Satanic Themed Videogames on the Rise

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
For some reason, when the words "hell" and "game" come together, I think Painkiller, Doom 3, Brutal Legend etc. Sure they didn't have "satan" in them, but they were more hellish than Guitar Hero 3 was.

Oh, and a little fun fact, Satanism (or at least LaVeyan Satanism) has nothing to do with devil worship. The first half of the Satanic Bible is pretty good, and makes some good points, but the last half shows that they are just as crazy as any other religion...


New member
Feb 17, 2010
I <3 them for the Satanistic themes. This is America you ******s and as long as entertainment is concidered a form of speech we can put what ever we want in these games.


Apple Blossoms
Feb 10, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
The number of games in which God is the enemy and Satan is the hero is growing, the report said, to the point that "even the most hardcore gamers are sounding the alarm." "This is just the tip of the iceberg in what I have discovered," Christian said. "I feel that the devil has a new tool to work with in this age of technology, and the majority of adults in a position of responsibility are left in the dark."
Good, more power to him. Too long has he been misunderstood and repressed by the actual evil that dwells above claiming to be "God". Pfft.


New member
Feb 10, 2010
JeppeH said:
Rainboq said:
felixader said:
There is an easy axplanation why you only hear religious people complaining.


And this is on nearly EVERY theme that is to debate.

If anything comes into disscussion everyone gets a voice based o his religion, but not the atheists.
Do you know why we atheists aren't asked? Because we don't form a large enough segment of the population
No, the reason atheist aren't quoted is because we are sensible people giving sensible ansaws. what journalists want is babbeling idiots and doomsayers. Post one extreme view across another extreme and call it journalism.
Eh...that's a bit of a hasty generalization. While I agree that most atheists are indeed calm, rational people, there are still a few kooks out there. I think it's more just that most people, whatever their religion or lack thereof maybe, are just average Joes and Janes, and don't give a shit.

Religious nuts (By which I don't mean all religious people, just people like the WBC.) tend to be more lulzy than atheist nuts, however.

De Ronneman

New member
Dec 30, 2009
And again, the big "Satan ruins youth through " argument comes to the table.

At some point it was Nicola Paganini, a violinist who could play really fast, was told to have sold his soul to the devil. Then certain theatre pieces were thrown into the damnhole by the church(even before paganini, I just like the dude). Every new style of music has been the bullseye of satanism-claims. First, Elvis' hip-thrusting dancing was considered bad, then the Beatles had long hair(Ha!). Judas Priest got sued because some kids killed themselves, and they happened to like Judas Priest. Now Games are up. Well, let's just see how that turns out.

Let me end with some thinking and quoting.

As Paganini responsed to the accusations:
"I don't mind how people talk about me, as long as they talk about me at all."

The response of a friend of mine when his parrents asked him if playing DeltaForce: BHD didn't alter his image of reality:
"Sure, in real life I always have a gun and 5 handgrenades with me."

And my personal opinion on the relation suicide-mediums:
If one turns to suicide, one is usually out of options. They have sought help or a solution in other ways before ending the game. Every type of music finds a type of person:
-HipHop/Rap: young people growing up poor, wishing to end up rich, whilst living the tough life on the streets.
-Scattered over the genre-board, but sharing a subject: Heartbreaks. Failing love is always sad, and listning to a song about it makes you feel a little better.
-Metal: Usually some form of self-hatred or feeling left out. My personal choice. My life never really made sence until is started listening Iron Maiden at first. I switched to metallica pretty fast, because their songs fit my feelings better. Then my life made sense when I listened to Children of Bodom's "Are you dead yet" on a friends MP3-player, and I felt exactly that way, not sure where I'm at, but pretty sure it's the wrong way.

Just some examples of music dealing with troubles, where the troubles on their own are enough to cause pain/grief/aggression, or in the worst case suicide/murder. Music can delay that, or even cancel the plans, for you learn that you're not the only one with those feelings, and there's someone out there who feels what you feel.

Games are exactly the same. Let's do a quick rundown of some big game-genres:
-RPG's and RPG-likes: Heroism. Taking on the big, bad world on your own(or a group for that matter), and taking down evil. You're not telling me that you'dd do that IRL, will you? It gives a sence of fullfillment and use to the world. MMORPGs do the same, but with an added social element. You're together with people who generally feel the same as you do, and want to escape life for a brief moment.
-FPS's: Pretty much the same thing, but the general difference in games earns them a special mention. The general idea is the same though.
-Sims: Well, isn't that appropriate on the Sims' 10th anniversary? Sims are an escape from your own, imperfect life, in an attempt to make a better one where everything goes your way. Or just torture the little people for lulz, also to make you feel better.
-RTS's: same hero thing, except now as a high commander, overseeing all that exists and you create, to stomp all over an enemy(evil) to conquer the world. The same hero-thing.
-Guitar Hero and clones(FoF, RockBand): The dream of being a loved musician is something that makes even the greatest mind boggle. Another escape from reallife.

Again, the feelings displayed are no must or don't have to be severe, but when even the surrogate doesn't make you feel good, suicide or murder can be an option(though not a good one IMHO).

If the surrogate is then found, it's like a smoking gun. Though the victim may be bludgeoned to death, a smoking gun suggests shooting, not having a gun for selfdefence and getting killed by what you fear...


New member
Mar 9, 2009
I think the target audience of these "Satanic games" is old enough to not have their minds warped by whatever they play.

I mean, it's not like you can buy "Satan Worship Wii".



Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
There we go. This proves it.

Games developers are run by Satan.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Catkid906 said:
Okay. But would the Christian church complain if we made more games involving Pro-Islam messages instead of Pro-Satan?
Good point. Fuck anybody who actually believes in Satan anyway, people are evil enough without him. I think God is a decent concept, but a big red goat man is just a cartoon.


New member
May 9, 2008
Maybe it because more and more people are starting to realize that the christo-judean God is kind of a dick.
And because Hell is scary as shit, whereas some other mythologies only cater to certain fears and phobias, the Christian Hell has everything. Slow creeping horror, icky sticky surroundings, fire everywhere, a landlord who has a jolly good time torturing you for all eternity, all your worst fears come true.
That said:
Why does this remind me of the AVGN Super Mario Bros. 3 review, where the game is possesed by the devil.
Because you like to point out that you like certain shows and you want to tell everyone about it to get attention? Just a guess :p


New member
May 21, 2009
I like how almost every single post is along the lines of blame the christians. I actually really don't like when you play as the devils advocate.


New member
Sep 12, 2007
This is a bit ridiculous, considering that this guy's only qualifications are being Christian and an 'avid gamer' (both self-described). It's equally easy to say that there are a lot of God-themed videogames coming out.

Also, that "Number of the Beast" discount always bugged me, considering they discounted 50 cents more than they should have...

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
On the rise? Really?

Anti-Religion is on the rise, but that doesn't make it immediately Satanic.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
Trapt, eh? Yeah, you do capture souls in that game and subject good people to torture and such, but htey left out one critical point.
You Kill Satan at the end.
I like Satanic games. They give me the chance to cut loose. I mean, it's not like god would ever subject people to torture, genocide, rape, are sacrifices.....right?


New member
Jan 19, 2010
presidentjlh said:
Wait...I thought in most games dealing with Satan that you're fighting him, which I thought was supposed to be a good thing?

Ugh, it's people like these that give us Christians a bad name.

Everyone, as a fairly devout Catholic, let me be the first to say that I think video games dealing with Satan are quite fun.
Can't agree more. I'm catholic and I don't go around complaining to my friends on how they play violent games and listen to heavy metal (which is one of the coolest things on earth)
Jul 27, 2009
i say go ahead, keep making satanic games, make what ever the fuck you want, games are an artform, don't let the self rightous christans do what they did to us in the Dark Ages, oppressed so much by the church that almost all advencement in society took about a 300 yr break, so thanks you god loving christan assholes, if it wasn't for you, we would probably have multiple forms of alternate energy, cures to some of the words worst diseases, and possibly even intergalactic travel for fucks sake, so keep your fucking religous opinions out of my life and stop fucking up society with your garbage


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Oh NO! Open minds, opposing ideas! Run away, shut your eyes and for God's sake hide the children! If game developers keep making games that try to change stereotypes and perspective,we may actually have to start thinking! Quick, before "Paradise Lost" the game comes out!!

Pyotr Romanov

New member
Jul 8, 2009
Hah, now I feel like starting a campaign.
"Games with deities in them teach kids about God and try to convert them! Ban those religious games! My friends are being misinformed about death by games, burn 'em! Burn 'em!"


Friendly Neighborhood Time Lord
Apr 1, 2009
antidonkey said:
Ever notice how you never see satanist complaining about too many pro-christian games?
Yeah... and to my memory... none of the games he listed were DELIBERATELY doing this sort of thing. That ritual in DA:O... how did that get there? Ummm... okay "Christian", 1. They are having sex, 2. Yes the ritual could fall under the category of "blood magic" but that isn't the actual name for the ritual... in fact, the ritual doesn't actually have a name, 3. Morrigan (the witch) isn't attacking the player (in fact, from her view, she's trying to HELP you... and if you played your cards right up to now, she might even be in love with you at this point... and in game, you, as a player, are given many, many, MANY opportunities to either join/adhere to/respect the in-game religions {none of which are real-world religions} or mock them), 4. Morrigan isn't forcing you to do anything... in order for this ritual to happen... you HAVE to agree to it, 5. Bioware doesn't even show you the ritual in the first place.

Though... I am surprised that the Silent Hill series didn't get on that list... but then, I'm an athiest that was raised in a Christian family, so what do I know?