School hair lenght rules do you think think its bull?


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
Victim 19 said:
hello peoples i just want to know what you think about school hair rules. I personaly think its a load of crap.
wait until you get into the real world.

Hair length comes into play in a lot of jobs.. and one of the biggest (and simplest) parts of looking well groomed and able to perform a task for a boss is by having your hair under control.


New member
Nov 12, 2008
But... You're from Australia? How can you ever 'hang 10' if you don't have a surfer-do!

Seriously you should make a statement by setting your hair up in pig-tails. Off course if you are a loner type guy who gets sorta picked on it would equal 'fail'. But anywho, the school made their rules. Either cut it off or wear it up. I say wear it up in such a degree that it's rebelious! Stick it to the man!


New member
Jul 23, 2008
Hm, the dress code of my day dealt more with skirt length than hair length. Ah, vice principals and their pedophilia stigma.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Victim 19 said:
sry i just stuff up sentences when i'm angry at my school... ok well my school has recently decided to enforce rules about hair lengths and that boys must either tie there hair up or cut it short if it touches their shoulders or else the get detentions and if they continue to keep it long eventually expulsion. hope that sums it up
Wait, just for guys? Or is there a rule for girls too. I'm curious because quite a few of my friends have shoulder length hair (to hide earphones, according to them). Either way, that sounds like a stupid thing to waste disciplinary resources on.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Altorin said:
Victim 19 said:
hello peoples i just want to know what you think about school hair rules. I personaly think its a load of crap.
wait until you get into the real world.

Hair length comes into play in a lot of jobs.. and one of the biggest (and simplest) parts of looking well groomed and able to perform a task for a boss is by having your hair under control.
A nice clean shave works just fine. And if you happen to wear black army-cloathes, you never have to ask for a seat ^^
Feb 18, 2009
Keisuke Zero said:
well I remember having a rule about keep it "neat"...but that was pretty much it...
never heard of anyone actually getting in trouble about their hair....

I believe its purpose was to keep up a nice school image or something or other....
Has to be something like that. Make the group look nice and homogeneous. I can´t think of any major disadvantage in having long hair in school.

Brett Alex

New member
Jul 22, 2008
Specter_ said:
Armitage Shanks said:
I'm more annoyed about the pants rules my school enforces.. Grrr.
Please explain, that sounds like fun ^^
Ryuzix said:
Care to explain?
Oh the rule is that you need to wear a pair. Apparently if everyone turned up without them it would give our school a bad name or something...

How anti-personal freedom is that?!


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Specter_ said:
Victim 19 said:
sry i just stuff up sentences when i'm angry at my school... ok well my school has recently decided to enforce rules about hair lengths and that boys must either tie there hair up or cut it short if it touches their shoulders or else the get detentions and if they continue to keep it long eventually expulsion. hope that sums it up
1) That's stupid
2) You might want to edit your first post with that info
3) Either you are on a military-school or it's really really stupid
I agree if that happend in our school the school wouldn't be the same the next day..mainly because of a lack of students and walls :p
that and we could go to court because it is opression of freedom and discrimination. probably a few other things to.


New member
Jan 31, 2008

I remember at school we had a strict uniform policy (with black shoes, no rings, necklaces or big earrings) and pretty much all the kids hated it. Now that I have finished school I realise how many workplaces have strict uniforms so it wasn't like "Ohh man, this school is so gay, no where else does crap like this"

So get used to following a dress code. Its not like they are saying "All boys must have bowl cuts and all girls must have long pig tails" they are giving you a choice - Tie it up or have it short. I had fairly long hair in my later years at highschool and I was quite happy to tie it up.

Bottom line

Deal with it.


New member
Jan 21, 2009
orannis62 said:
I'm curious because quite a few of my friends have shoulder length hair (to hide earphones, according to them).
Haha, that's one of the many uses of having long hair.
And if girls have to tie their hair back then please stop, I went to get off this crazy ride.
It also helps if your sitting at the back row, the teacher doesn't know if your sleeping or not.
And girls like guys long hair. Atleast from what I've experienced.

Victim 19

New member
Feb 20, 2009
I like individuality and my school kinda likes us all to look and sound like robots (at least thats what i think)

Keisuke Zero

New member
Mar 8, 2009
Armitage Shanks said:
Specter_ said:
Armitage Shanks said:
I'm more annoyed about the pants rules my school enforces.. Grrr.
Please explain, that sounds like fun ^^
Oh the rule is that you need to wear a pair. Apparently if everyone turned up without them it would give our school a bad name or something...

How anti-personal freedom is that?!

Brett Alex

New member
Jul 22, 2008
Keisuke Zero said:
Armitage Shanks said:
Specter_ said:
Armitage Shanks said:
I'm more annoyed about the pants rules my school enforces.. Grrr.
Please explain, that sounds like fun ^^
Oh the rule is that you need to wear a pair. Apparently if everyone turned up without them it would give our school a bad name or something...

How anti-personal freedom is that?!
I am SO there!


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Armitage Shanks said:
Specter_ said:
Armitage Shanks said:
I'm more annoyed about the pants rules my school enforces.. Grrr.
Please explain, that sounds like fun ^^
Ryuzix said:
Care to explain?
Oh the rule is that you need to wear a pair. Apparently if everyone turned up without them it would give our school a bad name or something...

How anti-personal freedom is that?!
So you can't wear a skirt? Man, that's nasty...

Keisuke Zero said:
Armitage Shanks said:
Specter_ said:
Armitage Shanks said:
I'm more annoyed about the pants rules my school enforces.. Grrr.
Please explain, that sounds like fun ^^
Oh the rule is that you need to wear a pair. Apparently if everyone turned up without them it would give our school a bad name or something...

How anti-personal freedom is that?!
Yay, Free Willy! WOHOO!