Couldn't happen to a nicer cult.
As far as religion goes- look, if you think doing away with religion is going to magically make the world into a peaceful and rational place, you're consuming your own brand of happy sauce. I wish religion wasn't so much a part of public life; I don't think any politician should be asked about their faith ever again, and the suggestion that people of a particular religious stripe are automatically family-loving patriots while others are sexually molesting small woodland creatures every spare moment they're not on camera really ought to have been beaten to death with a stick by now. But as far as one's own life goes, I'm perfectly happy to have people believe what helps them get through another day.
Which is where, by many accounts, Scientology goes off the rails. At the very least, they've actively pursued celebrities and used the money they skim from them to persecute anyone who dares criticize them loudly enough to get heard. At worst... Well, Google 'em; you'll hear some scary stuff. The vast majority of Christians never want anything like the Inquisitions to occur again. The vast majority of Muslims strongly condemn Al-Qaeda's actions of September 11, 2001. But if the Scientology leadership has done anything questionable, you'll most likely find anyone still involved in the organization strangely, and perhaps nervously, mum.