Satanic Themed Videogames on the Rise


New member
Nov 15, 2007
It's not an issue of religion for me (even though I consider myself religious to an extent, tolerance is also exercised in Christianity, but I won't get into that here), just an issue of game developers trying to shock people with questionable moral content, asking for controversies so that the game will be popular just for the infamy alone. All that devilish and hellish and all the demons VS angels stuff is starting to get boring, tbh. All that stuff were scary and fascinating... back in the 90s, the decade of anti-heroes... and Rob Liefeld.

If there is one game that has "God" in it that I like, it's the frickin' GOD HAND! God is more badass, because he kicks demon ass Fist of the North Star style! And I present to you Kung Fu Hippie Jesus:

He's more broken as... heck in fighting games:


New member
Feb 10, 2010
VegetaPrinceofSaiyans said:
i say go ahead, keep making satanic games, make what ever the fuck you want, games are an artform, don't let the self rightous christans do what they did to us in the Dark Ages, oppressed so much by the church that almost all advencement in society took about a 300 yr break, so thanks you god loving christan assholes, if it wasn't for you, we would probably have multiple forms of alternate energy, cures to some of the words worst diseases, and possibly even intergalactic travel for fucks sake, so keep your fucking religous opinions out of my life and stop fucking up society with your garbage
Actually, I blame the Dark Ages on the ransacking of Rome, during which much of the knowledge and such that had been acquired for centuries was destroyed.

In fact, we have the Christian monks to thank for preserving some of the few scrolls and such that survived the sacking of Rome.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Okay, look. How you even come up with this shit is far beyond me. But stop tainting the names of 'Shadow Hearts' and its prequel 'Koudelka' this instant.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
I love how Dante's Inferno is viewed as a satanic game.

It's not even based on Dante's Inferno it's based on Orpheus.


New member
May 28, 2008
Oh noes, one idiot Christian stands up and makes absurd claims on behalf of roughly 1.5 billion people, and now people not in the 1.5 billion get free reign to assume we all agree with him.

This report is a load of nonsense. I'm a Christian and I thought sticking some religious themes into a games like Dante's Inferno was for the better. So what if it's about hell and the devil? So are parts of the Bible.

It's not like "Satan Worshipping: The Video Game" is on all the kids most wanted lists.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
Andy Chalk said:
"A witch attacks believers and players can 'have sex' with her in a pagan ritual called 'blood magic'."
Wait you can get it on with Morrigan? Why haven't I been playing this game more?

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
antidonkey said:
Ever notice how you never see satanist complaining about too many pro-christian games?
Probably because satanists and other non-believers (atheist, agnostics, etc.) are generally more tolerant of others' beliefs than christians... We don't try to stick our fingers in everyone else's cake...

Sightless Wisdom

Resident Cynic
Jul 24, 2009
Short answer XD hilarious! Long answer: Stop flaunting your beliefs all over my game news you damn preacher! I'm an atheist and quite frankly if I believed in any religion I'd be worshipping Satan before God simply by choice, at least he's easy to understand. Anyone up for writing a satirical article about how God is too prevalent in popular culture and how Satanists are loosing ground?


New member
Jan 21, 2010
Strictly, the movie/TV industry is way worse than the videogame industry with misrepresenting God, the Devil and religion in general. That is not to say that the recent Dante's Inferno advertising campaign (particularly the Mass: we pray hoax) wasn't incredibly tasteless; but, point for point, Legion causes more scandal than any videogame I care to name.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
I don't think its a problem make a game where you are satin and damn souls for eternity then lets talk haha


New member
Nov 26, 2009
To be honest, people are entitled to their opinion. And the internet just makes it more available. The nutters have been around for years but now they can hang out (cause when two nutters meet in a single room without the internet they explode)

Personally, I wont buy Dantes Inferno because its not a gameplay/story I enjoy particulary much - not its overall themes

Hyrulian Hero

New member
May 20, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
Satanic Themed Videogames on the Rise

The number of games in which God is the enemy and Satan is the hero is growing, the report said, to the point that "even the most hardcore gamers are sounding the alarm."

Really? Hardcore gamers are sounding the alarm on the demonic content of their games? Somehow I doubt that. I would consider myself a hardcore gamer. I play about 8 hours a day, have over 900 games, and have been playing for roughly 20 years. I have never once complained about the content of the devil in my games. Besides the games they mentioned, Overlord, Dungeon Keeper and Black and White are other great games where you play as god, or his satanic counterpart. All of those games got sequels, so I'm guessing they were well received at some point. I think the only people that really care are the over-protective parents that will try to keep their kids away from anything that might corrupt their minds, completely forgetting to do any actual real parenting. And because of the large fines and lawsuits attached now, game stores will card anyone that looks under 18. So, if you don't like your child playing games with demonic content, don't buy them a copy of Dante's Inferno. I don't tink they were hiding what the game was about... If you didn't know, then clearly you have greater issues than whether or not your child sees a bit of the devil in his or her video game.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
First of all, what the Hel(haha Norse) is Beelzebub?

Moving on: As an Atheist, I must ask Christian if he would be so angry if games were Pro-Islam or Pro-Wicca. I would have to trick him in to giving me the truth, though. Anyway, what's wrong with Wicca? Are they bad because... you say so? I don't care if a character can get laid with a witch(Actually, I think of it positively.) in DA:O. Is a witch attacking believers any different from your missionaries(I'm basing this off what I learned about the missionaries in India.)? Yes it is. You're missionaries are REAL. The Wicca are actually peaceful in real life.

Gah, that was rant. excuse my rantitude.

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
wtrmute said:
... but, point for point, Legion causes more scandal than any videogame I care to name.
Whatever did the Geth do to you?

OT: GH is probably on the list for Lou's appearance in GH3. Hooves, horns 'n all.


Aug 25, 2008
SnootyEnglishman said:
This is just silly and abritraily pointless they're Video games as in they are not real? If you wann complain about people and Satan while having a Valid thought go to California and have a chat with Anton LaVey the high priest of the church of Satan.
Satan has a church? o_O i thought he would of had a temple or something. having church sounds very contradictory lol

OT: meh ignore them, i think we should read this and then see if the christians are telling the truth...

"Christianity is The belief that some cosmic Jewish zombie can make you live for ever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree."


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Well atleast Satanic games are fun, anyone played the old bible games on the NES and stuff? They blew monkey balls.