Shadows of the Universe (Sci-fi Action RP)(Started)(Closed)


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
"MAN DOWN! MAN DOWN!" Rick had made a snap decision on seeing the thing attack Kell. He had been running when he saw it kill Hall. And now he was covering with Camilla as he tried to cover Jason's retreat with Kell's splattered body. He looked still alive. Rick launched three rockets at the creature, but none had the impact as the bomb had had, and it was clear that four more rockets wouldn't take it down. It even seemed to be recovering from the initial blast.

He wheeled around and broke into a sprint. "CAMILLA, RETREAT WHILE THERE'S STILL A CHANCE!"


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
"Son of a *****!" Jason shouted as he saw Kell get swatted away by the monster. "COVER ME!" Jason shouted as he rushed to his wounded squad mate. Jason didn't know what he was thinking as he rushed head long towards Kell and prepared to fight the monster head on. The monster had stepped back and was hunched over from the explosive which allowed Jason to reach Kell. "Come ON I'm not letting you die on me here!" Jason shouted at the almost unconscious Kell as he put his arm under Kell's shoulders and started to drag him back to the Pegasus.

"PAX! How long until you can get this thing airborne!?" Jason shouted as he dragged Kell onto the pegasus. "Sir it will take at least five more minutes!" Pax responded. "FUCK! We don't have five minutes!" Jason shouted in worry as he looked back at the monster and noticed that it got back up. Jason's mind started to race as he went over the options in his head and the only one that could succeed was to lure the monster away from the Pegasus. Jason decided that was the best thing he could do. Jason jumped off the pegasus and took a deep breath before moving towards the monster as the rest of his squad looked at him with a shocked expression.

Jason looked at the monster who had just noticed his presence. Jason took a quick glance around knowing he couldn't fight this thing head on, he decided to get it to chase him so he could buy enough time for his squad to get out of here. Right as Jason was about to distract the monster the ground started to shake and a hole appeared a good ways away to their right. The monster looked over to where the earthquake was coming from and acted like it didn't know why there was a hole there.

The shaking suddenly stopped for a second and then a giant worm came up from the sand. The monster looked at the giant worm and roared at it. The monster charged at the giant worm and punched the worm with all it's force, it wasn't able to move the worm at all. The worm moved a little to the side and crashed itself down on the monster killing it.

"Shit Shit Shit! PAX get the Pegasus in the air NOW!!" Jason shouted as he ran back towards the pegasus. "Sir I got it started!" Pax shouted back as the engine to the pegasus started up. Jason sprinted as fast as he could back to the Pegasus as the pegasus started to move. Jason was going to have to jump onto the Pegasus and as he got closer rick extended his hand. Jason jumped and was able to grab onto Ricks hand as rick pulled him up onto the ship.

"James, I don't care what ship weapon you use. Just kill that thing!" Jason ordered as he looked back towards the giant worm which started to flail around everywhere.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Rick yanked Jason into the ship. "Good to have you with us sir! I see you've located our NOW OFFICIALLY DEFINITIVE Rejected Chupacabra! Screw it, it's a sandworm. Call it a sandworm."

He turned and aimed his rocket launcher as well as he could in the unsteady Pegasus.

3d20+6 roll: 8, 7, 25

One rocket streaked towards the worm. It hit it in the side, near the base. This did positively nothing. A second rocket shot out, missing the worm entirely.

The third rocket, however, flew as if guided by an angel straight into the sandworm's mouth. There was a big boom, and massive chunks of hard material came sailing out - probably teeth. Part of the worm's jaw hinge came undone, and the mouth fell open further. The worm let out an ear-breaking howl.

"James! Hit it in the mouth! It doesn't seem to be hurt by normal assault!"

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
Jobe watched from the back of the Pegasus as Jason was pulled to safety. He doubted his weapons would have any affect on the creature, but he needed to do something...Glancing around Jobe saw a discarded rifle lying in a corner of the Pegasus. Jobe snatched it up and took aim at the monstrosity's mouth. Ranged combat was not his strong point, but he was a soldier, and all soldiers could fire rifles! Moving towards the entrance hatch, Jobe began firing. Alone, this would make no difference, but every little helps!


New member
Jul 22, 2011
James was worried initially, and moved over to Kell "Dammit, you may be an arrogant foolish bastard but we need you to punch things for us." James came from the 'watch your squad tradition' Why didn't I fire my rifle? I could have hit that things arm off! while busy with his angry self-reprimand he took out his pistol, and put a Transmitter Round in for the ship, going to the hatch he aimed his gun and with a look of rather frightening anger, fired his round right down the worm's throat, then he ran into the cockpit and got on the comms "I want a standard volley of the main guns down there in exacly .5 seconds in pattern 3-3-5-3 on the Transmit I shot. If it doesn't happen, you're all cleaning the barrels... naked." James was angry with himself. Kell requested cover and instead, he was shouting at McMillan. Stupid stupid! Walking into the main hold James pointed out the hatch "They'll be hitting that thing with enough ordinance to turn this entire region to smoking remains in a second, want to see it Kell?" James looked down to his squadmate, trying to evaluate if he was alright.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
No response from Kell.
I guess I can actually do short posts...

Xero Scythe

New member
Aug 7, 2009
Hey guys. I'm so sorry for not posting. October/November is the season of the devil for students. This is quite literally the first time I've been able to get to a computer for anything other than thesis papers.

Damien froze up, his arms intincually thrown in front of his face to protect himself from the memories. He started whispering incoherently in Spanish as the frag grenade went off. Not even a year under Thompson was able to clear Damien's last fear. He looked up at the black monster as if he was in a dream. "Él Diablo..." The dream ended quite quickly as the Diablo grabbed Damien by the arm. "¡Déjame en paz, tú hijo de puta!" Damien yelled as he whipped out the Damnation shotgun, growing an extra right arm in order to wield it. Damien fired twice in rapid sucession, which did little but annoy the creature. It was enough time though, for Damien to pull out a V-blade and cut his arm off, freeing himself from the clutches of the deadly monster just before it killed him. Karma came in a full circle, and the Geneva Convention in all its majesty crushed the monster... In the form of God's Failed Chupacabra. "Well, that's ironic." Damien muttered, once again reverting to English as he ran for the ship, his four arms simultaneously reaching for the doors of the Pegasus as it began to take off. He saw Kell and hissed, applying anasthesia and performing a bacterial jihad on his surgical tools. Damien quickly removed the armor and began to try and heal Kell, his four arms working together in symphony to ensure Kell had an arm by the end of the impromptu operation.


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
that's quite alright I know how it is with school. I'm just happy to know that you havent given up on the RP. I might have to try and recruit more people at this rate but i may not have to if we can get at least one person back. Also ill complete a post in the morning since its about 11 PM here.

Edit: I just noticed that my two posts are exactly 12 hrs apart :p


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
"Firing in 5.....4.....3.....2.....1..... Firing Main Cannon" Jason heard over the radio. Jason them heard a few loud explosions as the Berlin shot it's main cannon at the giant worm monster. Looking out the back of the Pegasus he saw a large glowing dot fly fast through the air towards the worm monster. It struck the worm monster with enough force to go right through the monster and then there was an explosion as the cannon shot hit the ground. The monster started to flail around in pain until a few more shots came from the sky striking the worm multiple times in quick succession. The explosions from the shots made it hard to see what was going on with the worm but Jason assumed it was destroyed.

After the smoke cleared from the explosions there were bits of the worm everywhere and parts from the worm started to rain down from the sky and some hit the Pegasus. Jason let out a sigh of relief and looked back to his squad who were still concerned about their squad mate. "Well looks like it's over now, PAX take us back to the Berlin!" Jason ordered when a piece of the worm flew into the Pegasus and hit him in the back of the head. ".............ow" Jason said softly trying to contain his anger from what had just happened.

Jason picked up the piece of the worm while rubbing the back of his head. "What the hell is this! Wait a second...." Jason said angrily before checking over the thing he had in his hand. "This stuff is very hard, this may even be better then the stuff we use for our armor! We better take this with us so we can get a good reading on it." Jason stated becoming excited by the fact that they could have discovered a better armor source.


New member
Jul 21, 2011
"So by the looks of it, we have discovered new species out in this sea of space. I'm starting to wonder if that is a good thing or a bad thing," Chris said while looking out the back of the Pegasus at the charred remains of the sand worm.

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
" that's it for day one?" Jobe asked, throwing the rifle back to the floor. "Not a bad job, we discovered numerous alien species and all of them shot at/crushed/attempted to eat us," Jobe reclined against the wall, folding his hands behind his head "I love this job." Glancing at the rest of the team he saw one of them, the four armed one, attempting to patch the wounded soldier up. He seemed pretty shaken "You alright?" he asked


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
"Pax get us to the Berlin now!" Jason ordered while pulling out his communicator. "Lieutenant Sanders this is Captain Kahlil. Tell each squad to return to the ship and get the medical room prepped stat!" Jason ordered into the communicator as he glanced over at kell. "Right away Captain Kahlil" Sanders responded over the radio in a calm voice. Jason did not know what to say so he just looked at kell wondering what he could have done to prevent this from happening.

After a few minutes of flying the Pegasus landed in the hangar and two members of the medical team rushed into the Pegasus and talked to damien before all three of them took kell on a stretcher and rushed away to the medical bay. Jason just stood there dumbfounded and unable to think of what to do next.

Sorry for the inactivity I had to do two research papers but I finished them! Sadly Skyrim comes out today so you probably won't see me on that much for the next few days but I will check in every now and then on my phone and if I see any post that requires me to post I will force myself to the computer :p

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
No response from the medic. Charming. Jobe snarled inwardly then turned his attention to the Captain. "So what happens now? There's probably a whole species of massive, virtually invulnerable sand worms down there, and we aren't exactly equipped to throw targeting beacons into their gullets every time one tries to eat us. Sir." Jobe decided to have another look around the armory. If they bumped into those aliens again he might be stuck at range for a while, so he needed some competant ballistic weaponry of his own.


New member
Jul 21, 2011
Chris listened to Jobe then added to his statement, "Ya, we also can't forget about those aliens that attacked us down there. By the looks of it, they were either a scout group or a mercenary band; considering their species has mercenaries. Either way, this planet is very hostile and will probably need a lot of orbital pounding." And with that Chris made his way to his room so he could start working on this new alien tech with Colon.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Kell woke up, staring at a bright white ceiling and hearing a soft, repetitive beeping noise to his right. He pulled himself up and instantly regretted it, his head spinning and nauseu returning as he did so.. He was in a bed, clean white sheets and an IV drip hooked up to his arm. He looked around and saw a young woman with pixie-cut brunette hair tending to a man in another bed. The man seemed to have lost most of his left leg up to the thigh and the foot of his right leg. The woman turned and saw Kell sitting up. She flashed a friendly, if tired, smile.
?Oh, Sergeant Kell. You?re awake. You should lie back down.?
Please don?t say it, please don?t say it, please don?t say it-
?You?re lucky to be alive.?
Dammit. Hate that cliché.
Kell tried to respond and was startled by his own mumbling.
?I was a bit worried that might be the case. Your speechis going to be a bit? ?jumbled? for the next few days. It should return to normal fairly soon.?
?Long been hur??
?Er?Do you mean ?how long?? Only around 7 hours or so. You were medivac-ed only a few minutes after your injury. Do you remember anything??
Kell nodded. He had drifted in and out of consciousness the entire time. Half formed memories of being pulled up the ramp of a Pegasus, a brief glimpse of stars through a viewport and then being pulled down steel hallways on a stretcher all danced around his mind. He was finding it strangely hard to focus on any one thought for very long. The fact that the fluorescent lights overhead seemed more like spotlights focusing directly onto his eyes wasn?t helping things.
?I still don?t know exactly what happened to you, command hasn?t told me. Do you know??
?Big gare?hit meh.? Kell?s words were slurred. Better than being completely incoherent but his tongue still felt as though it was too big for his mouth.
?It would have to have been. Your suit sensors picked up a 21 megapascal impact across your chest.?
?Tha? uh lot??
?I could say it would be like getting hit by a car but that would be an understatement. If it weren?t for your enhancements you wouldn?t have survived. I can go into detail if you like??
?Oh, pless do. Lurv to hur ?bout it.? Kell replied. Not even head trauma could stop his sarcasm.
?Well ok then, if you hadn?t been enhanced and didn?t have the small amount of protection your armor gave you your internal organs would?ve liquiefied and the bones around the actual impact point would?ve been little more than tiny shards. The shockwave from the hit alone might have broken bones in your arms and legs and I?m not certain but I think some of your arteries would have actually burst from the sudden massive increase in pressure to your chest, although that?s only a theory. Buuuuut you were enhanced so you were alright.? She finished up happily.
???you haf gret bedshid manner.?
?Oh, why thank you. You?re very sweet.?
Kell let his head fall back to the pillow.
Her thick skull is impenetrable to my sarcasm.
?Anyway, Sergeant,? She said, bending over him to check his IV drip, ?all you really ended up with is a bad concussion and one giant bruise. You?ll need to get lots of rest, that?s really the only treatment there is. Stay in bed, though if you get restless I can call an orderly to take you for a walk if you?d like.?
?Coud heh take meh to tha shootin? range??
?I don?t think we let patients with brain injuries use weapons, sergeant.? The doctor said, grinning.
?We let thum become docturs?
?Huh? What do you mean??
How do you miss that? Are you really that?oh, nevermind
?Nothin?, can ah resht no?
?Of course, I?ll go and check on my other patients.?
When she left Kell slowly lifted himself up from the bed and glanced around. ?Legs? over to his right had apparently fallen asleep. She?d probably been putting some cocktail of painkillers into his IV.
Have to ask if I can get some of those?
He paused in his thoughts. There was a mirror mounted on the inside of an open cabinet door across the room. If he could just?lean?a bit more?out of the bed he?d be able to see himself. He finally saw himself in the mirror took in the damage. His right arm was covered in bandages, most of them still patched with crimson where the wounds were still healing. Had she said ?One Giant Bruise?? He tugged the hospital gown to the side and got a good view of his chest.
Oh dear lord, I?m purple.
The area of his chest where he?d been hit, on the upper right side of his ribs, was an almost black Byzantium and the area surrounding it was a splotched with a mix of lighter purples, reds, yellows and in one or two places, blues. The bruise(s) covered nearly every inch from the the bottom of his neck to the top of his pelvis. He slumped back into the bed, his head still spinning. He thought for a moment.
Might as well make the best of this.
He called out, ?Nurse! Ned a spong bath!?
A man jogged into the room wearing the red-on-white uniform of Berlin medical personnel.
?Not you. Go fin' some-un cute, fem'ale and half ur age.?
The man smirked and walked back out.


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
Jason listened to the concerns about the aliens but did not know what to do, he knew he had to think of something and quick so the groups morale wouldn't drop farther than it already was. "Okay squad I don't know what those aliens were but be prepared to fight more of them as I am almost positive there are more of them. For now get some rest while we analyze these weapons and their bodies. Be prepared because in 12 hours we are going to meet up to go over the mission and how we can beat these things." Jason stated.

I'm not good at speeches so try to imagine it's something really epic :p


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Rick walked into Kell's room, armorless. "Hey, Kell. I heard you survived a head-on collision with a small planet. I'm proud!"

Kell shot him a dirty glance. "Auh, hey... Rick..."

Rick sat down in the chair beside the bed and stretched a bit. It didn't feel natural outside of his armor any more, but it was good for his skin to get some air outside of showering. Kell lay in the bed, barely moving, eyes casually fixed on the bulky man beside him. "You flew pretty far after that hit. Got any marks?"

Kell wordlessly opened the front of his suit. Rick's eyes went wide. "Sheesh! I haven't seen a bruise like that before, and I've seen some real good ones!" Rick carefully leaned over and lightly brushed over the bruised abdomen.


New member
Jul 21, 2011
When Chris made it to his room, he found that Colon was sleeping in bed. Chris put the bag with alien weapons in it on the ground, got a good grip on Colon's mattress and flipped them both clean over.
"Alright Colon, we have work to do! Get up!" Chris yelled.

"Who?! What?! Oh, Chris! What work do we have to do exactly?" Colon replied at first startled, then calming down.

"We made contact with aliens on the planet. They were hostile and were carrying guns. You, me, and some SA/AR (Small Arms/ Artillery Repairers) have to get cracking in the weapons we recovered to find out how they tick, so as we can be ready if we fight them again.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait," Colon replied quickly, "back up. We found ALIENS!?"

"Yes, and like I said they are hostile, so grabbed a weapon and start taking it apart." Chris replied annoyed while throwing Colon the bag of captured weaponry.


New member
Jul 22, 2011
James waited for Kell to look away or close his eyes after sneaking in and getting into a chair,assuming he wasn't noticed, and he was GOOD and sneaking, he'd become visible when Kell wasn't looking.

"Now that you're all made up, ready for the Pagent Miss Infirmary?" James seemed more wiry than normal. The man of normally average muscular stockiness seemed lanky and spread. If he hadn't had his tinted slit of a visor on his helmet, you'd see one small twinkle of care. Somewhere. For a billionth of a second.

Xero Scythe

New member
Aug 7, 2009
Damien jolted back into reality. He had been focusing so much on the surgery that he actually hadn't processed what Jobe said for quite a while. "Lo siento, mi amigo. No me gu-" Damien shook his head, trying to clear his head and reset it into english. "Sorry. I-I don't react well to fragmentation explosives. I had a... Trauma concerning them as a child and I just tend to...well, you saw what happened." Damien sighed as his armor retreated, sucked into his backpack like a sliding puzzle, much like how a spider pulls back its web to itself. Damien was quickly disarmored and began to head for the hospital ward. When he arrived, he ignored Kell for a moment and walked over to the man who was missing a leg. Damien increased the muscle in his own leg to match the original and quickly cut it off. Using his four arms, Damien soon reattached all the nerves and had fixed up the soldier without ever having woken him up. The match was perfect; to the recipient, it would seem as if the last few hours were a bad dream.

A nurse walked in, saw Damien, and gasped, recognizing the infamous "Dr.Frankenstein" just from the rumors surrounding him. Damien walked steadily towards the woman, who was too terrified to move. "Once this man wakes up, please have him start muscle therapy in order to get used to his new leg. Phantom Pain may play with his head for a bit, so be sure to take care of him." the nurse wordlessly looked at the now whole patient, then back at Damien with gratitude in her eyes. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before running out of the room to tell the on-duty doctor. Damien smiled. "How nice." His extra arms then began to bubble into malignant tumors. It almost looked as if those two extra arms were boiling. "Damn, I gave myself cancer." Damien muttered. He sent the command to the mitochondria and lysosomes within his cells to work overtime and commit apoptosis. The two extra arms fell off and began to disintegrate before becoming nothing. It was like the proverbial ouroboros: the superfluous limbs consumed themselves into nothing. Damien then finally turned his attention to Kell. "So, how are you feeling? Other that the obvious 'just got hit by a demon truck', of course."