It's true that if there's a correlation between certain diseases/psychological phenomena and a certain type of lifestyle, then one could say that said lifestyle is a risk factor for the diseases and phenomena. But to go as far as to say that gaming should be prohibited as a form of preventive medicine, that's one bridge too far sir.
Men are a higher risk group for heart disease, car crashes, gun fights, crime, alcoholism, any kind of addiction. No matter how you twist or turn it, you're never going to get people as far as to accept the idea that mankind would actually be better off without men. (Except for all the women present)
Similarly, the only potent risk factor for breast cancer is the female gender. Should we start a political debate about that?
Preventive medicine has its obvious flaws, and these studies shouldn't be misinterpreted, overinterpreted or given too much credit. It's merely facts they try to bring out. Facts don't mix with opinions, at least they shouldn't in a well-performed study.