Sexting. What's your opinion on it?


New member
Jan 17, 2009
antidonkey said:
The act is almost as stupid as the punishment. I seem to recall one case when a 15 year old girl sent nude pics of herself to someone and she got hit with child porn charges even though the pics were of her. So very, very dumb on for multiple reasons.
If its the case I remember, it was for distributing it.

Although there have been people who were charged with owning child porn, even though it was off themselves. Which is pathetic I think.

Anyway, I think its fine. Nothing really wrong with it.

Raven's Nest

Elite Member
Feb 19, 2009
SageRuffin said:
Raven said:
SageRuffin said:
"Sexting" can stick it. I can't see how anyone could gain anything from it.

Can't people just watch porn or read/write erotic fanfiction instead?
Lol, yeah I could sit there and write erotic fan fiction to my self...



I could have an interactive conversation about all the pleasurable things I would do with this hot chick I'm talking to, who just sent me an amazing picture of her breasts...

Well, then you can stick it along with everyone else who shares your bizarre habits. How do you like that?
That's cool, I'll just be standing over there, with everyone else having fun with the ladies, indulging in bizarre habits like flirting, kissing and sex.

You can go back to your bedroom writing your erotic fan fiction and watching your porn, alone... Forever...


New member
Aug 22, 2010
sending a sexy text to your partner, especially on a Friday night, is just harmless flirting and a cheeky prelude to greater things to come......

Sending actual naked pics of each other is deeply stupid and kinda tacky.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
I think it's stupid but hilarious, because it's not me.
We also get some great amateur porn start that way :D


New member
Nov 16, 2009
felixdan1 said:
i think its gross someone would sext their texticles :p
Ha! I see what you did there.

OT: I think it all comes down to common sense. Obviously sexting in a relationship that is only a few weeks aged or whatever, is looking for trouble. Because when break-up time comes around, you're going to regret it alot.

However, I can see the merit in long-distance or really strong relationships.

[small]I don't think anyone would be upset if they were sexted by their partner though[/small]


New member
Jan 31, 2008
I want to talk less about the act and more about the idea that a 15 year old can get charged for distributing child porn by sending photos of her tits to dudes in her class.

That's the most fucking stupid thing I've ever heard. Unfortunately the way the law is right now, that is exactly what she is doing. This is a case of technology moving faster than people can update laws. I would love to see a change of this law, because the idea of a mid teenager getting labelled as a sex offended is stupid.

Any subject involving teenagers and sexuality is tricky to talk about. Kids are gonna fuck, and kids are gonna take pictures of their cocks and send it to people. Having a stupid law on it wont work, you need better education about these things.


Raven said:
SageRuffin said:
Well, then you can stick it along with everyone else who shares your bizarre habits. How do you like that?
That's cool, I'll just be standing over there, with everyone else having fun with the ladies, indulging in bizarre habits like flirting, kissing and sex.

You can go back to your bedroom writing your erotic fan fiction and watching your porn, alone... Forever...
This guy, this guy right here.


New member
Apr 9, 2010
perfect for long distance relationships, for some people. i think the charges are pretty strict though, when it's clearly consenting


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
Raven said:
SageRuffin said:
Raven said:
SageRuffin said:
"Sexting" can stick it. I can't see how anyone could gain anything from it.

Can't people just watch porn or read/write erotic fanfiction instead?
Lol, yeah I could sit there and write erotic fan fiction to my self...



I could have an interactive conversation about all the pleasurable things I would do with this hot chick I'm talking to, who just sent me an amazing picture of her breasts...

Well, then you can stick it along with everyone else who shares your bizarre habits. How do you like that?
That's cool, I'll just be standing over there, with everyone else having fun with the ladies, indulging in bizarre habits like flirting, kissing and sex.

You can go back to your bedroom writing your erotic fan fiction and watching your porn, alone... Forever...
On a phone. All right, then.

I'll leave you to that.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Irridium said:
I think its pretty stupid, but whatever works for people I guess.

If I wanted to see naked pictures of people through technology, I'd use my computer.
or just copy scruffy!! :D