Satanic Themed Videogames on the Rise


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
*Ding, Ding, Ding, Di...*

Sorry, that's my new Fundi-Alert. Anytime a fundimentalist does soemthing, it goes off to warn to me not take anything they do seriously.

With all that is going on in the real world, don't you think that video games should be very low on the list of a moral crusader's chart?


New member
Jul 13, 2004
How do you think crate-makers have felt for all these years? Game after game with beautiful crates being smashed to bits, rather than lovingly opened so it can be re-used at a later point.

It's anti-crate propaganda I tell you!

Also, a Christian called Christian is brilliant.


New member
Dec 18, 2009
Sakurazaki1023 said:
Not to mention the fact that in Devil Summoner, almost all of the demons are from Japanese mythology and don't relate to Christianity at all. Plus, you are befriending demons to fight other demons...

Since when does a Guy Kills Demons plot support satanism?
Um, Joey, I don't know what Devil Summoner you played, but if you're honestly about to tell me <url=> Thor, Odin, Abbadon, Camael, Alp, and Beelzebub are Japanese Demons then I'm gonna have to smack you around a bit.

It's honestly easy to see where these comments come from, Nocturne lets you take Satan's place to fight God, Devil Summoner lets you CONTROL Satan and work right under him in Vs. King Abbadon, Shadow Hearts get a little ticket for having you transform into demons.
But yes, I agree, ti's all total bull that people think some games are satanic. Personally, I don't think video games should be the first thing targeted. Remember The Exorcist? Or, hell CHUCKIE? Just saying. I guess, though, video games ARE the new Rock and Roll.

dagens24 said:
Also, what if satan is god? Isn't satan supposed to be the father of all lies? And wouldn't the biggest lie of all be to make everyone think he's god? Then he could divinely inspire the bible and it'd be all like 'oh yeah, the bible is the perfect word of god and god never lies' and he's be all like 'yeah, what of it? I'm satan and I just fooled all y'all'. And then everyone would die and all the hardcore Christians would go to hell because they got played.

"The Devil's greatest Trick was convincing man he didn't exist"
I forget who said it and I'm not 100% sure that's the right quote and I've probably been ninja'd on this by now but, yeah...


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Um, I believe several of the games mentioned you KILL satan.
That's more anti-satan than anything else.


New member
Apr 2, 2009
Mornelithe said:
Well, considering Satan is a mythological figure associated with Abrahamic religions, this really only concerns them, doesn't it? And since they're on the decline in the world (due to a stunningly awesome image they've given themselves) I guess it's less and less of a concern as time goes by?
I wish that were true mate, I really do. But the so-called Christian Renaissance continues, and other fundamentalist religions continue to hold a vice grip on moral and cultural values on populations around the world, bloody hell there's even such a thing as fundamentalist Buddhists, isn't that a contradiction in terms? Anyway, I've never understood this whole Satanic social panic thing either; it's mythology people! Like the Greek or Norse or Egyptian or Hindu the untold thousands of myths and legends out there.

For the record, again...

God: Irrelevant
Satan/Lucifer: Irrelevant

The world consists of you the individual, and the rest of the universe around you, which you will never be able to properly comprehend anyway, so relax and enjoy the show with your limited perceptions. Oh, and if you want really a good Lucifer story, read Vertigo's 'Lucifer' comic book series, it is FANTASTIC!! The universe from the Devil's point of view; his struggle against the tyranny of Yahweh. Being raised Catholic, it's something I can relate to...


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
My god (phrase, not a direct plea to god, who I don't believe in), videogames these days can't so much as poke an animal with a stick without someone screaming bloody murder, or similar hyperbole. Do they seriously think this is society's secret expression of Satanic seduction, featuring the Devil in games, which more often than not require that you slay said entity rather than sacrafice goats and babies to? The amount of biased and superfluous hate aimed at videogames is absolutely mind-boggling.

Nalgas D. Lemur

New member
Nov 20, 2009
Mornelithe said:
Not sure about Europe/Asia, but in the State's the fastest growing segment of the population is Agnostic/Atheist currently. As I said, probably something to do with Christian's and Catholics giving themselves such an awesome image, what with the abortion, gay and molestation issues of late. And Judaism...well, love that they have an actual test you have to take before you're allowed in. But, they're not exactly popular out east.
The US population is a tiny fraction of the world, so while that change is encouraging (to me, at least, since organized religion in general kind of creeps me out), it's not representative of most other countries. Islam is the fastest-growing in Europe (mostly through immigration), and it's obviously already huge in the Middle East, some of Africa, and parts of Asia (e.g. Indonesia and Malaysia) and apparently has a significantly higher average birth rate than the world average. Christianity is growing fairly quickly in Africa, too, and is still pretty popular in the entire western hemisphere and Europe. Judaism can pretty much be ignored for these purposes, since there are relatively few of them (~14 million total, compared to the other two being measured in billions these days).

What all that means in the end or how it'll turn out 10/20/50 years from now is anyone's guess, though.


New member
Mar 18, 2009

That's right.. I speak in the beastial tongue of the serpents. FEAR ME, NOT THE GAMES, FOR MY EXISTENCE IS TRUE!


New member
Mar 24, 2009
presidentjlh said:
tomtom94 said:
Some of these (DA:O) are the usual people-pulling-bullshit-out-of-their-sunbrighted-arses, but I suppose with Dante's Inferno he has rather hit the nail on the head.

I propose a simple solution: If you don't like 'em, don't buy 'em.
But even in Dante's Inferno, your main objective was to redeem your love and then kick the Devil's ass.
Just reveals part of the fallacy in Mr. Christian's complaint: lack of thorough research. Although he is a self-proclaimed gamer, I highly doubt he played all of the games to conclusion that he has listed. Though he might also be going off of word of mouth on a number of them, but word of mouth being counted as hearsay, that really has not much relevance. [sub]Chili Frito Burritos are the bomb![/sub]

Catkid906 said:
Okay. But would the Christian church complain if we made more games involving Pro-Islam messages instead of Pro-Satan?
Depends on the denomination of the church. But your comment has me a little confused. Do you equate Satan with Islam? I would hope not since most of Islam's tenets are parallel with Christianity and Judaism. So much so it just increases the irony that there is friction amongst extremists in the three.
Mordwyl said:
As a Roman Catholic, I really see this as shallow and hypocritical of Christians to condemn games with this theme. Be it another religion, they wouldn't say a damn thing.
It is easier to lash out at subjects such as this openly and generally, than actually making the effort to reaching out and asking each person how they feel, what their view is, and if they even see it as being a part of real life. Mr. Christian would rather believe that if a person plays Dante's Inferno or whatever, that they obviously are a satanist or going to sign up.
presidentjlh said:
Wait...I thought in most games dealing with Satan that you're fighting him, which I thought was supposed to be a good thing?

Ugh, it's people like these that give us Christians a bad name.

Everyone, as a fairly devout Catholic, let me be the first to say that I think video games dealing with Satan are quite fun.
I'm a bible toting Baptist myself, and Doom was my crackMountain Dew for a number of years.
Mornelithe said:
Well, considering Satan is a mythological figure associated with Abrahamic religions, this really only concerns them, doesn't it? And since they're on the decline in the world (due to a stunningly awesome image they've given themselves) I guess it's less and less of a concern as time goes by?
Contrary to what you may be believing or hearing, we are here strong and plan to stay. I for one do not advocate Mr. Christian's ignorant comments; nor would you find many Christians, Jews, and Muslims(we of the Abrahamic religions) standing behind him. I do hope you yourself believe and have faith in something beyond the tangible, and find the willingness to understand that not all mouthpieces speak for the majority.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
ESRB [] ratings are of little help because they focus primarily on violence, sex, drug use and other potentially objectionable content, rather than spiritual beliefs.
That is because the ESRB is for ALL people regardless of their "spiritual" (religious) beliefs which can vary hugely from person to person not to mention being completely absent in many people.

Violence, sex and drug use relate directly to laws that young impressionable people may think are acceptable to break (assuming no other guidance), believing God is a bastard will not land you in jail.

And excuse me but The Bible itself does a pretty good job of showing God to be a bastard, didn't God flood the earth and kill 99.9% of all the humans on earth, because HE screwed up? And this Christian guy (fitting surname eh?) bitches about a god (lower case g) destroying an earth (not this world for sure).

Hell if you read the Bible without a priest giving a running commentary it'll put you off all religions.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
samsonguy920 said:
Catkid906 said:
Okay. But would the Christian church complain if we made more games involving Pro-Islam messages instead of Pro-Satan?
Depends on the denomination of the church. But your comment has me a little confused. Do you equate Satan with Islam? I would hope not since most of Islam's tenets are parallel with Christianity and Judaism. So much so it just increases the irony that there is friction amongst extremists in the three.
He said INSTEAD of Satanic. Why would you read that and somehow think he meant satan and islam where the same?!?! Why, what was your thought process there? Explain yourself!!


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Nalgas D. Lemur said:
Mornelithe said:
Not sure about Europe/Asia, but in the State's the fastest growing segment of the population is Agnostic/Atheist currently. As I said, probably something to do with Christian's and Catholics giving themselves such an awesome image, what with the abortion, gay and molestation issues of late. And Judaism...well, love that they have an actual test you have to take before you're allowed in. But, they're not exactly popular out east.
The US population is a tiny fraction of the world, so while that change is encouraging (to me, at least, since organized religion in general kind of creeps me out), it's not representative of most other countries. Islam is the fastest-growing in Europe (mostly through immigration), and it's obviously already huge in the Middle East, some of Africa, and parts of Asia (e.g. Indonesia and Malaysia) and apparently has a significantly higher average birth rate than the world average. Christianity is growing fairly quickly in Africa, too, and is still pretty popular in the entire western hemisphere and Europe. Judaism can pretty much be ignored for these purposes, since there are relatively few of them (~14 million total, compared to the other two being measured in billions these days).

What all that means in the end or how it'll turn out 10/20/50 years from now is anyone's guess, though.
That's assuming 2nd or 3rd generation Muslim immigrants will give a damn about any religion after growing up in a western capitalist society. Screw the effects of democracy, how can they square praying five times a day to listening to Lady Ga Ga sing about a certain "disco stick" on their Made in China iPod Nano?

It wears down on you. The fundamentals will stay the same, no pork, no alcohol, but the rigours and most significantly the influence will not last.

I mean most for most "Christians" I know the only time they ever plan to go to church is to get married or see their friends married... if they even bother with marriage at all. I see all religions being marginalised this way as their historic role in society is constantly being undermined only unlike in the past it is happening at such a rate they cannot evolve quick enough.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Catkid906 said:
Okay. But would the Christian church complain if we made more games involving Pro-Islam messages instead of Pro-Satan?
Depends on the denomination of the church. But your comment has me a little confused. Do you equate Satan with Islam? I would hope not since most of Islam's tenets are parallel with Christianity and Judaism. So much so it just increases the irony that there is friction amongst extremists in the three.
I'm pretty sure he just meant that the vocal minority of hardcore christians would probably be more offended by promoting another religion rather than the "dark side" of their own religion.
That and Islam's bad press lately thanks to our own vocal minority of hardcore misinterpreters would probably open the floodgates to such fox news titles as 'VIDEOGAMES ARE TURNING YOUR CHILDREN INTO TERRORISTS!!! LOCK THE DOORS, BARRICADE THE WINDOWS, LIBERALS IMMIGRANTS AND PEOPLE OF FAITHS OTHER THAN YOURS ARE COMING! ZOMG!!!'


New member
Apr 17, 2009
"A witch attacks believers and players can 'have sex' with her in a pagan ritual called 'blood magic'."
Just like historically speaking, being the president of the united states mainly involves getting shot in the face during public appearances.

Deception: Invitation to Darkness
Shadow Hearts
Dragon Age
Guitar Hero

Where in the hell is Assassin's Creed?! That game mainly involves you, the player, killing christian figures during the crusades, and could be easily depicted as "anti-religion" or "anti-christian". Are these people getting paid by Ubisoft, or do they see AC as too easy a target?


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009

Rule of thumb, never trust anyone with the last name "Christian" (and "Lance"? Ugh...) to be anything but a reactionary, over-indoctrinated zealot. Especially when he didn't think Deception was FRIGGIN SWEET. Yeah, the gameplay was kind of stiff, but you got to fling people into deathtraps. What more do you want?

This guy reminds me of my mom, when she wouldn't let me buy Diablo for the PC (with my own money, mind you), even after I explained to her that the objective of the game was to defeat the Devil and that it wasn't devil worship. I might as well have been talking to the wall.

I'm more surprised that he didn't complain about games like Overlord and Dungeon Keeper. Maybe Prototype, where the game's main objectives involve cannibalizing innocents. Seems a bit more satanic to me than Dragon Age, which, if any religious commentary is implied, is probably more of a dig at The Crusades and The Spanish Inquisition than a criticism of religious belief as a whole.

Well, unfortunately for this guy, and all the other anti-game jerks out there, most countries (Australia, still rooting for ya!) extend freedom of speech to video games, and that means their options for constitutional recourse are quite limited.

However, I for one am willing to compromise. Let's say, in exchange for stopping the production of blasphemous and misotheistic video games, you agree to shut down all the televangelists and force the Jehova's witnesses and Mormons to stop trolling our neighborhoods dressed like members of the Geek Squad. Deal?

Didn't think so.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
The_Oracle said:
And also? The bit about those two games, Nocturne and Guitar Hero, being 'satanic' is such BS. If a game is satanic just because it has Ozzy Osbourne in it, then I'm a talking cauliflower.

And Nocturne is...well, it's a Shin Megami Tensei game, so heavy religious themes are to be expected, but it's not 'pro-Satan' or whatever. If anything the games are all about 'working together is the only way to save the world.' If that's a damning message, then I want to be in hell.
Well, you could play Nocturne's True Demon route, which have you antagonizing God and taking control of Lucifer's armies. Satan is actually a servant of God in SMT games, and delivers God's judgment, even though most texts consider Lucifer and Satan to be one and the same. However, all the Chaos routes of SMT games suggest that you destroy the world and humanity collapses. So it's not really pro-Satan as much as anti-religion, where defying both God and Lucifer nets you the "best" ending where humanity remains free and the world returns to normal.

This article really does prove that these Christian groups have never played the games to see how they actually treat concepts of religion, though. Sure, SMT in particular blasphemizes Judeo-Christian mythology, but it also takes a stab at Shinto, Hindu, Greco-Roman, and Norse mythology as well. Guitar Hero is just a bizarre choice, Bayonetta doesn't even take itself seriously, and most of the other games have you battling AGAINST Satan. I guess the article is at least good for laughs by gamers who have played those particular titles.