Yup. Impin' ain't easy.Souplex said:You know it's hard out here for an imp.
I'll go now...
Yup. Impin' ain't easy.Souplex said:You know it's hard out here for an imp.
I like that idea. This pissed off little imp coming back as a succubus to taunt the crap out of his useless master is amusing already just as an idea.Midnight Crossroads said:I'm going to love this one especially. Are you going to continue running the imp even as you unlock the new demons or have them be manifestations of the same one?
Well, see, those of us who read Shamus' blog had already seen the adventures of Star on Chest, like, a year ago, so the stuff posted on the Escapist was all reruns.The Great JT said:Forgot about the adventures of Star On Chest already, have we?carpathic said:OMG, this is gonna be a fabulous series!!
I am so excited. Been waiting since Lulzy for a NEW series!
I have to agree with this. It would read better to just type his name the way it's entered, and then when he meets someone else the audience hears him say "it's pronounced Deathbringer-er". But we don't need a constant pronunciation reminder.asterismW said:Brilliant start, Shamus. I'm really looking forward to this series, as I immensely enjoyed your previous Let's Plays. And using the imp's POV was a nice touch. Why, though, in the text is the warlock's name spelled "Deathbringer-er", but in the screenshots (and on his card) it's spelled "Dethbringerr"? I mean, I can see spelling it "Deathbringer-er" ONCE to show how it's pronounced, but the continued mis-spelling is just irritating. You don't introduce a character by spelling their name wrong. You introduce them by spelling it right, and then, if needed, spell it phonetically.
I didn't forget, just look at the emphasis placed on "NEW". Star On Chest had already been released.The Great JT said:Forgot about the adventures of Star On Chest already, have we?carpathic said:OMG, this is gonna be a fabulous series!!
I am so excited. Been waiting since Lulzy for a NEW series!
Now I'm depressed about Pratchett again.MomoHime64 said:I really very desperately want Shamus to write a fantasy-satire novel JUST. LIKE. THIS. ARTICLE. Terry Pratchett's got Alzheimer's, man. You've got to step up one day.