Seriously, we're barely a day into the new year and I'm already getting questioned by the police


New member
Oct 28, 2008
I hate it when people get pissed at something they absolutely have nothing to do with. For example I was kind of just goofing around with my friend who is Irish and he said something I can't remember and to retaliate I jokingly said "yeah well at least my whole country didn't get wiped out because the potatoes decided not to grow" and while to someone who was actually IN the potato famine is a horrible thing to say that was many many many years ago) and he got offended.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Zing said:
feather240 said:
Zing said:
feather240 said:
Zing said:
Sorry I can't say I have...

Then again...Australians are only racist against everyone else(or so I'm told)..
...but doesn't everyone think Australians are awesome, or are they like the Irish where only Americans think that? I mean they've got the best accents ever, tons of beaches, and their the descendants of criminals! It's like heaven, but really warm and with trees that release highly flammable gasses, also there's horrifying giant spiders that kill birds.
Yeah, that sounds about right.

Btw, "warm" is more like "really fucking hot". So glad I got a/c this year.
You guys should colonize Antarctica, seriously.
Yeah...damn Antarctic Treaty.
What's the UN gonna do, and does anyone else even care about Antartica anymore? Just let the scientists do their 20,000 leagues crap and no one will care. Also send dead whales to PETA.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
Some people hold grudges like that. They did live back then but they carry grudges of what happened to their people or families.

I think it is stupid that they hold grudges about what happened years ago. I was picked on in school but I don't hold grudges from the people who picked on me. They were idiots then.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Sir_Tor said:
Grand_Pamplemousse said:
You're in SCOTLAND... seriously, what do you expect?

Anyway, just move to south east England. We're nice and gentle over here, and... and we baked you a cake.
Don't listen to him! The cake is a lie!!!
Damn you! Damn you and your funny picture of Hugh laurie!


New member
Jul 7, 2009
Berethond said:
Kortney said:
Berethond said:
Kortney said:
grimsprice said:
Wait... they use the word feral?

Oh yes, they say feral all the time. It's always feral, stupid, disgusting, (insert swear words), African. To be fair, it's only a small group of girls who do this. Everyone else has been very kind.
You should show them exactly how feral you can be, if you take my meaning.
I sure should, but more often than not I opt for the brilliant walk away crying method.
Awwww :(
There's no reason to be sad. We all love you here. Hopefully they'll realize how awful they're being.
Seriously why havn't you told the police about them being racist? Get a small camera with good sound and secretly record them saying this. Take that to the police and it will fuck those girls lives up!

Monkfish Acc.

New member
May 7, 2008
DuplicateValue said:
If you've ever been to Ireland, you'll notice there's a LOT of other races around.
So no, I don't get this. Ever.
Are you kidding?
I got beaten up in school for being english. I still have the scars.
Every non-white person I know can't walk down the street without being accosted by some bright spark with a chip on their shoulder.
Refugees are treated like second-class citizens, forced to stay in reception centres that are run like prisons and ignored or bullied into submission whenever they try to speak up about it.

Or maybe that's just Cork.
I have heard it is kind of a shithole.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
MurderousToaster said:
Wow, nice rant thread. You speak of racial incidents then go and call us Scottish people a bunch of pissed-up whiners. I'm really trying to suppress the rage right now.

Anyway, deep breaths.

You're generalising a whole people based on the off-coast islands (Which you can relate to in terms of racial awareness as a bit like middle England). I'd just like it if you'd not get so ragey at everyone in Scotland who you consider "too pissed to know what they're talking about". That's exactly why people in Scotland dislike the English, you're always stereotyping us.
Except he didn't, and you are taking it way too defensively and personally, which is actually proving his point.

These are the only two references he made about peoples behaviour as Scottish residents (all other references are based upon individuals, not the Scottish) and both, in context, make no generalisation about the Scottish as a whole whatsoever:

SmartIdiot said:
The problem with isolated places like this is that the local nazis don't take kindly to so-called 'incomers'.
SmartIdiot said:
Why are some Scots still so completely anal about something that happened 700 years ago that had fuck all to do with them and still insist on bitching about 'English incomers' even though they're too pissed to know what they're talking about?

El Poncho

Techno Hippy will eat your soul!
May 21, 2009
I think they were just picking up that your English to shout abuse at you. Where I am no one cares who is English , Irish etc. I'm guessing it was the local neds shouting abuse though and they are all a bunch of faggots looking to start a fight whenever is possible.


New member
Aug 9, 2008
Machines Are Us said:
MurderousToaster said:
Wow, nice rant thread. You speak of racial incidents then go and call us Scottish people a bunch of pissed-up whiners. I'm really trying to suppress the rage right now.

Anyway, deep breaths.

You're generalising a whole people based on the off-coast islands (Which you can relate to in terms of racial awareness as a bit like middle England). I'd just like it if you'd not get so ragey at everyone in Scotland who you consider "too pissed to know what they're talking about". That's exactly why people in Scotland dislike the English, you're always stereotyping us.
Except he didn't, and you are taking it way too defensively and personally, which is actually proving his point.

These are the only two references he made to Scottish people (as in, their behaviour based upon location) and both, in context, make no generalisation about the Scottish as a whole whatsoever:

SmartIdiot said:
The problem with isolated places like this is that the local nazis don't take kindly to so-called 'incomers'.
SmartIdiot said:
Why are some Scots still so completely anal about something that happened 700 years ago that had fuck all to do with them and still insist on bitching about 'English incomers' even though they're too pissed to know what they're talking about?
Perfectly aware of that. Just didn't care. I posted that at about 1:28AM. Tiredness was setting in and so maybe I missed two words. There are far more polite ways to point out I made an error, Captain Smug.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Sorry to hear that you were treated like that but I'm not surprised. Go to any small country side town which your race is disliked and you will hear it as folk in those areas tend to be a lot less tolerant/intelligent. Here in Glasgow most folk I know jokingly make fun of the English in the same way we jokingly make fun of other Scots.

I myself have traveled down to England quite a few times when I was in London I had a good chat with the people there and they of course jokingly asked where my kilt was etc etc. That said when I was in Kent, my family and I entered a small village to have lunch as soon as we opened our mouths to order something we got rather nasty glares and we over heard several patrons telling us to go back to our huts in the hills. Sadly I cant remember the name of the village but all I know is that they're rather proud of their local church for some reason.

Anyway I'd say next time try and go to a more populated part of Scotland like Glasgow or Edinburgh you still get idiots but theres less of them.

OT: Also the dislike the Scots have for England isn't as old as some of you think, Thatcher is a good example but there is one or two others. Personally I hold no grudges mostly because not every English person thinks like that woman and of course not every English person sees Scotland as Britain's waste bin.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
I got a load of shit for being German when I first moved to England. It got quite bad, insults, war-jibes, physical abuse. When I reported it to the teachers, they never took it seriously, and I got into a fight or two simply because I stuck up for myself.

It was pretty absurd, considering I wasn't German, I'd just lived there a while.


New member
Nov 3, 2008
Sounds like where I live, good old council estate England. 'Course instead of Scots on non-scot it's chavs on non-chav. Same thing though, it sucks. Why don't you move?

AngloDoom said:
It was pretty absurd, considering I wasn't German, I'd just lived there a while.


That's mad. Are you actually English?

Undeadundertaker333 said:
I hate it when people get pissed at something they absolutely have nothing to do with. For example I was kind of just goofing around with my friend who is Irish and he said something I can't remember and to retaliate I jokingly said "yeah well at least my whole country didn't get wiped out because the potatoes decided not to grow" and while to someone who was actually IN the potato famine is a horrible thing to say that was many many many years ago) and he got offended.
You should know whether or not you have that type of relationship, I often have a bit of banter like that with people because we know it's all in good fun, but I would only do it with people who know it's all just a laugh. That is a pretty harsh comment mind you.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
corroded said:
But it doesn't happen the other way around, yet by popular international assumption it's the English that are the racists.

Ironic, eh?

I've always got on fairly well with Scottish people, in fact i know a fair few Glaswegians and their a decent bunch, on a whole i don't know if i could survive living up there though. I've heard too many horror stories from English people about the abuse they have to tolerate, and know of far too many that leave because of local attitudes.
It's not just assumption I've been thrown out of clubs in england for using Scottish money it's the exact same fucking value and perfectly legal tender theres no bloody differance bar the face/signature on the print. Not to mention the week I spent in Blackpool was meant to be a nice holiday with my mates spent half of it in the hotel with an icebag over my eye for daring to speak with a different accent, sure they were drunk and the police did stop them but its fucking inexcusable.

Youll get pricks like that in all parts of the UK still so mired in history with some nationalistic image of themselves as patriotic or some bullshit.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Kortney said:
grimsprice said:
Wait... they use the word feral?

Oh yes, they say feral all the time. It's always feral, stupid, disgusting, (insert swear words), African. To be fair, it's only a small group of girls who do this. Everyone else has been very kind.
They don't sound smart enough to know what the word feral means.

OT: Move?


New member
Dec 23, 2008
Take the Yorkshire approach: Agree with them, then kill them when they turn their backs. Wait, that's not right.

Oh yeah, just kill them. That's better.