The_root_of_all_evil said:
But doesn't this mean Yahtzee, that you're an idiot as well?
But that's the thing he IS calling himself an idiot, and he knows he is. It's like he said, Games are meant to entertain us we shouldn't be playing games to entertain ourselves by creating idiotic stages or conjuring different methods to go through a linear story line.
The moment we attempt to entertain ourselves through a video game we have proven ourselves to be idiots.
I've never played any game in which I believed I would have to entertain myself within the video game that should be entertaining me.
Meaning I've never played... Sims, This game, LBP, or any game in which I believe content is left out for the "player's" creativity unless it's appropriate. (like City of Heroes)
Another great way to tell if your an idiot and probably the most effective method, is to ask yourself these five questions.
1) Have I ever bleeped myself out ont he internet? (saying d*ck instead of dick.)
2) Have you ever been to ANY of the chans? (4chan, 7chan, etc)
3) Have you ever used any of the 'internet lingo', 'netspeak', or 'Memes' to either come across as a sarcastic prick, to seem intelligent, or to gain favor and respect from all your 'pixel buddies' all over the internet? (Tl;DR, cool story bro, etc)
4) Do you normally point out people's flaws in their post structure, grammar, or content instead of staying on topic or addressing what the person is trying to say? (Destrin would be a perfect example.)
5) Have you ever been called a Troll, or argued with a troll?
Answering yes to 2/5 makes you an idiot. Which yes, I am an idiot as well. I'm on the internet aren't I?