Sexting. What's your opinion on it?


New member
Aug 9, 2009
ace_of_something said:
Woodsey said:
ace_of_something said:
It's pretty stupid. There's a reason back when people wanted to do this sort of thing they only used Polaroid cameras.
What is this... POE-LAR-ROOOID, you speak of?

Also, considering a person shagging someone who is under the age of consent but who is of a close age to the under-age person is unlikely to be prosecuted for anything, I don't know how likely it is you're going to get done for having a few naughty ones of your girlfriend stored on your phone.

Mind you, you can fuck at 16 and not watch porn until you're 18, so that's logic for you.
Depends on local laws. In my state the age of consent is 18 unless you're withen 3 years of the younger party. Most states have similar rules.
I'm English, so I'm pretty sure its like I said over here for the actual sex (you can technically be taken to court, but nothing's likely to come of it) - the child pornography angle though, I don't know.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Woodsey said:
ace_of_something said:
Woodsey said:
ace_of_something said:
It's pretty stupid. There's a reason back when people wanted to do this sort of thing they only used Polaroid cameras.
What is this... POE-LAR-ROOOID, you speak of?

Also, considering a person shagging someone who is under the age of consent but who is of a close age to the under-age person is unlikely to be prosecuted for anything, I don't know how likely it is you're going to get done for having a few naughty ones of your girlfriend stored on your phone.

Mind you, you can fuck at 16 and not watch porn until you're 18, so that's logic for you.
Depends on local laws. In my state the age of consent is 18 unless you're withen 3 years of the younger party. Most states have similar rules.
I'm English, so I'm pretty sure its like I said over here for the actual sex (you can technically be taken to court, but nothing's likely to come of it) - the child pornography angle though, I don't know.
Oh no you certainly can't take pictures. They've tried and convicted children who sexted images of themselves.

Maybe the parents should just take the damn phone away?

Seriously though about a year or two ago my nephew got caught with pictures of girls on his phone my brother (his dad) flipped out. The kid is now 16 still doesn't have a cell phone. So yeah.

edit: 4444th post... weee!

Ace of Spades

New member
Jul 12, 2008
Communication via text is inherently impersonal. Using still images to try and get around that seems like it wouldn't work very well.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
I would send sexually suggestive messages ( done it before), but I wouldn't send naked pictures of myself for obvious reasons.

Make sure you trust the person you're send it all to, okay?


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
"Sexting" can stick it. I can't see how anyone could gain anything from it.

Can't people just watch porn or read/write erotic fanfiction instead?


New member
Jul 14, 2010
felixdan1 said:
First off, new favorite word

On topic, don't see a point in it, but as with my stance on most things if you want to do it, and of age go for it.


Super Sailor Moon
Jan 23, 2010
I send nude pictures of myself to my boyfriend all time. :3

Either that or me in something sexy. :))


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Sending kinky text messages: sure, been there, done that, will do so again.

Sending nude photo's: c'mon, I'm damn well studying photography, it's not like I'm going to use a shitty phone camera.

Enough artistic nude photo's out there already though for me to not really mind being in one - as long as it actually is a good photo.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Irridium said:
I think its pretty stupid, but whatever works for people I guess.

If I wanted to see naked pictures of people through technology, I'd use my computer.
Awesome avatar, perhaps you know of these guys. []

Moving on topic, I also thought it was sending suggestive texts but since it's sending nude pictures I think there's nothing so wrong with it. However the consequences are too high to even bother, it's not evil! or anything I guess I'm indifferent/on the fence.

Note that I'd never do it since you might as well post it on facebook because there's a good chance someone else is going to pick it up.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Can be a bit of fun. Nought like opening a text to find boobies and "What she wants you to do to her."


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Sexting featuring a minor can be considered child porn, and in some way is. Sending a minor an adult pic I don't know the law but it's still creepy. About the child porn thing, the age ov the viewer does not matter so even if they're the same age it's still a problem.