Scariest thing you've ever seen in real life


New member
Nov 29, 2008
Christopher Roberts said:
I got chased by a homeless guy who claimed a set of abandoned railroad tracks as "his castle".
Well, we do regularly call teh thing we piss on the most our "throne."


Nov 1, 2009
Anytime I see a spider.

Holy fuck, if you are in the radius of at least a block when I see a visible spider and I freak, you will definitely know.



New member
Nov 9, 2010
I woke up to go to the washroom in the middle of the night and one of these ran over my foot.

Apr 29, 2010
Seeing that knife pointed at my stomach ready to stab me if I moved as two guys robbed me. I could actually feel it against my stomach. I think I didn't breathe the entire time. I was a complete and utter nervous wreck for over a month after that happened.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
MasterOfWorlds said:
I was at a shooting range with a friend of mine and the person in charge was this little ol' lady. She was carrying what looked like maybe a .38 Special or something along those lines and said, as she pulled it out, "Don't you be fuckin' around, or I'll put a bullet in ya." and she pointed it at me and my friend. Then she added, "We're out in the backwoods. It's easier to dig a hole than it is to fill out paperwork."

It's not the gun bit that bothered me. It's the fact she she said it with one of the most serious expressions I've ever seen. I could also tell that the gun was loaded, which didn't help much. XD
What frightening is that someone in a position of responsibility would handle a gun so negligently, hell even unloaded that shit don't fly, you don't point guns at people, ever...except if you actually have to shoot them.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
While working late one night at a convience store while still in high school I had a man come babbling about how he was marilyn Monroe and wanted pickles (or that was the best I could make out of what he was saying).

Did I mention this a 6'4" black male.... ah, yeah... totally not marilyn monroe in any way! Wrong race, size, and gender... and time frame.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Snakes we get them occcasionally , thankfully I've usually been inside at the time though it makes you panic and check were the dog is

A freind told me of a couple of times where they ended up inside the house..under the bed

Big hairy spiders would be second

Bushfires as well, I was outside once and said "hey dad, are those tree's over there suposed to be burning like that?" aparently they weren't

Sn1P3r M98

New member
May 30, 2010
Fudd said:
I woke up to go to the washroom in the middle of the night and one of these ran over my foot.

Holy shit.....

What did you do?!


New member
Aug 1, 2009
AjimboB said:

Any questions?
'looks at pictures'


Where are those things?

I am NEVER going there.


OP: I have a few:

1. Well this isn't a sight but a feeling and lack of sight. I went on a trip with my high school, went to an "adventure center". One of the things we got to do was crawl through this tunnel system, one of the pipes was called "the squeeze", it's very long and VERY thin, as in you can only get about half of your normal breath because it is constricting your chest and stomach. I was half way through it when my shoulder got jarred and my headlight went out, plunging me in total darkness, alone in a pipe, underground. Thankfully I wiggled free.

2. Helping clear out a bunch of sheds, after tearing one down a horde of spiders running out from under it.

3. Watching a ford transit van skid on the other side of a motorway, hit the barrier in the middle, flip and crush a family in a car, the gas tank ignited and the van exploded. Five people dead in the space of a few seconds and know if my mum hadn't went back to say bye to someone it might have been us.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Sn1P3r M98 said:
Fudd said:
I woke up to go to the washroom in the middle of the night and one of these ran over my foot.

Holy shit.....

What did you do?!
It was dark and I had a flashlight. Without knowing what it was I sort of instinctively kicked as soon as I felt it before bringing the flashlight to bear. I think the abrupt shift from dark to light must have stunned the monster because it froze about six feet away. These things move faster than we can and I wasn't wearing shoes. The bite won't kill you but as it is one of the more painful things you can experience it's probably more out of spite than mercy. I didn't want it to escape and I didn't want to take the light off it so I just stood there until one of my dorm-mates walked by. We traded places. I grabbed a sandal. The beast was no more.

I can handle spiders, scorpions, snakes, but 7 inch centipedes will always freak me out.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
I was waking up half asleep one day and a hand grabbed the back of my neck(what felt like a hand anyway) woke of fright, scary...


New member
Dec 24, 2008
AjimboB said:

Any questions?
Actually, I think (although I'm not completely sure) the bite is actually what happens when a different species of spider bites you, but because of the way camel spiders look people have said its the work of them instead.

OT: Hearing someone scream outside of my house (somewhere on the street) and by scream I mean really scream, like she was terrified... And when I looked out of the window there was just a torn coat in the middle of the street o_O


New member
Mar 29, 2010
vic_elor said:
Gudrests said:
FinalGamer said:
I know the my dad and my sister (about 10 years ago) were all running for the Star Wars ride in disney world, Epcot...when out of the black ness that was ahead of us was Chewbackka running at full speed screeming towards us knocking my sister to the side and running past me and my dad only to knock shoulders with my dad.....all I could think was "for how many people was that the last face they ever saw? <--- see what i did there with that last line...but yeah...true story..and there were a few stormtroopers walking around too that we asked what was up and they didnt see a was a 1 way do you miss chewbackka??
That is by far my favorite story now. Only one family sees a terrofied chewbaca running down a hallway. lol
well thank you lol...idk if he was terrified tho...i dont really speak wookie...still shit was awsome...every year we look for him is were there...


New member
May 9, 2010
-Ulven- said:
Monkfish Acc. said:
HT_Black said:
Wait, did I say "Pregnant"? Sorry, I meant "nursing" (as it were). You see, Wolf Spider mothers carry their babies on their backs-- they are, to the best of my knowledge, unique among spiders in this. My bad, I was thinking of something completely different when I wrote that.
Ah. Well, I don't think they have wolf spiders in Ireland. So it was probably the babies eating the mother thing.
This shit is why I am glad I do not live in America or Australia or something.
I think you and I (from Norway) got some spiders that carries their young in sacks attached to their bottoms. They are bright white. Don't squish them, but find another creative way of getting rid of them, most preferably letting it out. Also, they can drop that sack anytime they want.
Haven't read the entire thread, so I don't know if this has been answered...

I think it's because they kill camels by opening up their stomachs and eating what's inside.
Not 100% sure, but I think that's it.