sequence. The enemies were super generic and didn't even do anything. They just stood there. Maybe one of them ran at him one time? He might as well have been beating up scarecrows.

So... the main character is a cosplaying bikie? (I haven't watched this series before.)
Yeah...that's something you won't really "get" unless you're familiar with the series. The beetle drones hearken back to Jack's first major conflict in the future, where he defended a bunch of dog archaeologists from...well, beetle drones. That was the third episode of the series and the final part of the "movie premiere". In it, he spent much of the episode preparing for the battle (and preparing the battlefield) and much of the remainder of the episode fighting the bots. So opening Season 5 with a quick mop-up of the drones like a nineties anti-hero serves the purpose of both calling back to the roots of the series and contrasting with it.



Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
Zhukov said:
Oh, what the hell, why not? It's a public holiday here.


That was a lame intro sequence. The enemies were super generic and didn't even do anything. They just stood there. Maybe one of them ran at him one time? He might as well have been beating up scarecrows.

So... the main character is a cosplaying bikie? (I haven't watched this series before.)

I'm guessing the one ninja chick getting all the screen time turns good at some point then?

Okay, fine, the beatboxing robot was a hoot. A tuning fork knife is actually a nifty idea.
You shouldn't jump towards the end of the season from something you haven't watched


Elite Member
Mar 17, 2010
Samtemdo8 said:
On the next episode of Samurai Jack!!!

"Just nuts and bolts..."

I like that line, don't know why, I like it.


I think someone said this already, either in this thread or another but if he's thinking the Daughters are machines, he's gonna freak when he kills one of them. If, of course, that's what he's referring to, it's just a teaser after all.

And that spearhead spinning at the end is freaking badass, I can't wait to see what he does with that.

Kolby Jack said:
So Jack DID lose his sword then (I assume the green shadowy figure on the horse has it?). My only issue is that throughout the ENTIRE original run of the show, Aku was watching Jack CONSTANTLY from his lair. Unless they explain why he's no longer doing that, there's no reason why Aku doesn't just waste Jack right now. Aku fought Jack when he didn't have his sword before and beat him EASILY (turns out a fight with the greatest warrior in history will still go well for you when he literally can do nothing to hurt you). Obviously Jack doesn't want Aku to know he lost his sword based on stopping the assassin from telling him, but WHY doesn't Aku already know? Hopefully they explain that.
I am also hoping for this because you're super-right.

I'm going into this series not too critically, just enjoying it for what it is, but I super can't ignore that now that you brought it up.
I can go for "shut up, don't think about it" sometimes, it won't be the worst if it's never explained but I think any reason is better than none on this one.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
In meme sites all over for this show, everyone seems to really love those blue dog humanoids that make emojis out of thier heads, sometimes of them.

Jeez they appear for one part of a single episode and everyone loves them.


New member
Jul 23, 2008
The final sequence of Episode 2 combined a homage of Ecstasy Of Gold, but also combined the tension of a Sergio Leon shooting (using the torch-bug) very reminiscent of A Few Dollars More.

In short - incredible sequence



New member
Aug 2, 2015
PapaGreg096 said:
Whelp looks like Jack popped his cherry

Alright they have my attention because that episode, that episode was more like it, after the very sloppy start of the first one.

Now this is the Samurai Jack I rememeber :D


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
I gotta admit, that was pretty intense. I'd forgotten how cinematic this show was! And that end... Yikes...