San Francisco considering banning circumcision


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Jan 28, 2011
ShakyFt Slasher said:
It should be a right because: 1: It is a religious practice, 2: It can keep it from getting certain diseases, and 3: It makes sex more pleasurable
not to be a troll, but 2 of the 3 statements you made are so far from the truth it's not even funny. Do some research, you'll be shocked to find out that being circumcised actually increase you chance of catching diseases and the foreskin is the most sensitive part of the male body so it actually makes sex way more enjoyable.


Avatar Roku

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Jul 9, 2008
liquidangry said:
marfoir(IRL) said:
And I dont mean to sound callous here, but 100 seems like a very inconsequential number when put in perspective of the US's population and also since the US is where circumcision is most prevalent.
Out of curiousity I wonder how many babies die each year in total, and how many for really easily preventable reasons.
You sound callous because you're looking at the question the wrong way. You should be asking, "Ok, how many people die from NOT being circumcised." If the answer is zero then you should reconsider circumcision's merits.
Fair point, but at the same time, those deaths are from the procedure being botched, not anything inherent to the procedure. Rather than banning the actual procedure, shouldn't we just make sure that the people who perform the procedure know what they're doing? To again indulge in that unfortunate (under the circumstances) metaphor, it's throwing the baby out with the bathwater.


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Jul 22, 2009
People seem to often say things are debatable when they are not, such as in this case, there are no proven health benefits, there is no proven anything to support circumcision. This website has a basic WHAT PEOPLE THINK and THE ACTUAL REALITY list on the right, please look at it and the sources if you do not believe still before posting anything more.


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Jan 11, 2008
liquidangry said:
marfoir(IRL) said:
And I dont mean to sound callous here, but 100 seems like a very inconsequential number when put in perspective of the US's population and also since the US is where circumcision is most prevalent.
Out of curiousity I wonder how many babies die each year in total, and how many for really easily preventable reasons.
You sound callous because you're looking at the question the wrong way. You should be asking, "Ok, how many people die from NOT being circumcised." If the answer is zero then you should reconsider circumcision's merits.
Point taken.
However consider, as somebody mentioned, things like parents not vaccinating their kids. Surely that causes more harm than good. Should we force vaccines upon people.

This is relevant since the crux of the matter is whether parents can make the decision for their kids even if it MAY not be the best choice.


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Sep 14, 2010
utopaline said:
ShakyFt Slasher said:
It should be a right because: 1: It is a religious practice, 2: It can keep it from getting certain diseases, and 3: It makes sex more pleasurable
not to be a troll, but 2 of the 3 statements you made are so far from the truth it's not even funny. Do some research, you'll be shocked to find out that being circumcised actually increase you chance of catching diseases and the foreskin is the most sensitive part of the male body so it actually makes sex way more enjoyable.

yup, and the fact that its someone else making the decision FOR the child is the worst part about it.

are any of the facts you mention brought up to the parents? DIDN'T THINK SO. for some strange reason doctors paint a pretty picture of circumcision to the parents, so thats why most people end up doing it to their child.

...i want my foreskin back lol


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Dec 31, 2009
Avatar Roku said:
Chefodeath said:
I'm going to say no just because its a dirty law that will be awkward in enforcement and creates a precedent that gives power to the state that it frankly doesn't deserve.

I am not defending circumcision, I am defending what is a private and meaningful ritual from state interference. Personally though, I find it a barbaric practice and its frankly shameful that its still so widely practiced.
Ok, I usually don't do this, but that genuinely pissed me off. Granted, this won't be the same for every Jewish man, but for me, that is genuinely an important part of my identity as a Jew, and I would appreciate it if you would not call it barbaric.
And I genuinely don't care that it pissed you off, and I genuinely hold that its a barbaric practice despite its significance to you.

This is a practice where a part of a man's penis is lopped off, typically when he is too young to consent. For what reason? Medical benefit? No, not really. Because its socially considered more aesthetic? Doesn't seem to quite justify it. Because the God of an ancient desert people demands it as part of an a blood covenant? Oh...

Look, its like I said, circumcision occupies a place in America that is private, significant, and relatively harmless. For this reason it should just be left alone. That doesn't mean I have to endorse it though, or pretend that it isn't on some level stupid and harmful when really it is.

Its a barbaric practice and the world will be a better place when humanity has the sense to abandon it altogether.


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Aug 20, 2009
With all the things San Francisco allows, they want to ban a middle-eastern procedure performed to prevent infections? Because male circumcision causes no lasting harm and only temporary discomfort. Female "circumcision" on the other hand is mutilation verging on a female version of castration. There's a distinct difference between removing a boy's foreskin to prevent infection and cutting off a woman's clitoris to make sex hurt.


The end is nigh.
May 24, 2010
Bon_Clay said:
Dimitriov said:
Here's the thing from my perspective. If you are an uncircumcised man or a woman saying that it is morally wrong to perform circumcisions you might want to check your credentials right now.

Of all the circumcised men how many complain about it? Not too many in my experience. And don't even try to bring up "female circumcision" it is not remotely comparable. That is an example of men perpetrating a form of social repression on women. Circumcision is usually done because the parents genuinely believe it's in their child's best interest or for honest religious convictions that you have no right to deny.

Less pleasurable? Apparently women find sex more pleasurable than men... do you feel awful and wish you were born as a girl just because of that? No probably not. If it is less pleasurable it's not noticeable or worth mentioning.

And finally saying that you should only be able to choose to have it done at 18 is absurd. If it is going to be done it should be done when they are a baby and will have no memory of it. If it hurt I don't care, I sure as hell can't remember it.
1.Why would people who only know what its like to be circumcised complain, they don't know what they are missing. And some do anyway because they've done some research. Parents being ignorant and thinking its helpful somehow doesn't magically make it a good thing to do.

Comparing the loss of sensation to the difference of pleasure the other gender feels is a worse comparison than the female circumcision one. You're born the gender you are, and even sex changes don't make you actually built as you would if you were born a girl. The latter still involves cutting babies genitals for no reason other than people thought it was a good idea a long time ago.

If it isn't worth doing despite the pain it isn't worth doing at all. Its a cosmetic procedure, that's the price you pay for making aesthetic changes to your body. Whether its a piercing, tattoo, breast implants or circumcision, if you really want it done you'll get it done. But those who grow up and wish they hadn't been circumcised, or at least given a choice, have had their rights taken away.

The point is you are defending people who mostly wish you would just piss off. Stop getting involved in the fights of other people who don't want you there.

My point on the loss of pleasure thing is you aren't missing something if you never had it.

And what about my right to be circumcised when it is safest and easiest to do so?


New member
Sep 14, 2010
Chefodeath said:
And I genuinely don't care that it pissed you off, and I genuinely hold that its a barbaric practice despite its significance to you.

This is a practice where a part of a man's penis is lopped off, typically when he is too young to consent. For what reason? Medical benefit? No, not really. Because its socially considered more aesthetic? Doesn't seem to quite justify it. Because the God of an ancient desert people demands it as part of an a blood covenant? Oh...

Look, its like I said, circumcision occupies a place in America that is private, significant, and relatively harmless. For this reason it should just be left alone. That doesn't mean I have to endorse it though, or pretend that it isn't on some level stupid and harmful when really it is.

Its a barbaric practice and the world will be a better place when humanity has the sense to abandon it altogether.
yup, ^this


Avatar Roku

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Jul 9, 2008
Chefodeath said:
Avatar Roku said:
Chefodeath said:
I'm going to say no just because its a dirty law that will be awkward in enforcement and creates a precedent that gives power to the state that it frankly doesn't deserve.

I am not defending circumcision, I am defending what is a private and meaningful ritual from state interference. Personally though, I find it a barbaric practice and its frankly shameful that its still so widely practiced.
Ok, I usually don't do this, but that genuinely pissed me off. Granted, this won't be the same for every Jewish man, but for me, that is genuinely an important part of my identity as a Jew, and I would appreciate it if you would not call it barbaric.
And I genuinely don't care that it pissed you off, and I genuinely hold that its a barbaric practice despite its significance to you.

This is a practice where a part of a man's penis is lopped off, typically when he is too young to consent. For what reason? Medical benefit? No, not really. Because its socially considered more aesthetic? Doesn't seem to quite justify it. Because the God of an ancient desert people demands it as part of an a blood covenant? Oh...

Look, its like I said, circumcision occupies a place in America that is private, significant, and relatively harmless. For this reason it should just be left alone. That doesn't mean I have to endorse it though, or pretend that it isn't on some level stupid and harmful when really it is.

Its a barbaric practice and the world will be a better place when humanity has the sense to abandon it altogether.
And I'm not touching that, or we'll be here all night. Agree to disagree, etc?


New member
Jul 22, 2009













Information, such as to prevent infection.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
ShakyFt Slasher said:
3: It makes sex more pleasurable
No it doesn't.

Radoh said:
It should be a decision made by adults if they want it for themselves.
And this is exactly the way I think it should be. Or of course, if for some reason a younger person wants it, they can get it done with consent from both himself and his parents or whatever.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Chefodeath said:
Avatar Roku said:
Chefodeath said:
I'm going to say no just because its a dirty law that will be awkward in enforcement and creates a precedent that gives power to the state that it frankly doesn't deserve.

I am not defending circumcision, I am defending what is a private and meaningful ritual from state interference. Personally though, I find it a barbaric practice and its frankly shameful that its still so widely practiced.
Ok, I usually don't do this, but that genuinely pissed me off. Granted, this won't be the same for every Jewish man, but for me, that is genuinely an important part of my identity as a Jew, and I would appreciate it if you would not call it barbaric.
And I genuinely don't care that it pissed you off, and I genuinely hold that its a barbaric practice despite its significance to you.

This is a practice where a part of a man's penis is lopped off, typically when he is too young to consent. For what reason? Medical benefit? No, not really. Because its socially considered more aesthetic? Doesn't seem to quite justify it. Because the God of an ancient desert people demands it as part of an a blood covenant? Oh...

Look, its like I said, circumcision occupies a place in America that is private, significant, and relatively harmless. For this reason it should just be left alone. That doesn't mean I have to endorse it though, or pretend that it isn't on some level stupid and harmful when really it is.

Its a barbaric practice and the world will be a better place when humanity has the sense to abandon it altogether.
There are so many practices out there that ARE barbaric that deserve your attention, that your sentiments are misplaced. The only people who practice it at all are those to whom it is a cultural norm and formerly a necessity of desert life, and those who get infections that call for surgical removal. Also, for a barbaric practice, it sure doesn't hurt, well, ANYONE.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Witty response:

They're going to ban parents from mutilating the genitals of their children without their consent because their religion tells them that sex is evil and the world is a better place when people don't enjoy it as much.


Longer response:

This is essentially the only case where forced, unnecessary surgery on minors is allowed for religious purposes (ear piercings might count, but are essentially a cosmetic modification, are mostly reversible, and constitute relatively minor surgery). You could not possibly get away with saying that your religion demands that a child's finger be severed.

Some facts because they seem to be lacking:
(1) circumcision is not cosmetic surgery
(2) the foreskin has a mechanical function
(3) there are numerous nerves in the foreskin and especially in the connective tissue that circumcision typically cuts through
(4) freedom of religion does not give you a free pass (this is why you can't stone your wife to death even when the Bible tells you that you have to)
(5) there is essentially no cleanliness issue with regard to having a foreskin (re the argument that circumcision is useful in case a boy refuses to clean himself: are you going to have his ears removed because he doesn't wash behind them?)
(6) circumcision leading to prevention of disease is a very, very contentious topic and the primary disease it claims to prevent against, HIV, is already easily preventable (protip: try teaching your kid how to keep himself safe rather than cutting off part of his penis)

The reasons this hasn't been stopped already:
(a) there is a sense among detractors that things are already going that way, so why bother fighting over it
(b) it's weird sex stuff and that's just not something legislators want to talk about
(c) the relevant religious lobbies are pushy, stubborn, loud, and wealthy
(d) people raised in universally circumcised groups think uncircumcised penises are "gross" (e) most people seem to think it's a purely cosmetic surgery (though how you can justify forced cosmetic surgery on an infant still baffles me)

And the big one:
(f) most people don't think it's that big a deal because sex is shameful and so what if they won't enjoy it as much because it's bad to enjoy it anyway (this is true of a huge fraction of the population, far more than just the religious)


New member
Sep 30, 2010
Avatar Roku said:
But that's the point. It ISN'T that dangerous when done 8 days after birth, the customary time. It's only that dangerous if done later.
Is there a reason, besides not being dangerous, that it should be performed?


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Yes and I guess I could remove your eyes as a child without consent to prevent you from seeing dirty things on the internet or getting eye cancer, because we both know you won't miss sight if you never even had it!


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Avatar Roku said:
And I'm not touching that, or we'll be here all night. Agree to disagree, etc?
Agreed. Honestly, I'm sick of all these circumcision threads. Its really not that big of a deal either way.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Yes you aren't touching that because what are you going to say, "uhhhh, well I think it might reduce infection chance, oh wait it doesn't do that or anything else positive, so I guess I'm right because I Haz god."?