San Francisco considering banning circumcision


New member
Mar 10, 2008
marfoir(IRL) said:
Jumplion said:
I would like to know a proper opinion on this next statement as nobody has yet to really answer it. So, here goes;

Isn't it the parent's job to decide what is good for their child? Playing devil's advocate here, if you will, I've already stated my opinion, but I have yet to see anyone who is pro- or anti-circumcision deal with that aspect of it.
To a certain degree yes.
.....aaannnnd? C'mon man, don't leave me hangin' here, elaborate! Start a discussion, good for the soul, dude.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
BlueMage said:
Can we please refer to circumcision correctly? Its proper term is "Male Genital Mutilation."
Thank you for referring to a part of my anatomy as mutilated.
No really, Thanks, I do appreciate it.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Avatar Roku said:
I want to say upfront that I am not trying to minimize those deaths. That is absolutely horrific. But at the same time, I notice that article only talked about those deaths in the context of overall infant deaths, which I would hope to be low to begin with in an industrialized nation like this. Again, not trying to minimize this, but 100 is a very low number compared to the number of births. Also, I want to point out that the article does not mention deaths from OTHER botched medical procedures.
Key difference: Circumcision is optional. If we ban circumcision, 100 babies who would have been killed accidentally instead survive.

Jumplion said:
Isn't it the parent's job to decide what is good for their child? Playing devil's advocate here, if you will, I've already stated my opinion, but I have yet to see anyone who is pro- or anti-circumcision deal with that aspect of it.
Parents' rights absolutely do not extend to endangering their child. Circumcision against a baby's consent creates a measurable risk - 100 accidental deaths a year. 1 in 10,000 circumcisions result in death. If a parent let a baby sit in a car without a carseat or seatbelt, the parent would be condemned for irresponsibility. Circumcisions, like car trips, are risky. Parents don't have the right to unnecessarily endanger the lives of their own kids.


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
Caligulust said:
My penis is outlawed in San Francisco.

Good day.
Don't go there then. That would be a
*Puts on sunglasses*
Dick move!

OT: Even though I am rather apathatic about this issue, I can see the logic behind both sides. Besides, we all know the rule behind debate on the internet.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
SpaceSpork said:
Why was it legal to cut off baby penis skin in the first place?
Because it is an important part of my religion, and has been for thousands of years.

(Also, my Captcha asked me to type the symbol for Mu. What the fuck?)


New member
Aug 5, 2010
gphjr14 said:
?verb (used with object), -lat·ed, -lat·ing.
to injure, disfigure, or make imperfect by removing or irreparably damaging parts: Vandals mutilated the painting.
to deprive (a person or animal) of a limb or other essential part.

Its an outdated practice and with time and education it'll fade but please turn down the dramatic exaggerations a notch, it hurts your argument.
Going exactly by that definition it is mutilation, as you're removing part of the persons body. Using that word obviously is meant to get peoples attention, but its still way better than the extremely ignorant sounding people complaining that the way a penis actually looks naturally is weird and gross.

Also people saying you're taking away people's choice need to learn to read English. This is GIVING you a choice. You aren't banned from ever being circumscribed, just from having one performed on you before you can make the choice yourself.

The procedure is purely cosmetic, it provides no medical benefit. It was originally for people living in the desert for a real purpose, adopted into religious practice, and then readopted by puritans in America to try to stop boys from masturbating.


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Oct 1, 2009
ShakyFt Slasher said:
It should be a right because: 1: It is a religious practice, 2: It can keep it from getting certain diseases, and 3: It makes sex more pleasurable
Wow, how badly wrong is that?
1) Religion is no reason to cut up parts of someone's body, especially a child who is far too young to be able to consent.
2) This is not any kind of problem in the modern world, with our regular bathing and all. All that's needed is to wash properly when you have a shower.
3) Really? My understanding is it makes sex less pleasurable. A lot of very sensitive nerve endings are in that bit of skin, more than anywhere else in the penis in fact. If you don't have a foreskin you are missing out.

Well done, San Francisco. Cutting up children's genitalia is a barbaric practice that shows the innate barbarism of any religion that calls for it.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Jumplion said:
marfoir(IRL) said:
Jumplion said:
I would like to know a proper opinion on this next statement as nobody has yet to really answer it. So, here goes;

Isn't it the parent's job to decide what is good for their child? Playing devil's advocate here, if you will, I've already stated my opinion, but I have yet to see anyone who is pro- or anti-circumcision deal with that aspect of it.
To a certain degree yes.
.....aaannnnd? C'mon man, don't leave me hangin' here, elaborate! Start a discussion, good for the soul, dude.
Well okay when it comes to something like this everyone is going to have their own opinion on what parents can dictate and im not likely to change their minds.

However for the sake of discussion I shall try to make some sort of coherent point.
Yes it is the parents job to decide what is good for their child. Unless of course the parents think something is good when its not. Honestly it really does have to come down to each individual case. To spank or not spank? Tough love or coddle? Which is better for the child?(please dont answer im just trying to make a point :p). Cut or uncut? Honestly it just seems to be preference. Or now and then there are medical reasons. I myself got it done for a legit medical reason.


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Jul 29, 2009
Necromancer Jim said:
For a so-called "land of the free", America doesn't like giving people choices.
Shock and Awe said:
Hmmm, seems San Fransico is trying to get rid of all the things that they don't agree with. Here I thought Liberalism's root word was "Liberty".
Unfortunately in the US, "Liberal" means something totally different than in the rest of the world. Liberals and Conservatives here are both pretty much the same thing in different packaging. Both like to force their personal philosophies on everyone, both then deny having done so, and both then accuse the other party of doing it.

But that's America for you - "you've got the freedom to do whatever you want as long as it doesn't contradict my personal beliefs."


New member
Jan 22, 2008
marfoir(IRL) said:
BlueMage said:
Can we please refer to circumcision correctly? Its proper term is "Male Genital Mutilation."
Thank you for referring to a part of my anatomy as mutilated.
No really, Thanks, I do appreciate it.
You're welcome, and you have my sympathies - no-one should have a part of their body mutilated. Unless you're one of those deviants who gets off on that sort of thing. Go ahead then old chap.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Chamale said:
Avatar Roku said:
I want to say upfront that I am not trying to minimize those deaths. That is absolutely horrific. But at the same time, I notice that article only talked about those deaths in the context of overall infant deaths, which I would hope to be low to begin with in an industrialized nation like this. Again, not trying to minimize this, but 100 is a very low number compared to the number of births. Also, I want to point out that the article does not mention deaths from OTHER botched medical procedures.
Key difference: Circumcision is optional. If we ban circumcision, 100 babies who would have been killed accidentally instead survive.

Jumplion said:
Isn't it the parent's job to decide what is good for their child? Playing devil's advocate here, if you will, I've already stated my opinion, but I have yet to see anyone who is pro- or anti-circumcision deal with that aspect of it.
Parents' rights absolutely do not extend to endangering their child. Circumcision against a baby's consent creates a measurable risk - 100 accidental deaths a year. 1 in 10,000 circumcisions result in death. If a parent let a baby sit in a car without a carseat or seatbelt, the parent would be condemned for irresponsibility. Circumcisions, like car trips, are risky. Parents don't have the right to unnecessarily endanger the lives of their own kids.
Really? What about all the parents who choose to not give their kids vaccines, just as an example? There are all sorts of circumstances like that, where parents endanger their children, and nobody cares. Also, again, not to minimize those deaths, but 1 in 10,000 is incredibly low, almost statistically negligible.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
BlueMage said:
marfoir(IRL) said:
BlueMage said:
Can we please refer to circumcision correctly? Its proper term is "Male Genital Mutilation."
Thank you for referring to a part of my anatomy as mutilated.
No really, Thanks, I do appreciate it.
You're welcome, and you have my sympathies - no-one should have a part of their body mutilated. Unless you're one of those deviants who gets off on that sort of thing. Go ahead then old chap.
Or because there was a medical reason for me getting it done?

Keep your sympathies I dont want them.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Chamale said:
Jumplion said:
Isn't it the parent's job to decide what is good for their child? Playing devil's advocate here, if you will, I've already stated my opinion, but I have yet to see anyone who is pro- or anti-circumcision deal with that aspect of it.
Parents' rights absolutely do not extend to endangering their child. Circumcision against a baby's consent creates a measurable risk - 100 accidental deaths a year. 1 in 10,000 circumcisions result in death. If a parent let a baby sit in a car without a carseat or seatbelt, the parent would be condemned for irresponsibility. Circumcisions, like car trips, are risky. Parents don't have the right to unnecessarily endanger the lives of their own kids.
I don't think that really holds up as everything can be considered an endangerment to a child's life. And as some people have mentioned earlier regarding an article on said 100 deaths, in comparison to other infant death rates in other circumstances it is about the same which is expected of a developed nation like the US. And as harsh as it sounds, it is only 100 deaths out of the millions born every year. It's more a testament to how the practice can and should be made safer through proper training and equipment, just like any other situation where infants are tragically killed (like your seatbelt example, that shows how education on properly strapping in a child in a seat could be better given).


The Cerulean Prince
Nov 5, 2008
Well, I'm circumcised and I'm a Christian and...

I think it should be banned until the child is 18 and is a consenting adult. It's a barbaric practice and it shames me to see fellow Christians supporting this so maniacally. It is mutilation. It is dangerous. It has killed baby boys and will continue to do so. It has absolutely no benefits beside being easier to clean and even then peh, that's not much.

But, then again, I'm not your average sort of religion goer because I'm... *gasp* a liberal!

Amethyst Wind

New member
Apr 1, 2009
Other teams just bring in better players to improve, but I suppose that's not flash enough for the 49ers =P.


The end is nigh.
May 24, 2010
Here's the thing from my perspective. If you are an uncircumcised man or a woman saying that it is morally wrong to perform circumcisions you might want to check your credentials right now.

Of all the circumcised men how many complain about it? Not too many in my experience. And don't even try to bring up "female circumcision" it is not remotely comparable. That is an example of men perpetrating a form of social repression on women. Circumcision is usually done because the parents genuinely believe it's in their child's best interest or for honest religious convictions that you have no right to deny.

Less pleasurable? Apparently women find sex more pleasurable than men... do you feel awful and wish you were born as a girl just because of that? No probably not. If it is less pleasurable it's not noticeable or worth mentioning.

And finally saying that you should only be able to choose to have it done at 18 is absurd. If it is going to be done it should be done when they are a baby and will have no memory of it. If it hurt I don't care, I sure as hell can't remember it.


New member
Apr 29, 2010
It's not just Jewish people who circumcision, as it says in the article, Muslims also believe in it.

I'm not circumcisied, my brother is, he seems as well adjusted as I am. Do any of you circumcisied people remember it? Do you remember pain? Or are you just adding the pain after the fact to justify your point? Yes if you're eighteen and you get circumcisied it will hurt, but as a baby there is less sensetiviy down there (and they're not as attached to it yet :p).

Yes, if it's for purely aesthetic reasons then its a stupid idea (I think mine looks fine). But many boys get circumcisied to easy in cleaning and yes it can protect against some infections. I say until kids are eighteen, they are the respnsibility of thier parents. Leave the choice to them


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Avatar Roku said:
Really? What about all the parents who choose to not give their kids vaccines, just as an example? There are all sorts of circumstances like that, where parents endanger their children, and nobody cares. Also, again, not to minimize those deaths, but 1 in 10,000 is incredibly low, almost statistically negligible.
Well, I also think that not vaccinating children is horrifyingly irresponsible.

100 preventable deaths are absolutely worth preventing, if possible. You call 1/10,000 incredibly low, but it's higher than the murder rate in the United States. Whether it's murder or death by botched circumcisions, every preventable death is worth preventing. I'm not saying circumcision should be as bad as murder, but it should be outlawed for the sake of those 100 lives per year.