Sexsim: have the tables actually turned?

Daddy Go Bot

New member
Aug 14, 2008
2xDouble said:
Daddy Go Bot said:
While she did make advances in her field (Like plenty of women are doing), she didn't "invent" anything per se. Like I said before, women are good at adapting to the world men create.

So no, I'm not contradicting myself if that's what you're implying.
Actually, you are. You claim that women don't have the ability to innovate, but instead adapt to creations and machinations of men. Therefore men explicitly control the ideas and "world" as it is, by setting the rules and mechanics of it. Women cannot change the rules, therefore they can never be superior to men: no matter how good women are at adapting, men can always undo or remake it.

Every one of your other arguments are supposedly to prove feminine superiority and advantage, but this, your own argument, disallows that possibility. Therefore you have contradicted yourself.

Also: You don't consider Radiology, an entire school of science, a significant invention?
I've never stated that women do not posses the ability to innovate, it's just that their "inventions" pale in comparison to that of men's to the point where they're not even worth mentioning.

But if it's true that radiology was something created by women then color me impressed.


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
oppp7 said:
No, we aren't. Women still have to deal with shit that men don't have to, and you can't say the same about the opposite. I have no idea why everyone on the internet is so against feminism.
Actually yesterday i was talking to a friend about why lesbianism is more accepted than homosexual males in a community. Its when i realised this: Male sexuality is taught to be disgusting and vulgar. Female sexuality is encouraged, get in touch with an inner you people cry, its ok to be open with your feelings. If a man does the same its taught as creepy and weak, they are taught attraction to women is a carefully controlled thing they must never act apon ever unless specifically asked, our sexuality is something we cant explore, not really. Its taught to us that we cant express ourselves in certain ways from birth. Women are taught they can do anything they want, and the world is theirs. Men are taught a strict set of rules for their sexuality and expressing it.

iDoom46 said:
I'd say we're more equal now than we've ever been, and getting increasingly more so all the time. Dudes bitching about women getting more rights and the feminist movement are just pissed that they have to share and that their lives aren't as easy as they used to be.
Sorry but I have to link this. Apparently a media corperation and an entire audience PLUS these filthy harpies thought this was appropriate:

Yep they laughed at the brutal cold blooded mutilation and torture of a man just because he was a man. You could not do that to a women with a group of men. Ever. There would be riots, that show would be gone, the actor disgraced, protests and hate letters to the man, court hearings, news reports ECT ECT. This? She gave a very sarcastic sorry and no one gave a single fuck. If thats not sexist i dont know what is.

I have a very feminist friend. I really like her. I hear her stand up for misandry as much as misogeny and she agrees sexism to men might not be as rampant but its definately not treated with the same severity at all. In fact its actively encouraged in places.

She laughed as she apologised. The show continues to run and no group has said anything at all.

Im applying for uni next year. Lets look at how the uni takes students. It WILL TAKE THE

Top % of girls, regardless of how good they are, every man could be better and they will stillt take these people first.

10 Students from abroad per course

Top % ethnic minorities.

And the rest the actual top 10% of everyone. Some people get a garenteed place just because of gender and minority because the uni doesnt want to look racist or sexist. Ironically making them sexist and racist. But in a way society doesnt care about.


New member
Jun 30, 2008
masterbazza said:
i feel like this should be mentioned.
they banned men sitting next to children. No joke.
I really hate my country.

What I do find interesting is the oft-asserted claim that "women are paid less than men for the equivalent work". Putting aside the arguments over salary vs wage (data can be produced to support both 'sides' of the argument), I simply don't find this plausible, since it relies upon the implication that capitalist greed is overwhelmed by patriarchal hegemony. Consider: apparently we live in a male-dominated capitalist society. Now, if women are indeed as capable as man in any given job, then what we have is a group of workers who can produce equivalent output at a lower price. Yet I'm supposed to believe that the male capitalists employing labour are so sexist that they would forgo an opportunity to increase their profit?

Well, I don't. The logical conclusion, therefore, is that workplaces should be largely occupied by female workers. Equivalent output, reduced input prices. Yet that's not the case, so I see only three possible conclusions.

1) Endemic sexism really is stronger than the profit motive.
2) Women are not, in terms of the more common occupations within society, as capable as men.
3) Women are not actually underpaid on average.

The first is laughable. The second cannot really be argued outside of specific examples (obviously there are roles where men and women excel versus each other, but in general?). So...


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Phasmal said:
OP: `I know who I will ask about gender inequality! Gamers! Their commitment to gender equality is legendary!` /facepalm.
Heh, you might be onto something there.

Daddy Go Bot

New member
Aug 14, 2008
tyriless said:
Misogyny is still alive and well, at least in the United States, and you don't have to look at this internet forum to prove that. Our corporate, political, and social leaders overwhelmingly have a Y chromosome so this culture is predominantly a patriarchy. This wouldn't be bad in itself except watch when a woman runs for political office and listen to what is said about her. She's a harpy, a shrew, a *****, a ball buster: these are all reserved for any woman that wants to be taken seriously by the public or wants to sacrifice a social life for an actual career.
I dig feminism. It's not some lesbo boogey-*****, coming to cut your balls off. It's about equal rights, equal pay, and equal respect for women. Nothing is wrong with that.
Feminism has proven to be nothing but poison for western civilization.

I highly recommend that you watch this:


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Daddy Go Bot said:
2xDouble said:
Daddy Go Bot said:
While she did make advances in her field (Like plenty of women are doing), she didn't "invent" anything per se. Like I said before, women are good at adapting to the world men create.

So no, I'm not contradicting myself if that's what you're implying.
Actually, you are. You claim that women don't have the ability to innovate, but instead adapt to creations and machinations of men. Therefore men explicitly control the ideas and "world" as it is, by setting the rules and mechanics of it. Women cannot change the rules, therefore they can never be superior to men: no matter how good women are at adapting, men can always undo or remake it.

Every one of your other arguments are supposedly to prove feminine superiority and advantage, but this, your own argument, disallows that possibility. Therefore you have contradicted yourself.

Also: You don't consider Radiology, an entire school of science, a significant invention?
I've never stated that women do not posses the ability to innovate, it's just that their "inventions" pale in comparison to that of men's to the point where they're not even worth mentioning.

But if it's true that radiology was something created by women then color me impressed.
Do you not consider the fact that men have like a few thousand years on us because we weren't ALLOWED to invent anything? Just a thought.

Angelus SnV

New member
Nov 19, 2009
what do i think of sexisim? mostly this:



I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Phasmal said:
OP: `I know who I will ask about gender inequality! Gamers! Their commitment to gender equality is legendary!` /facepalm.
No, men still dont have it harder, despite `affirmative action``, despite all the `feminazis` trying to spoil their fun.

I honestly dont know why people ask questions like this to a community known for its `delicate` approach to gender politics.
actually to be honest Im quite ok with the reactions, trust me thease assholes on certain blogs I somtimes go are ALWAYS whining about how all women are evil, (I hsve a theory however that its the same set of people and not a true representation of most peoeples attitudes..I hope)

anyway thourght Id get the escapists veiw and its all nicly discussed and thourght out


New member
Oct 22, 2011
all im saying is i dotn think the tables have turned quite yet but noone cares if a female is saying women are better then men but if you say a man is better then a women...


New member
Aug 27, 2010
Daddy Go Bot said:
Vault101 said:
Daddy Go Bot said:
David Savage said:
Name one slightly significant thing invented by a woman. Go on, I'll wait.

I'm not sure what it exactly is, but I think testosterone is the big driver here.
I'll give you two and they are medical themed:

Marie Curie
Discovered radium and furthered x-ray technology.

Dianne Croteau
Invented the CPR mannequin.

Daddy Go Bot

New member
Aug 14, 2008
Phasmal said:
Daddy Go Bot said:
2xDouble said:
Daddy Go Bot said:
While she did make advances in her field (Like plenty of women are doing), she didn't "invent" anything per se. Like I said before, women are good at adapting to the world men create.

So no, I'm not contradicting myself if that's what you're implying.
Actually, you are. You claim that women don't have the ability to innovate, but instead adapt to creations and machinations of men. Therefore men explicitly control the ideas and "world" as it is, by setting the rules and mechanics of it. Women cannot change the rules, therefore they can never be superior to men: no matter how good women are at adapting, men can always undo or remake it.

Every one of your other arguments are supposedly to prove feminine superiority and advantage, but this, your own argument, disallows that possibility. Therefore you have contradicted yourself.

Also: You don't consider Radiology, an entire school of science, a significant invention?
I've never stated that women do not posses the ability to innovate, it's just that their "inventions" pale in comparison to that of men's to the point where they're not even worth mentioning.

But if it's true that radiology was something created by women then color me impressed.
Do you not consider the fact that men have like a few thousand years on us because we weren't ALLOWED to invent anything? Just a thought.

You wouldn't believe how many times I've gone over this with people (Not just here of course). What you bring up is a common argument by feminists, but once you bring up the fact that the greatest inventors throughout human history have had little to no formal education, there's no way to really respond to that.

And what if I was to bring up the fact that all technological advances are still carried out by men and men only in our equal society? Sorry cupcake, but the female oppression bullshit card holds no water here.

tyriless said:
I'll give you two and they are medical themed:

Marie Curie
Discovered radium and furthered x-ray technology.

Dianne Croteau
Invented the CPR mannequin.
I actually gave a shout-out to Marie Curie in one of my earlier posts and she did indeed make some great progress in chemistry, so kudos to her. Although I personally cannot argue the significance of radium, she certainly deserves some credit.

The CPR mannequin?......L..O..L.

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
TheSilverTeen said:
If a woman ever had abuse of any kind by a spouse, I would understand chopping his junk off.
I'd assume you'd be ok if a man ever had abuse of any kind then you would understand him cutting her uterus out?

OT: As I have posted on this thread that just refuses to go away, it's very much depending where you look at. It's not all sexism towards one gender or another, it comes from both sides.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Daddy Go Bot said:
Sorry cupcake
Of course, men are so hard-done by.
Dont fucking talk down to me.

EDIT: Ok that may have been a harsh reaction to start with, but seriously? Are you going to talk to me like I'm a little girl cause I brought up a point you disagree with? Did you do that to the guys disagreeing with you.

Daddy Go Bot

New member
Aug 14, 2008
Phasmal said:
Daddy Go Bot said:
Sorry cupcake
Of course, men are so hard-done by.
Dont fucking talk down to me.

EDIT: Ok that may have been a harsh reaction to start with, but seriously? Are you going to talk to me like I'm a little girl cause I brought up a point you disagree with? Did you do that to the guys disagreeing with you.
That's really cute and all, but how actually refuting my arguments instead? There's no need to make this personal.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Daddy Go Bot said:
2xDouble said:
Daddy Go Bot said:
While she did make advances in her field (Like plenty of women are doing), she didn't "invent" anything per se. Like I said before, women are good at adapting to the world men create.

So no, I'm not contradicting myself if that's what you're implying.
Actually, you are. You claim that women don't have the ability to innovate, but instead adapt to creations and machinations of men. Therefore men explicitly control the ideas and "world" as it is, by setting the rules and mechanics of it. Women cannot change the rules, therefore they can never be superior to men: no matter how good women are at adapting, men can always undo or remake it.

Every one of your other arguments are supposedly to prove feminine superiority and advantage, but this, your own argument, disallows that possibility. Therefore you have contradicted yourself.

Also: You don't consider Radiology, an entire school of science, a significant invention?
I've never stated that women do not posses the ability to innovate, it's just that their "inventions" pale in comparison to that of men's to the point where they're not even worth mentioning.

But if it's true that radiology was something created by women then color me impressed.
You're going to make me quote you back to you again, aren't you? Very well:
Daddy Go Bot said:
While she did make advances in her field (Like plenty of women are doing), she didn't "invent" anything per se. Like I said before, women are good at adapting to the world men create.
The world men create. Men are the creators of the world. Women do not create the world, they adapt to it. They are good at adapting, so why don't they create the world? they must lack the ability. You said it.

And again:
Daddy Go Bot said:

Credit is given where it's due. Always has been.
From that very article:
Her achievements include a theory of radioactivity (a term that she coined), techniques for isolating radioactive isotopes, and the discovery of two elements, polonium and radium. Under her direction, the world's first studies were conducted into the treatment of neoplasms, using radioactive isotopes.
According to this evidence, Marie Curie created Radiology, the study of radioactivity.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Daddy Go Bot said:
tyriless said:
Misogyny is still alive and well, at least in the United States, and you don't have to look at this internet forum to prove that. Our corporate, political, and social leaders overwhelmingly have a Y chromosome so this culture is predominantly a patriarchy. This wouldn't be bad in itself except watch when a woman runs for political office and listen to what is said about her. She's a harpy, a shrew, a *****, a ball buster: these are all reserved for any woman that wants to be taken seriously by the public or wants to sacrifice a social life for an actual career.
I dig feminism. It's not some lesbo boogey-*****, coming to cut your balls off. It's about equal rights, equal pay, and equal respect for women. Nothing is wrong with that.
Feminism has proven to be nothing but poison for western civilization.

I highly recommend that you watch this:
is that from the same persen/group/whatever that did the school video?

FIRST of all feminism has changed split..or whatever you want to call it, at its heart it was always about "hey we arnt inferior to men!" not "we are BETTER than men!" but obviously like any movement time went it got taken to an extreme,

without feminism (no not crazy extreme feminism even though I shouldnt have to fucking say that) women would still be expected to aspire to nothing else in life other than making her man happy and popping out kids

now obviously its now a very grey issue, from the comments here I gues BOTH sides have issues to deal with, it would be stupid to say only one had the real problems

and yeah..there are problems stemming from pandering to girls...though (somwhat biased) videos like this and arguments from the otherside like to point out all the issues...but never seem to have any answers

I mean seriously whats the solution? we create seperate societies for men and women?