School hair lenght rules do you think think its bull?


New member
Aug 15, 2008
I don't look good with a buzz cut, but to give the school a consolation prize and wear my button up shirts, but I don't tuck them in because that actually looks very stupid. Now I'm off to school where we don't measure and check everyone's hair length.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Digikid said:
I am old fashioned and believe that girls should have longer hair....or short....but males should NEVER have long hair. Looks horrible.
I totally agree with you. Guys that grow their hair down to the point they can't see look like such... What would be the best word to describe them? And if anyone quotes me on this it better not be a nice word, because I totally hate that look.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
There used to be a rule like this in my school.

No emo fringes and no unnatural hair dye

It was pretty fucking stupid.

Now I'm in college and everyone has pink hair and mohawks that cut someone in two.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
Victim 19 said:
sry i just stuff up sentences when i'm angry at my school... ok well my school has recently decided to enforce rules about hair lengths and that boys must either tie there hair up or cut it short if it touches their shoulders or else the get detentions and if they continue to keep it long eventually expulsion. hope that sums it up
It isn't so bad if they allow pony tails. I mean jeez, not like they're asking you cut it off is it?

2 seconds, in a ponytail. 2 seconds, shoulder length.

My school used to make girls wear skirts; NO TROUSERS ALLOWED!

Obviously that was different as it infringed on the girls rights, not mine. Besides... phoooooaaaRRRR!!!


New member
Sep 17, 2007
Is your school a private school? I don't know where you come from (someone suggested Ausie-land), but private schools here (US) can enforce stupid rules cause they can. Public School operate on a more broad spectrum. Public Displays of affection were not allowed in my middle school (some 15 years ago). And after Columbine, anyone that wore a longcoat was individually pulled into the principles office.

Hair Rules would fall into Uniform rules here, I belive. So if a school here had rules about wearing a uniform, then I belive there is some basis for hair rules. Not that I agree with it though.


The Count of Monte Cristo
Dec 22, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
Simriel said:
Don't steal my hookers and they wont paint your nails.
But I feel like killin'!
Digikid said:
I am old fashioned and believe that girls should have longer hair....or short....but males should NEVER have long hair. Looks horrible.
I guess I am new fashioned? I like girls with boyish hair, but I think most guys look better with short hair as well.
No killin my hookers at all! Last time you did that i fired you into the sun, didn't you learn your lesson? Oh and my ponytail says fuck you to anyone who says guys shouldn't have long hair.


New member
Apr 17, 2008
School rules about hair length is just another way they're trying to instill a sense of self- discipline and trying to get you to actually take some pride in how you appear to people. Give an employer two equally skilled applicants: one with a 'short back and sides' haircut and one with frizzy shoulder length, 15cm fringe haircut and he's going to pick the short haired. How to appear to people affects how they perceive you and your first impression so just learn the lesson they're trying to teach and move on.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
NOOOOOOO. a life without my hair would be worse than Alma in the real world. my hair goes almost to my shoulders (i got brown-black hair, and i intent to color it blood-red or blacker in the future) and u can barely see half my face coz of hair over the face. got that style coz im an emo ofc. my school has no problems with anything (probably coz its a normal private school). except a guy named danny was kicked out coz he pee´d in some1´s schoolbag. but that has nothing to do with this case.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Simriel said:
MaxTheReaper said:
Simriel said:
Don't steal my hookers and they wont paint your nails.
But I feel like killin'!
Digikid said:
I am old fashioned and believe that girls should have longer hair....or short....but males should NEVER have long hair. Looks horrible.
I guess I am new fashioned? I like girls with boyish hair, but I think most guys look better with short hair as well.
No killin my hookers at all! Last time you did that i fired you into the sun, didn't you learn your lesson? Oh and my ponytail says fuck you to anyone who says guys shouldn't have long hair.
Your pony tail must be very educated than. We should cut it off for scientists to examine. *Pulls out scissors*It also looks awful so lets do it and you the favor.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
Look on the bright side: it motivates you to do well in school, go to University and become highly qualified so you can get a job where you are giving the orders and you can have long hair if you want.


Then you get arrested, but hey its a nice power trip while it lasts and helps turn the trauma of a childhood full of rules into an adult life of POWER!!!!

ahhh man, I mean to change my underwear now. Ohhhh yeaahhhh


New member
Jun 19, 2008
Scarecrow38 said:
School rules about hair length is just another way they're trying to instill a sense of self- discipline and trying to get you to actually take some pride in how you appear to people. Give an employer two equally skilled applicants: one with a 'short back and sides' haircut and one with frizzy shoulder length, 15cm fringe haircut and he's going to pick the short haired. How to appear to people affects how they perceive you and your first impression so just learn the lesson they're trying to teach and move on.

Idiots have to conform, those with talent make their own rules.

Seriously, I feel sorry for people who feel the need to have a shave and have short hair just to put food on the table.

Poor bastards.

heh, that reminds me:

"...put food on your family"

Is it any wonder the world is suffering a financial crisis when its being run by brainless tools who put image before brains?

Cheeze_Pavilion said:
It's amazing how much more schools care about what's on your head than about what's in it.
No shit.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
i have long hair and all i gotta say is that i get my hair touched a lot
all im sayin is that a lot of girls like long hair.
what you should be worried about is girls with really short hair


New member
Jan 13, 2009
if i went to any school with such rules, i´d sue them. thats directly discriminating. i could understand on universities or something, but in high school, middle-school and such, its discriminating.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
Specter_ said:
Armitage Shanks said:
Specter_ said:
Yay, Free Willy! WOHOO!

... wait no, how did we end up here? Aren't we meant to be discussing hair length?
Screw hair as long as I can run around naked...

If you want a more scientific answer: Max showed up, so we can derail this any way we want, we just blame him and get away with it.
Goddamnit Specter that is so not cool.
I have become known as "Dude who derails threads."
And I am the "Dude who does whatever he wants because he doesn't give a shit".
Besides, if we derail threads and blame you, it works for your "Dude who derails threads"...

Scarecrow38 said:
School rules about hair length is just another way they're trying to instill a sense of self- discipline and trying to get you to actually take some pride in how you appear to people. Give an employer two equally skilled applicants: one with a 'short back and sides' haircut and one with frizzy shoulder length, 15cm fringe haircut and he's going to pick the short haired. How to appear to people affects how they perceive you and your first impression so just learn the lesson they're trying to teach and move on.
I disagree. If you take a look at programming, you'll find that those employers who know what they are doing usually go with the frizzy shoulder long guy, since he's probably more open minded and less adapted to given structures and as such more capable of finding and fixing problems nobody ever encountered before.

Brett Alex

New member
Jul 22, 2008
Christemo said:
if i went to any school with such rules, i´d sue them. thats directly discriminating. i could understand on universities or something, but in high school, middle-school and such, its discriminating.
Yeah, and my school discriminates against me because they force me to wear pants, I should sue the-

No. Just no. Grow a pair and deal with it.

Besides, where is that money in your settlement coming from? The notoriously underfunded Department of Education, right...?

So well done, sticking it to the man through selfishness and an obnoxious attitude. Well done, you hero.


Esoteric Cultist
Jan 22, 2009
Christemo said:
if i went to any school with such rules, i´d sue them. thats directly discriminating. i could understand on universities or something, but in high school, middle-school and such, its discriminating.
It isn't exactly discrimination. Simply asking the student to cut his hair isn't discriminatory unless it implies that it has a meaning like they're pot smoking hippies or communists.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Incredible Bullshitting Man said:
Keisuke Zero said:
well I remember having a rule about keep it "neat"...but that was pretty much it...
never heard of anyone actually getting in trouble about their hair....

I believe its purpose was to keep up a nice school image or something or other....
Has to be something like that. Make the group look nice and homogeneous. I can´t think of any major disadvantage in having long hair in school.
Sure, it helps make everyone look nice and helps with discipline. Yet I think it helps with bullying. It is easiest to make fun of someone's appearance. If everyone were to look the same kids would need to get to know one-another in order to insult them. Then they will most-likely find they have a lot in common, become friends, and prevent another school shooting.


New member
Apr 17, 2008
EchetusXe said:
Idiots have to conform, those with talent make their own rules.

Seriously, I feel sorry for people who feel the need to have a shave and have short hair just to put food on the table.

Is it any wonder the world is suffering a financial crisis when its being run by brainless tools who put image before brains?
'trying to be cool by saying you're a non-conformist' aside. If you take the time to look at almost any white- collar job that pays decently, they all have standards about appearance and all that. You show up with a shoulder length hair in your eyes and they'll give you a few days... and then fire you. Major companies are all about image and attracting customers so having a 'I'm the only free mind and you're all sheep' attitude isn't going to move you up the ladder.

I feel sorry for the people who sit at home in their armchairs watching Oprah and Dr Phil with long hair telling people that only they see the world as it is and we're all idiots for being well groomed.

As for 'brainless tools who put image before brains'..... that's the whole human race. That's how we gather information about people.... how we see them. That's why we'd rather go out with the hot girl, it's why we'd rather buy the Mercedes than the third- hand rusty Ford, it's why you have respect for particular figures before they've even said a word. Everyone does it, without exception, so there's no point trying to score cheap points with it.