Satanic Themed Videogames on the Rise


New member
Feb 21, 2009
I remember when somebody posted a link to his guy's site a while ago. I don't really feel like restating what I think of his opinions, but suffice it to say that I do not like them. The guy called Tetris Satanic, for God's sake.

I hope he feels the wrath of Tetrises! []


New member
Apr 21, 2009
I am a Christan and don't take offense to this
in fact most of the games I have played with Satanic Themes are trying to kill Demons and Satan (except ones from Japan)


New member
Feb 5, 2009
You know I always want to get the most Satan out of my games as possible. A rating telling me what games have the most EVIL in them would be usefull.
I mean cuz nothing is worse then buying a game hoping for intense ammounts of evil and finding christian overtones.


New member
Feb 15, 2010
What was this guy on?

It's fairly obvious that whoever compiled the list of games has never played any of them.

Shadow Hearts - Almost none of the monsters in the game are traditional demons. Most of the game involves you fighting assorted Lovecraftian horrors and other literary monsters (the giant cockroaches in the game are named Gregor based the Metamorphosis). To top that off, one of the major lessons the game teaches is that trying to revive the dead is against god's will.

Not to mention the fact that in Devil Summoner, almost all of the demons are from Japanese mythology and don't relate to Christianity at all. Plus, you are befriending demons to fight other demons...

Since when does a Guy Kills Demons plot support satanism?


New member
Mar 20, 2004
Also, what if satan is god? Isn't satan supposed to be the father of all lies? And wouldn't the biggest lie of all be to make everyone think he's god? Then he could divinely inspire the bible and it'd be all like 'oh yeah, the bible is the perfect word of god and god never lies' and he's be all like 'yeah, what of it? I'm satan and I just fooled all y'all'. And then everyone would die and all the hardcore Christians would go to hell because they got played.



New member
Sep 3, 2008
The devil has the best tunes and that accounts for the popularity of Rockband
Seriously though even if games did have a Satanic theme people are free to believe whatever they wish so its not even a problem.
what ammuses me most is we never here the rest of the Abrahamic relgions making the same complaints despite having almost idetical belifes from 99.9% percent idetical holy texts.


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009
so, christian the christian says the devil is in our games?

didnt anyone else saw that odd??


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Catkid906 said:
Okay. But would the Christian church complain if we made more games involving Pro-Islam messages instead of Pro-Satan?
Unfortunately, yes. But I'd like it!


New member
Feb 2, 2010
god,its not the games that should be bad,developers care mainly about money and wont stop because a church says so
the same is with violance,sex,drugs and all that thing,developers make it into the game to make it better selling and pocket in some more cash
it is the parents that have to teach the children that those sets of 1 and 0 are not drugs and that DRUGZ R BAAAD,and dont be violent and go into into the streat and rip ppl into half with a chainsaw
and I dont really think kids will buy satan,we are in the 21st century,everything has an explanation and kids get smarter and realise that
*this may be offensive for minors,like christian molesting priests*
god doesnt exist and wont believe that theres satan living under the ground trying to manipulate them through video game


New member
Oct 4, 2008
That's all very well and good, but who gives a factor?

What I really don't understand about cases like this is that these Christian authority figures think they have the right to determine what's in games and what's not. Ultimately, the content in games is up to the developers, and the only people who should be concerned with the content are the ESRB and the game buyers.

And also? The bit about those two games, Nocturne and Guitar Hero, being 'satanic' is such BS. If a game is satanic just because it has Ozzy Osbourne in it, then I'm a talking cauliflower.

And Nocturne is...well, it's a Shin Megami Tensei game, so heavy religious themes are to be expected, but it's not 'pro-Satan' or whatever. If anything the games are all about 'working together is the only way to save the world.' If that's a damning message, then I want to be in hell.


New member
Jun 7, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
The number of games in which God is the enemy and Satan is the hero is growing, the report said, to the point that "even the most hardcore gamers are sounding the alarm." "This is just the tip of the iceberg in what I have discovered," Christian said. "I feel that the devil has a new tool to work with in this age of technology, and the majority of adults in a position of responsibility are left in the dark."
An alternative explanation to "there are more Satanic vidya games because they are forged in fires of the Pit by Lucifer himself" would be simple narrative.

As MovieBob recently discussed, we are becoming increasingly aware of story tropes and so we become more eager to subvert or lampoon them. God = Good and Satan = Bad is a massive trope central to most Judeo-Christian mythologies. Hence we find stories where angels are adversaries as interesting, though it's now getting to the point that it's almost coming back around onto itself. The heroic monster is becoming cliche, as evidenced by the atrocious success of the Twilight franchise.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
What if their religion is Satanism? Why can't they make their game if Christians are able to make one about their religion? I avoid all of it in general but they have the right to make whatever they want to make in their video games. They're paying the production cost. If you don't like the game, you don't buy it and the developer isn't going to be like, "OMG, why didn't that Christian kid buy my game?!"

You don't buy it; they're not going to make it again, usually.

hyker said:
god,its not the games that should be bad,developers care mainly about money and wont stop because a church says so
the same is with violence,sex,drugs and all that thing,developers make it into the game to make it better selling and pocket in some more cash
^ This guy knows what I'm talking about.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
I'm far more worried about the uprise of war games, honestly. There are WAY too many army sims out there already. I think we do need something wholesome and old fashioned.... like a bit of Satan.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Leodiensian said:
Andy Chalk said:
The number of games in which God is the enemy and Satan is the hero is growing, the report said, to the point that "even the most hardcore gamers are sounding the alarm." "This is just the tip of the iceberg in what I have discovered," Christian said. "I feel that the devil has a new tool to work with in this age of technology, and the majority of adults in a position of responsibility are left in the dark."
An alternative explanation to "there are more Satanic vidya games because they are forged in fires of the Pit by Lucifer himself" would be simple narrative.

As MovieBob recently discussed, we are becoming increasingly aware of story tropes and so we become more eager to subvert or lampoon them. God = Good and Satan = Bad is a massive trope central to most Judeo-Christian mythologies. Hence we find stories where angels are adversaries as interesting, though it's now getting to the point that it's almost coming back around onto itself. The heroic monster is becoming cliche, as evidenced by the atrocious success of the Twilight franchise.
'Atrocious' being the operative word.