Seriously, we're barely a day into the new year and I'm already getting questioned by the police


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Like the welsh then I live in wales and I'm English and for every awesome dude I meet there's 10 of the stereotypical welsh people who eat sleep and talk rugby.

don't get me wrong that on it's own is fine it doesn't bother me if your interested in sport fine, but it's always that stereotype that seem to have something to say about the English I don't understand it.

When you walk around in England you don't hear anything about teh welsh but they seem to think there important rivals of the English well whatever I don't care if you've got a massive ego just leave me alone!


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Tranka Verrane said:
nebtheslayer95 said:
coming from a ginger in america, i know what youre talking about. just let it go, be the bigger person. or hell, just move away.
Wait, what? I thought the Americans had a thing for redheads?
not in highschool, i get bullshit just about everyday. it sucks. maybe its just the northeast that has a problem, idk

Iron Criterion

New member
Feb 4, 2009
A day into the year - People thought I tried commiting sucide, I was beaten up and my girlfriend dumped me.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
TheNamlessGuy said:
I would move. Seriously

OT: No.
We aren't very racist over here in Sweden
We are the utopia that the rest of the world want to be! ;P


New member
Mar 5, 2008
So this jist of this thread is that a bunch of white people hate each other and that Scots-vs-English is like a mild race-war? *snicker* Seriously though, as a WASP (Catholic) Canadian, I'm kinda top of the totem-pole as it were. I've never had this type of issue with anyone who is remotely white. We all get along. The closest I've had to a race-issue is when I was doing security near Jane and Finch in Toronto and some kids said "You're only asking us to leave 'cause were black." I told them it was because they were smoking weed at 4pm in a playground.

A Somali, a Mexican, a Jew, an Arab, a Native, and 17 Chinese people all walk into a bar. Bartender says "Zut alors" and decides he needs to get out of Saskatoon. That's race-relations in Canada for you.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Wait, what happened 700 years ago between England and Scot? I was thinking a director made someone mad by casting Mel Gibson as a Scot but that wasn't THAT long ago was it? *shrugs* I'm not very up on my Euro history. Hell, I don't even know my American history very well.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
TheNamlessGuy said:

We aren't very racist over here in Sweden
I suppose that's why the popularity of the Swedish Democratic Party (i.e The Family-Friendly Nazis) is steadily increasing.
Racism is everywhere and in plenty abundance.


New member
May 26, 2008
Nmil-ek said:
It's not just assumption I've been thrown out of clubs in england for using Scottish money it's the exact same fucking value and perfectly legal tender theres no bloody differance bar the face/signature on the print.
As somebody who lives on the South coast of England (Just about as far away from Scotland as you can get on the UK mainland) let me just say this... I have never seen a Scottish note, not once in the 27 years of my life. I go north of London maybe once or twice a year so it's not likely I would see a Scottish note either.

I did work in a Woolworths for a while (left before they went bust). So if anybody did give me a Scottish note I would have to call the manager to check it before I accepted it, after all I'm not going to be the one to take the blame if it does turn out to be fake.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Not me, but a good friend Liz (who's from the US) studied internationally. She was taking an ethics class in Italy, and because she's American the class essentially became the 'learn how to treat those scummy Americans like a Pinata' class. She was held accountable for every decision our government makes, and for how stupid/fat Americans are. She did not have a very good time.


New member
Aug 9, 2008
Angerwing said:
MurderousToaster said:
SmartIdiot said:
Ok. I am sick to my stomach of this shit. Well and truly. I have just finished being questioned by the police over a racial incident. Yep, nice to see they're actually doing some work but for fucks sake this has been going on forever.

Let me fill you in.

I am from Kent in southeast England. I am a southerner and I'm not afraid of where I come from. I've been living on Skye, a god-forsaken hellhole of an island located just off the west coast of Scotland for about 10 years now. The problem with isolated places like this is that the local nazis don't take kindly to so-called 'incomers' like myself and, supposedly, my best friend (who's mother is from Yorkshire, England). Tonight we had some abuse from an ignorant jackass. Fine, new years day, I didn't lash out, I just told him to fuck off, we're meant to be enjoying ourselves in the optimistic spirit of 2010 being a better year than 2009.

Anyway, I shouldn't be, but I am, used to the kind of abuse you get for being English in a place like this. Usually I get decked for standing up for myself. However this time some bright spark decided to get the police involved. So I've just spent the last half hour being questioned on the incident. A total waste of my time. I'm rather angry, already smashed my phone. However, before breaking anything else I'm curious, what do you think Escapists? Have you ever been in a situation like this before? Or are you in situations like this all the time like myself?(only this time someone decides to get the police involved). What are your thoughts? Why are some Scots still so completely anal about something that happened 700 years ago that had fuck all to do with them and still insist on bitching about 'English incomers' even though they're too pissed to know what they're talking about?
Wow, nice rant thread. You speak of racial incidents then go and call us Scottish people a bunch of pissed-up whiners. I'm really trying to suppress the rage right now.

Anyway, deep breaths.

You're generalising a whole people based on the off-coast islands (Which you can relate to in terms of racial awareness as a bit like middle England). I'd just like it if you'd not get so ragey at everyone in Scotland who you consider "too pissed to know what they're talking about". That's exactly why people in Scotland dislike the English, you're always stereotyping us.

Please just cool it off. If you've done nothing there's nothing to worry about.
So you think it's racist that saying:

Why are some Scots still so completely anal about something that happened 700 years ago that had fuck all to do with them and still insist on bitching about 'English incomers' even though they're too pissed to know what they're talking about?
when referring to an incident where some drunk Scots got anal about something that happened 700 years ago that had fuck all to do with them, and were too pissed to know what they were talking about?

Because from what it sounds like, he was describing his feelings quite well.

That's exactly why people in Scotland dislike the English, you're always stereotyping us.
This is deliciously idiotic.
It was 1:28AM when I wrote that.

Also, if you possessed any ability for recognition, you would see several people have already done this, you smug prat.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
Why do people always break things when they are angry? Or threaten other people? Is it just me who punches themselves in the face when they get angry? It doesnt happen often... is that better or worse?


New member
Apr 10, 2009
tellmeimaninja said:
Tranka Verrane said:
nebtheslayer95 said:
coming from a ginger in america, i know what youre talking about. just let it go, be the bigger person. or hell, just move away.
Wait, what? I thought the Americans had a thing for redheads?
It's mostly the douchebags who think anything unlike them is bad. Essentially the American Nazis.

I am lucky enough to live away from any racism. No Humans what-so-ever.
Utah? (Thats the one with all the mormons, right?)


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I get that a fair bit on the NW coast of Scotland too (I'm from England). I find it hilarious how proud over nothing the Scots are... pitiful too.

Also, as Michael Mackintyre said on a stand up of his, its funny how Scots like to put their name on everything. I.e. Scotch, Scotch-tape, etc etc etc etc...

P.S. 700 years ago, the whole reason Scots are overly proud, in your face and generally annoying... yeah - we won the war... get over it.


Kid makes a post...
Jun 1, 2009
MurderousToaster said:
It was 1:28AM when I wrote that.

Also, if you possessed any ability for recognition, you would see several people have already done this, you smug prat.
Staying up late is no excuse to be ignorant. Claiming that it is an excuse just makes you look like a child.

I love how you call me out on my 'ability for recognition', when you failed to recognise how the OP wasn't being racist. In fact, I didn't even read through the whole thread until after I posted that.

If it's being a smug prat to call someone out on unnecessary racism and ignorance, then hey, I'm guilty as charged. At least I'm not a borderline racist fool who freaks when anyone speaks ill of his country.


New member
Aug 9, 2008
Angerwing said:
MurderousToaster said:
It was 1:28AM when I wrote that.

Also, if you possessed any ability for recognition, you would see several people have already done this, you smug prat.
Staying up late is no excuse to be ignorant. Claiming that it is an excuse just makes you look like a child.

I love how you call me out on my 'ability for recognition', when you failed to recognise how the OP wasn't being racist. In fact, I didn't even read through the whole thread until after I posted that.

If it's being a smug prat to call someone out on unnecessary racism and ignorance, then hey, I'm guilty as charged. At least I'm not a borderline racist fool who freaks when anyone speaks ill of his country.
You can talk of ignorance. You insult me of missing out one word, and yet you have skimmed over paragraph upon paragraph identical to yours. You're not being intelligent, you're just being a moron. I have already had this conversation with the thread's creator and two others, and I possess utterly no reason to have it again with you. This conversation is over. Thank you for your worthless time.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
Kortney said:
Have I ever been in a situation where I have been put down for my nationality? Yes. Heaps of times. I was born and raised in Zimbabwe (I now live in the States) and many of the cool girls at school like to remind everyone that I am a "feral, stupid, disgusting African" before people start to like me.
Your family should have emigrated to England instead, you would not get that kind of abuse here, because we have a massive guilt complex when it comes to Africans.

Wasder said:
Funnily enough, as an Irishman in England I get almost no trouble. In fact, I've been told that the accent is attractive. On the flipside, going home my grandparents will comment that I sound like "Some scummy little Englishman".
Yeah, because the English, generally, like the Scots and the Irish, but the Irish and the Scots do not like the English back. The Welsh are an exception, where the English just like to take the piss out of them. Of course the Scot's and the Irish bear a grudge against the English for all the wars that happend in the past...the English, on the other hand, have fought against so many different nations (France, Holland, Germany, Spain, America, China, Argentina, Afganistan, India, Norway, Austria and Japan (as well as Ireland, Scotland and Wales) we could not possibly hold a grudge against most of the human race, so we hold a grudge against ourselves instead.

Red Right Hand

Feb 23, 2009
SmartIdiot said:
Ok. I am sick to my stomach of this shit. Well and truly. I have just finished being questioned by the police over a racial incident. Yep, nice to see they're actually doing some work but for fucks sake this has been going on forever.

Let me fill you in.

I am from Kent in southeast England. I am a southerner and I'm not afraid of where I come from. I've been living on Skye, a god-forsaken hellhole of an island located just off the west coast of Scotland for about 10 years now. The problem with isolated places like this is that the local nazis don't take kindly to so-called 'incomers' like myself and, supposedly, my best friend (who's mother is from Yorkshire, England). Tonight we had some abuse from an ignorant jackass. Fine, new years day, I didn't lash out, I just told him to fuck off, we're meant to be enjoying ourselves in the optimistic spirit of 2010 being a better year than 2009.

Anyway, I shouldn't be, but I am, used to the kind of abuse you get for being English in a place like this. Usually I get decked for standing up for myself. However this time some bright spark decided to get the police involved. So I've just spent the last half hour being questioned on the incident. A total waste of my time. I'm rather angry, already smashed my phone. However, before breaking anything else I'm curious, what do you think Escapists? Have you ever been in a situation like this before? Or are you in situations like this all the time like myself?(only this time someone decides to get the police involved). What are your thoughts? Why are some Scots still so completely anal about something that happened 700 years ago that had fuck all to do with them and still insist on bitching about 'English incomers' even though they're too pissed to know what they're talking about?
Seriously man I would move, we're not all like that though, one of my best mates is the most English guy you'll ever meet. And no offense, but Skye is a bit of a shitehole.

A quote from a great man, "Don't take any guff from these swine. If you have any trouble, remember, you can always send a telegram to the Right People. "

John Smyth

New member
Jul 3, 2009
SmartIdiot said:
Have you ever been in a situation like this before?
Same thing happened to me last years, I've been living in Edinburgh for only 4 years which means I still have my lovely southern accent. To cut a short story shorter, a couple of lads overheard me speaking and started mouthing off they weren't violent merely threatening however a couple of Lothian's finest where standing nearby and overheard, they then joined in saying how I(being English) didn't belong in Scotland and ought to return home.

Now I use a really bad fake Welsh accent whenever England beats Scotland in football/rugby