Shadows of the Universe (Sci-fi Action RP)(Started)(Closed)


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
"I don't care what you call them, I just want to know what are making these.." Jason started until another earthquake interrupted him. Jason looked around looking for the source and then he saw the group of lizard birds that just flew out of the hole that just closed up fly off somewhere. "Something tells me that they know where that earthquake came from." Jason stated as he looked off to where the birds were heading.

"Okay WINGS let's go and check it out." Jason ordered as he started to head out. The squad followed as they braved the outskirts of the desert. Jason was becoming dehydrated because of the heat so he took a swig from his canteen when he noticed the lizard birds flying over something and then one mysteriously looked like it was shot but he heard no gun shot or saw a bullet of any kind. "Strange, I think we are going to have hostiles." Jason thought as they got closer to the area where the birds were flying over.

As they got closer Jason saw a few figures in the distant and they looked like soldiers. One of the figures looked over to where they were and Jason saw it point it's weapon at him as a bullet almost hit his foot. "Hostiles!" Jason shouted as he tried to find any cover and the only thing he saw was this big sand dune.

Here is what the layout of the area we are in looks like. The lighter red dot's are Komodos and the Darker red dots are Shades.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Rick said nothing, he just immediately planted himself in front of the group and whipped his shield off of his back, eager to test its capabilities properly. As he did so, a bullet sailed straight into his chest. It bounced off, leaving a small dent.

Rick held the shield in front of him, soaking up enemy fire. The shield did an admirable job of reducing recoil, and Rick could hear the grinding of nanobots pulling metal from the rear deposits to repair the chinks.

Rick looked down at where he was hit. The dent hadn't even begun to repair, in fact, it looked a bit deeper. And deeper! After another second of dull shock, the dent stopped deepening and slowly began to fill. A puff of acrid smoke rose from the metal.

"Sir! Their bullets have a sort of acid on them!" Rick realized that his new shield might be taxed fairly badly on its first run. Hopefully it wouldn't rupture...


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
"WHAT!? [sub]Shit this doesn't look good.[/sub] Everyone get behind the sand dune!!" Jason ordered as the group tried to get behind the sand dune. Jason was almost shot a few times in the process but was able to make it behind the sand dune without any injury.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Rick jogged for the dune, dropping behind it and looking at his shield. It had about twelve dents in it, all with a nasty vapor rising from them and streaks of melted metal running down from them. The air around it burned. Gross.

The metal began to harden, and the streaks slowly began to draw back into the dents. Perfect.

"Anybody got a theory on what they did to their bullets that makes metal melt?"


New member
Jul 21, 2011
Chris jumped behind the sand dune in the nick of time. He crawled up to the lip to get a better look. He pulled out his binoculars to see who the hostile was and peered over the lip. The enemy must think he is dead for they have stopped shooting at him, and he was able to get a good look.

Chris took a good look and it was soon obvious that the hostiles were not human, "Jason, these hostiles are not human, I say again not human!" Chris shouted. "What do you propose we do?!" Chris hastily shouted.


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
"Not human? That can't be right!" Jason said as he inched his way to the edge of the sand dune. Looking over he got a good look at what the enemies were and he saw they were large lizard like creatures. "OH Shit you're right! Well Only thing I have right now is treat them like a normal human enemy!" Jason shouted hoping they'd go down just like a human.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Kell and Hunter sprinted towards the top of the dune. Kell fired off short bursts from his rifle as Hunter whipped the large, scoped weapon off her back and with a pair of small *clicks* set up the bipod before going prone and looking through the sights.
She watched as a trio of smaller, black hostiles began running around the dune, apparently hoping to flank the squad. Taking careful aim she fired off an entire clip, 8 shots in all. The shifting of the sand under the gun had an effect on her accuracy and she only managed to pick off two of the hostiles, the third falling back to join its comrades.
Kell, meanwhile was laying down suppressing fire on the larger creatures slowly working their way towards him. He?d hit nearly all of them by now but aside from a lucky shot to one?s eye none of them seemed to be bothered much by the bullet wounds.


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
Jason leaned out of cover and took about 20 shots at the larger enemies. He hit the one in the front about 5 times but it didn't look phased at all. The large creature looked over to where Jason was and aimed it's rifle at him and fired at him. Jason was barely able to roll back into cover as the bullets hit the place he was just at. "Damn, These things just won't go down!" Jason said as he reloaded his rifle.


New member
Jul 21, 2011
Chris started firing at the aliens and was able to land 4 solid shots on the larger foes, however, they didn't go down, but one seemed to flinch, even though it was shot many times over by Chris's teammates. Chris soon decided to open up his personal computer and start taking video footage of the enemies for further study. While he was capturing them on video he whipped out his pistol on starting firing on the foes.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Rick ran to the top of the sand dune to create a distraction. The last black creature targeted him and fired, but nothing appeared to come from the gun. A second later, there was a splashing sound.

Rick's shield suddenly began to squeal and hiss. He dropped back down over the dune and examined the hit. His entire shield was dissolving before his eyes, the insignia on it was gone and streams of metal were falling into the sand.



New member
Jul 22, 2011
James lined down the large enemies, in a row of three, and fired. While his allies had been fighting, he and McMillan had slowly migrated to the other end of the sand dune, and assembled and loaded the large rifle. James sighted down some of the creatures in a row, and aimed for the least armored part of center mass he could find on the first, which was hard considering it seemed to have the most armor of the creatures, their version of a heavy probably. The round impacted directly between armor plates onto it's body, ripping a hole in it, and the round hit the next one with enough force to make it stumble, and produce a sickly crack and some bleeding, it was wounded, meanwhile James was setting the stand on the rifle for another shot while he reloaded the round, and tried to stab the support stand as deep into the sand as he could, McMillan took his assault rifle and let loose a volley on the creature Rick mentioned, managing to shoot a limb out and damaging it's weapon

James then nearly got killed by a plasma round, a small burn on his shoulder right where his armor ended bled well. Harmless graze, as McMillan finished his magazine and ducked down to reload as James started trying to draw a map in the sand from his blood "They're aim isn't too bad, they almost managed to be as dangerous as us for a half-second of luck" James joked on the radio, as he activated his cloak and got back onto the rifle "Anyone got grenades?"


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
"How about rockets?"

Rick swung the dripping shield onto his back and replaced it with the rocket launcher. He ran to the top of the dune and aimed at the largest creature. Two bullets hit him as he fired.

d20+6: 10

The rocket smashed into the tank's leg, blowing it off. The tank fell to the ground.

Rick ducked back behind the dune. "I'd better not use all my ammo here... I've only got seven rockets left!"


New member
Jul 22, 2011
"Do you have any other sorts of ammo? Say the Strike Round micro-nuclear option for this rifle of mine" James sounded hopeful as he and McMillan examined the map in the sand, and planned firing volleys


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
"Nope, I didn't know what to take. Tell me next time before we go to the armory, and I'll stock up..."

Rick's shield was about half repaired at this point, so he swapped the rocket launcher for it. He glanced around to see who was in most trouble.

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
"Wonderful, a firefight with aliens that won't die and I'm stuck with weaponry that couldn't hit a sky-scraper at this sort of range!" Regardless, Jobe pulled one of the pistols out of a shoulder-holster and climbed to the top of the dune to join the other members firing desperately at the gaggle of immortal xeno's. Jobe raised his gun and blind fired about ten shots then risked a quick peak over the lip of the ridge. The dumb things seemed quite happy to stand in open ground and shoot at them, the cocky things. Jobe wasn't going to be much use unless the hostile came within chargeing range, but even then the acid guns they seemed to be carrying would probably screw him up.
He began looking around, trying to find a route he could use to out-flank the aliens.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
"Oh look, grenades." Kell mumbled, reaching into his waist pack and pulling out a small box. He pulled out several small parts, one around the size and shape of an apple and the other a small cylinder. He began hurriedly screwing the two together. He flinched slightly as a round impacted a foot or two from his head.
"Fucking Clearwater posh prick shitty intel didn't even bother to scout the area fuck!" He muttered confusedly as he finished assembling the grenade.
He stood up and with a shout of "Frag out!" he tossed the grenade overhand towards the group of hostiles. He overshot a bit and it landed between the three in the back of the group. A moment later there was a loud *CRACK* as the grenade exploded, shredding the armor of the two closest to it and bringing them down. The third stumbled, its back exposed and bleeding but it continued on. A rogue bit of shrapnel hit the weapon of the smaller, black enemy. It turned to fire on Kell but with a *WHOOMPH* its rifle exploded, sending a shimmering wave of heat all around it and leaving only the torso of the creature remaining.


New member
Jul 22, 2011
"Next time, can you give me a grenade there Kell? I know a trick from my service on Earth, which is hard to do with imaginary explosives, which have slightly less yield"

McMillan was busy shooting their heads, and actually manage to kill the one that got his back shredded
"Haha! Sir, with all do respect-" "You have less than half my killcount, McMillan, congratulations" James fired off one of his four Depleted uranium rounds and managed to make the torsos of two of the monsters, spattering their parts on the sand and making their bodies fly down like ragdolls, then he took cover to load another normal round


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Rick remembered what Jobe told him about his tactics, and saw him looking for a second route that involved less melty-metal-death. He looked and saw that the remaining aliens were getting pretty close - only a mad dash away from the base of the dune. He had an idea. "HEY JOBE! If gyou get behind me, I can get you closer!" Rick extended his nearly repaired shield in front of him and jogged back up to the top of the dune, waiting expectantly.

<spoiler=OOC>I'm having a tough time keeping track - how many aliens are left?

Also, Inkblot, if you take up my offer, feel free to auto me down the sand dune for efficiency's sake.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
"Well, I think that's all of them."
Kell turned to James.
"If I'd been expecting combat I would have actually kept the grenades assembled. Dangerous to run around with live explosives when you aren't even fighting. Anyway..."
He reached into his pouch and pulled out the box again, tossing it to James.
"There's parts for 5 more grenades in there and I've got another box in here as well. Just take the fuze, er...the cylinder, and screw it into the top. After that you know what to do with it."


New member
Jul 22, 2011
James caught the box and strapped it on "Fair enough. I'm going to cloak on over and examine what we just killed, they might have snipers we don't know about. Keep McMillan here, I can't have him revealing we're still here because he wants more fight." with that, James faded out

McMillan was slowly looking around the dune, and then he was apparently tossed down by nothing, and rolled near Kell, getting up and pointing his rifle "Where are they? I'll pop their head!"