Scariest thing you've ever seen in real life


New member
Jan 18, 2010
I live in China and one time I got stuck in this really shitty part of Shanghai at about 10 pm. So we had to ride a tuk-tuk to the nearest place we thought there might be taxis. So, we enter the tuk-tuk and its made of iron bars on the inside and is locked ON THE OUTSIDE. Suffice it to say, I shit my pants.


New member
Jul 18, 2009
AvsJoe said:
There were numbers. Red numbers. They were floating in the air, peering into my soul.
The broadcast station... where is the broadcast station?!

Admiral Stukov

I spill my drink!
Jul 1, 2009
Seeing that the sleeve of my shirt had caught fire without me noticing it.

Seeing a supercharged V8 engine explode within shrapnel danger distance.


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
When I was a young teen I once ate some KFC in my room and inadvertantly dropped a piece of half-eaten chicken on the floor behind my door/next to my bed when clearing away the rubbish. Over the next week the smell became so intplerable I cleaned my entire room to find the cause. When I located and lifted up the piece of chicken, there were about a hundred maggots squirming around underneath it. I nearly puked.


New member
Aug 21, 2010
the scariest thing i can think of other than huntsman spider is this bowl of moldy pinapples i found in the fridge. the mold was white and hairy looking.


New member
Jun 18, 2010
The scariest thing I've seen IRL, honestly, the movie The Ring. I've never experienced anything supernatural, but that's definitely what scares me, and this movie best captures its terrifying components. I worked in an emergency room and I've seen people of all ages die in any number of terrible ways, and worked to save their lives (and failed many times). But the supernatural is what really gets me scared.

Most scary I've experienced in my life is definitely in my nightmares though. I probably have three a week, so I'm used to them, but every once in a while a good one will really get me sweating and calling out for my significant other. The other day something terrible happened when I was half in my nightmare waking up and my significant other became part of it. I was so afraid of her the whole morning.

Also sleep paralysis. I get it when I'm stressed and nap during the day.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
vic_elor said:
I was at a party once as a college freshman. It was a school organized party so no one was drinking, at least at the party it self, and that was were the scariest thing I've ever seen happened.

There were probably 500 or so people and everyone was dancing when the song "Cotton Eyed Joe" began to play. Suddenly, nearly the entire group began to dance in unison... everyone knew the song and the dance and it was terrifying!

So... whose next?
I wouldn'[t so much call that terrifying as absolutly awesome.

Same thing happened at my girlfriend's friend's 18th. There was easily over 100 people at her house and on her property, and when the 'Nutbush' came on, everybody ran as fast as they could and got in lines to do a perfect nutbush. ^^ Pure epicness.

As for terryfing, I dunno. I did have to go and collect my kill after my older brother convinced me to use a .44 magnum on a rabbit when I was 12. You can pretty much guess how that conversation went down.

Me: Are you sure? won't it be all gross and stuff?
Brother: Nah! Nah! It'll be cool, I swear you'll have fun.
Me: I dunno, 44s are really strong.
Brother: Naw, you'll be fine! It'll be funny, I swear!
Me: Umm, okay I guess it'll be okay.
*proceeded to do the most terrifying thing I have ever done.*


New member
Dec 24, 2009
Croix Sinistre said:
katsumoto03 said:
Over the summer I was bored and decided to go take a piss. I was in the process when a huge-ass earwig landed out of nowhere onto my dick.

My god, I freaked the hell out. Words can't even begin describe it.
Sorry, i laughed the most at you being bored enough to just go take a piss.

dude. i feel so bad for that shit. i would have gotten an axxe and killed taht thing. ugh. i hate those things... wtf are they?


New member
Dec 24, 2009
OptimisticPessimist said:
AjimboB said:

Any questions?
*girlish scream then a thump as I pass out*
i cannot bring myself to click on it..... id vomit and blackout. i fear spiders more than death......


New member
Apr 28, 2010
diebane said:
Also, one of those had a broken arm (had one of these white things around it to keep it stiff, cant think of a work in english) and hit the other guy with this arm, too.
The word you're looking for is a "cast."

OT: My mom cut herself on some broken glass once. I looked at her hand and the tendon was hanging out of one of her knuckles. *squirm* Any hope I had of becoming a doctor died that day.

Then another time one of my uncles cut the tendon on his thumb and came to my dad to stitch it up. Being the brave soul I that I was, I chose to watch. My dad then proceeded to apply the Novacaine (thing that numbs you so it doesn't hurt) directly into the cut. I could see the needle lifting up some of my uncle's skin when it moved. Bleh...


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Madara XIII said:
HT_Black said:
Madara XIII said:
DUDE!! That shit is freaky!!! XD

*Sigh* I have to do it... I promised myself I'd never try to relive this pain but oh well..

I Looked up Sonichu...and actually read those god awful comics out of curiosity...

*Gauges my eyes out* AAAAAGH THE PAIN!! *Sobs*

[Image src="" width="350" height="400"]
HA! That's it? That's the most horrifying webcomic you can think of? Wow...I envy your ignorance.

You lucky bastard. no I have to unsee it... I have to!! I HAVE TOOOOOOO

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH I feel so unclean..Not even Satan himself would ensue such torture on anyone.
Oh come on, nothing's THAT bad.




New member
Apr 28, 2010
132635 said:
dude. i feel so bad for that shit. i would have gotten an axxe and killed taht thing. ugh. i hate those things... wtf are they?


New member
Mar 8, 2009
Gudrests said:
FinalGamer said:
brainless_fps_player said:
A guy in the SAS. He nodded at me as I walked past and all I could think was "for how many people was that the last face they ever saw?".
My taekwondo instructor is ex-SAS. I know your fear well.
I know the my dad and my sister (about 10 years ago) were all running for the Star Wars ride in disney world, Epcot...when out of the black ness that was ahead of us was Chewbackka running at full speed screeming towards us knocking my sister to the side and running past me and my dad only to knock shoulders with my dad.....all I could think was "for how many people was that the last face they ever saw? <--- see what i did there with that last line...but yeah...true story..and there were a few stormtroopers walking around too that we asked what was up and they didnt see a was a 1 way do you miss chewbackka??


New member
Mar 29, 2010
FinalGamer said:
Gudrests said:
FinalGamer said:
brainless_fps_player said:
A guy in the SAS. He nodded at me as I walked past and all I could think was "for how many people was that the last face they ever saw?".
My taekwondo instructor is ex-SAS. I know your fear well.
I know the my dad and my sister (about 10 years ago) were all running for the Star Wars ride in disney world, Epcot...when out of the black ness that was ahead of us was Chewbackka running at full speed screeming towards us knocking my sister to the side and running past me and my dad only to knock shoulders with my dad.....all I could think was "for how many people was that the last face they ever saw? <--- see what i did there with that last line...but yeah...true story..and there were a few stormtroopers walking around too that we asked what was up and they didnt see a was a 1 way do you miss chewbackka??
at 7 feet tall and the people who worked int he ride had no idea...and my dad shoulderd him and my sister...well took a paw full...i dont think was awsome running full speed HUGE looked real as shit...scared me..last ride of the day we just made it too....was pretty awsome lol


New member
Nov 6, 2010
Scariest (or at least the thing that scared me the most for the longest period of time) was when I saw an old lady get run over right in front of me on the other side of the road. It's one of those things you never think you'll ever see and it just terrified me.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
It's funny how so many entries have been sad-scary or evil-scary when my first entry was more of weird-silly-scary.

So I guess I'll add another set to the list, this time more creepy-scary instead of silly.

I once owned a small TV with remote control (as in, no infrared or radio input for a remote). One day while playing my NES (which while might make it seem like this story was forever ago if I wasn't just play my NES yesterday as well) when the channel changed on it's own. I changed it back and thought to myself "that was weird. Wondering if it will happen again. Be even weirder if it changed to channel X." And of course, even though I only thought this not said it, it happened. I left that room REAL quick!

I've also had objects move in that room as well. I even had it happen to one of my friends back in the day so at least someone believes me when I say that weird shit happened down there.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
Gudrests said:
FinalGamer said:
I know the my dad and my sister (about 10 years ago) were all running for the Star Wars ride in disney world, Epcot...when out of the black ness that was ahead of us was Chewbackka running at full speed screeming towards us knocking my sister to the side and running past me and my dad only to knock shoulders with my dad.....all I could think was "for how many people was that the last face they ever saw? <--- see what i did there with that last line...but yeah...true story..and there were a few stormtroopers walking around too that we asked what was up and they didnt see a was a 1 way do you miss chewbackka??
That is by far my favorite story now. Only one family sees a terrofied chewbaca running down a hallway. lol