Science Says Gamers are Fat, Depressed Losers


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Well, the 'scientists' were half right as far as I'm concerned. I'm depressed, but I'm sure as hell not fat. Have you ever met a fat vegetarian? There you go then.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Well according to my BMI i'm dangerously underweight, but yeah, i'd agree with depressed... kind-of a lose-lose situation anyway ¬_¬

Mr. L

New member
Aug 10, 2009
games let you forget about problems in our life and hopefully let you get past what might actually make you depressed.


Late Reviewer
Nov 29, 2007
Okay, first of all I ain't fat: I am underweight, in fact.
Second, I'm only depressed because I'm unemployed. When I find a job, then I'll be a happy gamer again.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
i was a loner and unhappy before i started to play video games. now i am happy and have friends that i play video games with, and ive got a healthy figure. thank you video games *thumbs up*


New member
Aug 18, 2009
hmmmm...i have seen alot of people that fit that discription, but i am a happy functioning member of society. i have a job, im not overwieght, and i hang out with freinds in a totally un-video-game-related setting 3-4 times a week.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Science, I find that offensive.
I blame my issues on the brain tumor.

Stabby Joe

New member
Jul 30, 2008
I don't know which of many many games to play... in the mean time I'll go on a long walk with the family and later out at night with friends.

Oh wait, if science said says I'm wrong...


New member
Aug 18, 2009
If you all weren't so fat and depressed you'd be outside, not trying to explain why this isn't true. /thread


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
Wait... if I sit around all day doing minimal physical activity... and don't go out and meet real people in person... I'll get fat and depressed? Well done science... *clap*... *clap*. Actually... "science" has proved this before. "Science" keeps proving this... maybe someone proved this using science, and people keep having the need to re-prove it.

Gardenclaw said:
In other news scientists find out that Pope is Catholic.........
But, it's all in how you figure it out. We asked him, he said yes. We studied his behavior to see if it matched that of someone who was catholic, it did. We asked members of the Catholic church if they considered him Catholic, they said yes. We can't be conlcusive until we ask members outside of Catholicism if they think he's Catholic. Then we'll prove it for sure!

That's it, I'm changing my motto. Personal responsibility. Yes, spending all day playing video games without any physical activity or personal social interaction is bad. So is sitting at home reading books, or collecting stamps, or watching television, or drinking, at that level. Games don't force you to play them. Sony didn't hold a gun to your head and make you buy the PS3 (though that's probably their next marketing step), Microsoft didn't freeze your assets until you played Halo 3 for 72 hours straight to become the first Major-General (or whatever), Nintendo didn't hold your children hostage to make you... I don't know... do something with the Wii. Nothing is forcing people to game more than other important life activities. To claim the marketing does it just a cop-out. I'm a fat lazy gamer because I choose to game. I recognize that I wouldn't be if I went for more walks and played videogames less. I just don't, and it's not because a commercial told me to.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Iv met many different sorts of people and in all honest across the various ages that play computer games. Non are fat at all and while some may have troubles socially at times, many people do games or no games. If anything its because of their social troubles they often turn to games. For me I started playing games from a very very young age and I'm fine, I'm not fat although I wouldn't say Ii was health but healthier than many non-gamers. While I was young I didn't live in the kindest of areas and didn't have many friends, while you could blame computer games, I wouldn't I'd blame the fact I just find it hard to approach people because of people and bullying.

Although throughout the years iv enjoyed and played games more than a lot of "hardcore" gamers while still mixing it up with more active activities like skating or karate etc. I also spend a lot of time with various friends and I have a girlfriend. So what I'm trying to say is STOP stereotyping cause its god damn annoying.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Im not fat and nor depressed and im also not a virgin and or socially inept

*The "I Can't Believe its not science " Team brains explode *


Raving Lunatic
Apr 30, 2008
Thank you CDC for assigning arbitrary meaning and concern to correlations.

People who play video games tend to spend more time on the Internet -- wow, that's a surprise. Could it be that people who like technology both play video games and use the Internet? Could it be that many games utilize the Internet? Is spending more time on the Internet a problem?

Low and behold, these same people who use the Internet more also get more of their social support from the Internet. Geez, is this a problem? For decades, people all over the world have used their telephones for social support; was this also a problem? It's a communication medium, not a support group. People who use the Internet find it a useful tool for communication, so of course they socialize over it.

And go figure, people who spend time alone at the computer are less extroverted than those who don't. Well, geez, maybe that's because they are introverts! Maybe they should do a study of social clubs -- I bet they'll find people are extroverted than usual. Oh yeah, is being "less extroverted" a problem?

The lowered health status and increased BMI is an unfortunate, but obvious, result. For one, people who sit in front of a computer all day necessarily get less exercise, so they will be less healthy. Of course, people who are already unhealthy (or otherwise don't partake in a lot of exercise) will probably prefer sitting at a computer to running around the block.

There are so many unstated assumptions in their warnings. They insinuate that being introverted, socializing over the Internet, and participating in "imitation play-like activities" (which they fail to distinguish from playing games, instead sufficing to hand-wave it as being something less) are somehow less desirable. Frankly, I don't see any of these things as a problem, any more than being an ENFP is better than an ISTJ.

The fact that people who play video games spend less time exercising is potentially a problem, as inactivity does lead to health problems, but I wouldn't blame video games for that. If the people they describe actually are addicts (something they don't make clear in their study; they call them addicts, yet they only seem to distinguish those who play games from those who don't and make no mention of what determines addiction), then it's fair to say that their usage of games is inappropriate and may be at the risk of their health. On the other hand, a person who plays games can still be in perfectly good shape, as long as they eat a proper diet and exercise regularly, just like everybody else.

Once again, the CDC has taken a potentially useful set of data and tortured results from it, taking substantial leaps of logic to reach misconstrued conclusions. The results no doubt accomplished their task of verifying the researcher's preconceived beliefs and making it look like the CDC is important to society and deserves more funding.



New member
Jul 24, 2008
The thing is, whilst obviously i can't necassary tell whether they're depressed, most of my friends that play games aren't anywhere near fat, but if science says it is so..