Sexuality / Being uptight


New member
Feb 21, 2009
1.1) I would not
1.2) I typically sleep in nothing but underwear, and frankly I think it'd be kinda awkward for the other guy...
2) I can, but I typically don't.
3) Same way I act around the opposite variety of people. They're just people, after all.

Kevlar Eater

New member
Sep 27, 2009
1) I've done it before, and I'd do it again if necessary.
1.2) N/A
2) Depends on region and gender (i.e., American females seemingly talk about it endlessly and outwardly, but god forbid a certain type of American male even say the word "sex" around a lady).
3) It's an unspoken rule in society that forbids guys like me from talking about it, so I'm forced to be semi-uptight.

Amethyst Wind

New member
Apr 1, 2009
1. If I'm tired enough I could (and did) sleep anywhere, outside, a bathtub, the floor, upside down. Having another body in the bed is mild in comparison.
3. I'll openly talk about it, but most people I've met just don't seem to care about sexuality, the length of those conversations is pretty much "Oh, he/she's gay/straight. Cool. So anyway, how 'bout them Bears..." Sexuality doesn't bother me or the people I generally associate with, I've known too many different -sexuals to care.
4. Around up-tight people I'll smile with them on the outside (if I'm feeling nice, otherwise I'll have a lot of fun at their expense) and smile/laugh at them on the inside (regardless).


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Android2137 said:
1.2) Even if nothing happens, the fact that the person was inclined to is enough. It's just wrong if you have to make the person promise not to do anything, you know?
Isn't it a bit presumptuous (and a tad arrogant) to assume the person would be so "inclined" based solely on their gender preference, or that the person wouldn't have self control?

Disaster Button

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2009
1. Yeah, I've done it before actually.
2. This is a blank space.
3. Sexuality yes, if its someone I'm close to. Sex? Probably only with somebody I was very close too. I often find people to be too graphic (or boastful) in that area and it usually sends my imagination spinning into places I don't want it to go, plus its a subject to which I have nothing to contribute. Plus I believe things like that (regarding my own anyway) to be too private to just talk about freely.
4. Depends how up-tight they are or regarding what subjects, but in most I'd just adjust to their level.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
1. Yes, I already have. Every 1st of May me and my friends go to the village and just mess around. However, there aren't enough beds so everyone has to sleep with someone, and no one has a problem with it.
2. Yeah, I have no problem talking about it.
3. Haven't met any.

Admiral Stukov

I spill my drink!
Jul 1, 2009
I don't have any problem of sharing a bed with someone.
But I'd advise against it since I flail around like a madman in my sleep, so someone would probably end up with a broken nose or something.


New member
May 1, 2008
1.1) Yeah, I've shared my bed with a guy before.
1.2) Nothing bothered me about it.
2) I can talk openly about sex and sexuality.
3) Patiently


Charming, But Stupid
Mar 22, 2009
1. Done it before, I'll do it again. As long as there's no contact, the supposed "implications" are too juvenile to bother me.
2. Why the hell not? It's part of the human experience, and a big part of who we are. To take a puritanical "IS NOTHING SACRED?!" approach to sexuality is to complicate a fairly simple matter.
3. If someone expresses discomfort about a topic, I'll generally avoid it unless they absolutely need to be set straight on something; it's called tact.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
1) Of course, and have in the past.
2) N/A
3) Yes, many of my friends are obsessed with sex. Both guys and Girls, it's like natural conversation now.
4) I act how i normally do, Just because someone is up-tight doesn't mean I should change my attitude.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
1.1) Would you share your bed with a person of the same sex?
1.2) If no, what bothers you about it?
2) Can you openly talk about sex or sexuality?
3) How do you act aroundd up-tight people?
1) Only if it is out of necessity. I'm not a homophobe but I am a sheet hog. And I already have, when we only had two beds and four guys in the same hotel room in Europe.

2) Yup. I'm straight and I like women. I could get into far greater details but that wouldn't be like me and also not very polite.

3) I tell them relax, its all good. If they are still up-tight, I plan with a bunch of other friends to make random flirtatious comments around them. Usually they get that its just joking around. If not, someone has a pole shoved up where the sun don't shine. In a more formal, less schoolish environment I'd just plain ignore them.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
1.1) Not sure, I've never been in the situation before. But if I had to go on instinct, I'd say no.
1.2) It just doesn't fit with who I am.
2) Not really, but it depends on the company. If it's between a few close friends, then yeah, I have no problem talking about it. With someone I've only known for a day or two, it would be a bit awkward.
3) I am fine with "uptight" people. Sex is a personal topic, and not every one has to feel the same about it.

Bloodstain said:
2) Yes. I don't see the problem with's natural and fun. You can talk about eating, can't you?
I saw this answer, and I have to ask, do you really see sex and eating in the same category?

I mean, eating is something every single person of every age does. It can be done in public, with family, with strangers, etc...

Sex is personal, usually not done in large groups, and is something kids (generally) know nothing about.

To me, that seems sort of like an apples to oranges comparison...


New member
Apr 4, 2010
1) done it several times when i sleep at my friends place
2) i swear like a sailor so i would say yes
3)don't know many up tight people to say so, but i don't treat them else


New member
Sep 22, 2009
etherlance said:
The only reason I would not share a bed with another guy is:

* I don't want to wake up in the morning with a piece of morning wood jammed into my back!!
It's not as bad as having it jammed against your morning wood.

1. Have no problem sharing a bed with other dudes, have done so plenty of times, from my childhood through to young adulthood. Have shared a single bed with 3 other dudes. Have shared a bed with three chicks too, that was a double bed.
Sharing a bed =/= sex/sexual attraction.

2. Does not apply.

3. I'm comfortable talking about sex/sexuality with anyone. I've not tried to talk with my grandparents about it so far but I'm sure I'd be able to.
It's awkward talking to my sister about it as she's just about to turn 15 and I know that she's thinking about it, which makes me uncomfortable due to the large age gap which has always made her a baby compared to me and my (older) brother.

4. I suppose the same, respectfully. It's not hard to guess where the line is with people usually.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
Well ... I like my personal space ... mainly because in my sleep I randomly spoon things like pillows and blankets.

So I don't mind sharing a bed ( whether small or large bed ... if the bed is sufficiently large another for me to roll about on one spot and not afflict anybody I don't give a shit) with anyone, male or female. I just don't think someone other than a romantic partner would appreciate my random gropy-ness at night.

I'm pretty sure even a significant other would be kinda weirded out by my random spooning.

As for the rest of the questions ... meh ... uptight people? I don't know ... not sure what that means ... we all have our personal hangups about stuff.

But to answer question 1, I don't care if anybody shares my bed ... I just don't think THEY would like to o.o


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
Bloodstain said:
1. 1) Yup, no problem.
1. 2) -
2) Yes. I don't see the problem with's natural and fun. You can talk about eating, can't you?
3) Although I don't agree with them, I respect their opinion. Unless they give stupid arguments, as most of them do.
This, has long has the bed is big enough. I like my personal space. Sex is just has natural, if not more so, than most other stuff we do. Society just decided open conversations about it is a bit weird. Also, 90% of uptight people have no valid reason for being so, they're just stupid and not comfortable enough with their own sexuality.


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
1): Of course. I've slept in the same beds as friends both male and female, and it never struck me or them as erotically charged or anything. When I was 13 - 17 I might have cared though, but at that age nothing is really not erotically charged.

2): Of course. Other than hailing from one of the most liberal places on Earth in that regard, I've kind of moved past the whole "sex is the all-consuming taboo" phase.

3): I ignore them and talk to someone who's actually worth a damn in such conversations. If that's the topic. Otherwise, if they don't condemn anything happening between consensual adults I'll treat them the same as everyone else in all other regards.


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
I guess I wouldn't mind sleeping in the same bed as someone of the same sex as me...
But only if I had to.


New member
Aug 21, 2009
1) I tend to be fairly iffy about it, but I will if I have to.
3) Hoo boy, don't get me started. It's all in good fun, though.
4) I tend to mock them, but not seriously. They're just easy to take the piss out of. :p