Scariest thing you've ever seen in real life


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Peteron said:
AjimboB said:

Any questions?
One question. If it is a camel spider shouldn't it be half camel? People need better names for arachnids.
The reason they are called camel spiders is because (I believe) they attach to the bottom of camels, inject them with a numbing venom, and start eating away. They can pretty much kill a camel without it ever knowing.


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
There were numbers. Red numbers. They were floating in the air, peering into my soul.

I told the Escapist this story about 8 months ago so if you're that curious, you can go look it up. But here's the Coles Notes version: I turned out the lights and attempted to go to bed in the middle of the night almost a year ago. I shifted to a different position than usual and saw the numbers of my alarm clock hanging in the darkness. All I could feel as dread. My mind was telling me to stop being stupid but my instincts were telling me to FLEE! FLEE FOR YOUR LIFE! I was paralyzed in fear for about an hour before snapping out of it and going to sleep.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Waking up in the middle of the night to the loudest angry growls I have ever heard and muffled, horrified screams of "NO! GET THE F*CK OFF ME!". Then slowly getting up and peeking out of the window to see a man stood in my back garden. The next few seconds were a blur, but I may have broken some kind of speed record for dressing and arming myself whilst simultaneously dialing the police.

As it turns out, the police had chased a couple of car thieves for miles, stopping them near to my home. They arrested one of them but the other one ran away. Finding himself trapped in the dead end that is my street; he jumped my garden gate, broke into my shed and hid there.

Unfortunately for him, he lost his shoe in the process of vaulting the high gate which lead the police right to him.

Even worse for him, the gate was locked so the police dumped a BIG angry police dog over the fence after him to keep him in place. The man I saw in my garden was the dog's handler.

It was the most terrifying experience of my life for the first minute or so. Probably more frightening for the guy being mauled by the largest police dog I've ever seen, but that was his fault!


New member
Dec 8, 2009
I've gotten into a few fights, and let me tell you, I get nightmares from being held against my own will by a larger person....

It freaks me the hell out.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Yokai said:
A few months ago, I'd just settled down into my bed and turned off the light to go to sleep--it must have been about one in the morning--when I glanced over to my window and saw the silhouette of a person standing there. My room's on the second floor. And I had just found out about Slender Man.

I screamed like a little girl, flipped on the light, fumbled around for the baseball bat next to my bed, then realized it was my weird-ass friend, laughing his ass off. A few months before that he'd found a way to climb onto the ledge below my window from ground level, and promised me that some day he'd sneak into my house in the middle of the night just to screw with me. I thought he was kidding and forgot about it. Turns out he wasn't.

We had a good laugh about it later, but I can honestly say that the three seconds between seeing him there and turning on the light were the most terrifying in my life.
Oh Jesus, I've had a few similar situations...except for me it was the tree limbs. Practically was almost shitting myself.


New member
Jul 20, 2010
Eclectic Dreck said:
Probably a 122mm rocket landing mere yards away quickly followed by the realization that 1) I was probably only unhurt because I happened to be bending over to pick up a cigarette butt and was thus concealed by a concrete barrier at the time and 2) I was at least 50 yards from a bunker and such rockets generally come with friends.
Did you hear it coming?


New member
Jan 19, 2010
vic_elor said:
I was at a party once as a college freshman. It was a school organized party so no one was drinking, at least at the party it self, and that was were the scariest thing I've ever seen happened.

There were probably 500 or so people and everyone was dancing when the song "Cotton Eyed Joe" began to play. Suddenly, nearly the entire group began to dance in unison... everyone knew the song and the dance and it was terrifying!

So... whose next?
If it hadn't been for cotton eyed joe id been married long time ago.where did you come from where did you go where did you come from cotton eyed joe
OT:My Dad break out in a rage when one of his friends tried to smash down our door yelling at his wife and almost hitting her.Ive never seen soem one almost beatin to death before,my mom was freaking out


New member
Sep 28, 2010
The scariest for (mostly) silly reasons, one night when I was quite young I saw a ghost in my house, Whatever it was I was frozen on the spot, literally frozen completely, for a good ten seconds.

The scariest for actual reasons, being caught between two groups of protestors. One, a largely peaceful group protesting for the rights of Tibetans being mistreated by the Chinese government, the other, an enormous group of extreme Chinese nationalists tearing towards the other crowd with sheer animosity, hurling stones and waving Chinese flags or anything they could use as a weapon. Thankfully I was able to escape unharmed (a freaking miracle considering I was standing by the chest high fence that seperated them) but the unfortunate thing was I wasn't there for any protesting, I was there to see the olympic torch for Beijing as it went through Australia.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Today, 17th November, is Eid ul Azha in the muslim world. and what happens on this day , in the muslim world, is that every family that can afford it, buys a cow, and has it sacrificed to get God's blessing and what not.
problem: each apartment complex has 15 cows and they are slaughtered in the stretch of the street right in front of the house, so at this moment, my street is LITERALLY crimson. and in the morning i stood there and watched as they killed cow after cow after cow and it's especially creepy when the cow starts flailing about AFTER it's throat has been coat open and blood is spewing out. ofcourse it's not that scary to me since i've been watching it every year for some time now. yes, there are a lot of things in this world you didn't know about that can fuck you up. (i'm not meaning to pass any judgement on the tarditions btw! i'm not a very devout guy, but i understand the fact that tradition is tradition, and it has no right or wrong)


New member
Mar 3, 2010
Oh I have lots...^^

There was the time I saw someone get shot then hit by a car

Or the time this guy got shot in my bathroom(there is still a hole in my wall)

Or how bout the time my grandpa held down my mom by her hair and smashed her face in.

The worst was when I was driving a friend home in really thick fog(I live in the high desert, fog is not natural here) and there was this stuffed easter bunny sitting upright on the side of the dirt road with no houses in about a two mile radius


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Sn1P3r M98 said:
Yokai said:
A few months ago, I'd just settled down into my bed and turned off the light to go to sleep--it must have been about one in the morning--when I glanced over to my window and saw the silhouette of a person standing there. My room's on the second floor. And I had just found out about Slender Man.

I screamed like a little girl, flipped on the light, fumbled around for the baseball bat next to my bed, then realized it was my weird-ass friend, laughing his ass off. A few months before that he'd found a way to climb onto the ledge below my window from ground level, and promised me that some day he'd sneak into my house in the middle of the night just to screw with me. I thought he was kidding and forgot about it. Turns out he wasn't.

We had a good laugh about it later, but I can honestly say that the three seconds between seeing him there and turning on the light were the most terrifying in my life.
Fuck, that's not funny. He's lucky he didn't get a bat to the face.
Yeah, he's kind of a lunatic. His pranks, while harmless, will generally cause someone in the room to scream and everyone else to lolwut.


New member
Jan 28, 2010
pendragon177 said:
I once made the mistake of viewing the 'offended' page on Encyclopedia Dramatica. I will NOT most a link. Save yourselves, do not even try Googling it.

Also, sorry if this fills you with too much curiosity.
Dammit! I just had to go and view the dam thing. Curiosity may have killed the cat but i think it just scarred me for life.

OT: My sister was learning how to drive in the middle of a horse track. There were these white barrel drums we placed to mark so much distance (like 100 feet or meters i think). Anyway i was playing on top of one of these and suddenly i hear something heading my way. it was large, it was noisy and it was rather metal like. Yeah you guessed it, it was the bloody Datson my sister was driving. Next thing i know i hit the hood, bounce off and looking up at the sky. All i could think of at the time was how much i hated my sister and that Datson. Good times.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
I have a few. When I was little I watched a set of flats on fire, the ambulances and firemen were there already. But all the people screaming, and the feeling of panic and worry will always be in my memory... still to this day I have a very slight fear of fire.

A less serious one is recent. Surrounding my house is a forest, and it is very creepy at night and when it is cold, a fog settles over it, giving me the feeling I'm in Silent Hill, especially since there is an ex-hospital for the insane in the centre of it and a graveyard with only orange stumps with numbers on them! One time, I was walking through it, I came to a field, and I could have sworn I saw a dark figure walking over to me. It didn't help matters that my dog had also stopped to stare, so I quickly walked forward and got out of the field. It was probably my mind playing tricks on me, but was still terrifying.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
well it's not like i actually "saw" something..but once, when i was hanging around at night me and my friend came past a school in the town we lived...a school both my brothers visited and was fine in all ways we knew of. except at night, at this gate. this pale white gate leading to the bikestalls and the courtyard. No light penetrated the darkness past that gate, even though there were lamp posts right next to it on the street

and when we came close to it, we felt a palpable presence of evil...and i have never been so frightened in my life.

to this day, we have not returned. to this day, we dare not come close to that fence at night

Spark Ignition

New member
Sep 29, 2010
demoman_chaos said:
I looked into a mirror once, never again.

not got a good one myself but one of my friends says every time she has a shower when she looks in her fogged up bathroom mirror her face has massive glowing eyes with weird pupils... even her flatmates have seen it.

Me? I once met Prince Charles.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
Scariest thing? There's definitely been some moments. I've seen two people get hit by moving vehicles, one was a guy on a bicycle who was hit by a woman who didn't look right on a roundabout - he died. Another was a guy on a bike who cycled straight out of an alleyway into a main road without looking or stopping getting hit by a car going at some speed. He lived.

Aside from those moments where it felt like everything just slowed down - the only other thing that scared me was when a guy came to my house and he was just after help after someone had bashed his head in with a baseball bat. There was blood everywhere. He didn't make any sense but we got him to hospital and he's okay - massive relief. I was fine doing first aid and when he got taken away by the ambulance, thats when it all hit in. I just completely broke down. It was just terrifying and I was so scared I'd done something or that this man I'd just met was about to die after someone did something so horrible.

Still have nightmares about that.


New member
May 9, 2009
Furioso said:
10 years ago I was sleeping at my friends house only to be woken up by a black cat (around 7 am) sitting on my face, ok whatever I knew they had another cat I hadn't seen so I picked it up and put it to the side, it kinda stood around in the room for a while doing cat stuff, then it left. I mentioned this the next morning only to discover their other cat was white and they had a black cat that had died 4 or so years ago, kinda creeped me out.
Okay, that is freaking creepy, sounds like one of those 'stories from the crypt' :p

OP: I regularly am called fearless when it comes to traffic, i walk out and narrowly avoid cars while moving at the same normal pace, well one day i was walking fast and a big Jeep came rolling down the road at what i would assume was faster then legal speed, i had, to my knowledge gotten clear of his lane, apparently he had wanted to change lane, as he did his wheel caught the back of my shoe and i got whipped around when i couldn't lift my foot and say the back heel of it caught under a car wheel. however seeing how close i came to getting hit by a car hasn't deterred me from walking out into traffic without a care. I figure, i'll die eventually, may as well be on my terms.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
The flash of a gun when it was aimed at me. He missed by a wide margin but It's not like I knew that when I saw that burst of fire coming out of a .38