Shia LaBeouf Slams the Wii


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Nutcase said:
Devildoc said:
Hmm? I didn't need any extra peripherals to play my Wii when I first got it, extra controllers for local multiplayer sure but every console needs that for LOCAL multiplayer, and some people do have friends irl and it IS more fun to drink some beers and play a game in front of the TV all together than to do it all in different houses right?

so basically you need the console, and maybe a classic controller for virtual console, and a gamecube controller if you play gamecube games on it.. that's essentially it though. so $250 +$20.00 +$20.00 or so.. still under $300.

The 360 to get that.. $199.. then you need a hard drive which is $100 for a 60GB so why not just get the pro package in the first place ($299) then the HDMI cable which is $40 or more

PS3.. just the system in the box costs more.
You forgot component, which the Wii needs to match the 360. Plus, where does your pricing data come from? Surely you aren't using bullshit MSRP's?

Using the best price search engine for my country (prices include shipping),

Wii 230EUR
Classic controller 25EUR
Wii component cable 15EUR
GC controller 20EUR
tiny memory card 10EUR

360 Premium 225EUR

And how about when we want to add one player?

Wii Remote 43EUR
Nunchuck 22EUR
Classic controller 25EUR
GC controller 20EUR

360 wireless controller 42EUR

I continue to be amazed of how Nintendo is able to sell a glorified Gamecube at PS3 prices, but that's exactly what they are doing.
I'm using US retail store prices. Sorry I don't live in some 3rd world country in Europe where I have to have everything shipped in to me.

Also some of the stuff you're piling on is simply not needed. If you want a second, 3rd, 4th player, yes you need more remotes/nunchucks.. but the only time you NEED a classic controller is for some virtual console games, and the only time you need a gamecube controller or memory card is to play gamecube games. For retail Wii games, you don't need anything like that. That's like saying you need to add in a racing wheel with your xbox 360 purchase, even though you won't use it for most of your games, just racing games. Frankly if you're going to be playing a lot of Gamecube games on your Wii, you probably already have a gamecube, and the controllers/memory cards for it. So it's not an extra expense, and you're clutching at straws.

The only thing you have that's arguable is the component cable, but frankly, as a Wii owner, graphics aren't your high priority, so most Wii owners will be okay with the included composite cable. On the other hand, with the 360 you're doing yourself a huge disservice by not getting an HDMI cable. I mean the big selling point of the consoles is that they're HD, graphical and raw computing powerhouses

Anyway I've had my Wii for over a year, and I have 4 sets of controllers (only 1 classic controller though, 4 nunchuck/remote pairs is what I mean), and a couple Nyko perfect shots (yeah, I like rail shooters with my friends, sue me). Before I moved into a new apartment one of my roommates had a gamecube and 4 controllers so we'd use 4 of those controllers and have 8 player local bomberman blast (which is a ton of fun, let me tell you).. so I've spent quite a bit of money on it, but, I can have people come over to my apartment and play video games with me. In fact I do. Last weekend we had quite a brawl fest, even a couple of the girls jumped in and played. Almost a dozen people packed into a 1 bedroom apartment.. sheesh.. anyway.

My 360 I've only had for a month, and I can only play single player offline games (my living room is set up so that one way or the other, if I want my 360 to be on the internet, it has to have the cable stretch across a high traffic area.. not a good idea when there are people drinking walking back and forth there.

So to be fair, I'm only going to compare what I spent on my Wii to be able to play single player games, cause adding in the extra 3 sets of controllers and the second perfect shot well.. if I added in 3 more xbox controllers that'd run me up another $150 too so it'd come out pretty close either way.

Wii: $249.99 (core system, had 1 controller/nunchuck, composite cable, etc) + $19.99 (classic controller) + $14.99 (the perfect shot for Rail shooters) = $285 .. mind you I also have an SD card, but I originally bought it for my phone, but now use it in my Wii. It's 2GB, can't remember the original cost but they're $13 now, so, hypothetically $298. Don't forget that I can play online for brawl and such because it has built in wireless.

360: $299.99 (core system, 1 wireless controller, 1 headset, 60gb hard drive etc, I got the pro because the 60gb hard drive costs $100.00 anyway) + $39.99 (hdmi cable) = $340.. now if I wanted to play on xbox live I'd have to either risk drunk people tripping over a cable and breaking something.. or buying an xbox wireless network adapter ($76.96)... $417

That's over $100 more to play games online on the xbox than the wii.

Now let's say there were actually 360 games that were fun to play local multiplayer (yeah, the 360 seems to focus on internet based multiplayer, but let's be hypothetical, since having friends at your place is way more fun than playing with them over the internet).. so there was a reason for you to have 4 xbox 360 controllers.. that'd be $567 so that you can play 4 player local games and play online games as well. I've spent an estimated $490 on my Wii + extra controllers + accessories so that I can play 4 player local games and online games.

Now let's buy 10 games for each system, no greatest hits or price slashes we're talking brand new games.. 10 games on the wii, that's at $49.99 each.. $500. 360 they're $59.99 each.. so $600.

So no, the wii isn't outrageously priced and you aren't paying more for it.


New member
May 22, 2009
Wow, what an idiot. I know enough people that own both a Wii and PS3/360. And i know plenty of Wii-owners that can still kick my ass at CoD4 or Gears.

Seems like he's either jumping the Wii hatred-bandwagon, or is just another ignorant moron who has dismissed the Wii has something for old people and ADD kids.


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
thebobmaster said:
Remember kids, it's not all right for an actor to show favoritism in the console race, but it is all right for you to call him a douche for doing so.
There's a slight difference between "showing favoritism in the console race" and ranting like an insecurely macho 360 fanboy. We're just calling a douche a douche.

Damien the Pigeon

New member
Oct 23, 2008
That's pretty arrogant of Shia, but I can't say I blame him. I mean, I own a Wii, but it's pretty much just a conversation piece now. The Conduit (which I consider to be the Wii's last hope for hardcore gamers) looks good, but I still don't think it's good enough to shell out $50 for. I'm actually considering selling my Wii.

Riding on Thermals

New member
Aug 28, 2008

Who cares about this? This is like when Soulja Boy went on Youtube to tell everyone he pwns n00bs, and then he got a videogame deal....

And how many people would really pass up doing anything with Meghan Fox?
May 7, 2008

i fail to see how this is important

everyone has points of view on the nintendo wii why should it be any different just because its him...pfft..i'd play with megan on anything....

plus lego games are fun and random XD


New member
Feb 27, 2008
Well I dunno, I'm a fan of Civ (although I'll confess I've never played Civ I. Played II, III and IV a lot though) and although I only sing Mario music occasionally in the shower, I've sung plenty of Sonic music. I don't know if this makes me a hardcore gamer, but the writer of the news piece seems to think that these credentials make Mr. LaBeouf one so hey, let's roll with that.

I have a Wii. I don't play it that much, but then I don't have a 360 or PS3 at all: I'm more of a PC gamer at heart, with my second platform being the DS and my third being the Wii. The two games I've enjoyed most for the Wii are Excite Truck and Wario Land: The Shake Dimension: neither is an AAA title (whatever that's supposed to mean), but they're good, solid games that I immediately think of when people start complaining there's nothing good for the Wii.

Ultimately the Wii is a bit of harmless fun. But I thought that was the objective of video games.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Dave(cause Shia is a fucking stupid name to call someone)as well as the entire lot in Hollywood must ask themselves a question that is not asked enough by the mongrels in the limelight;

"Do people really care what the fuck i think?"

And people must ask themselves more often;

"Why the hell am i listening to this douche with legs?"


New member
Apr 6, 2009
ChromeAlchemist said:
sumanoskae said:
He would refuse a chance at Megan Fox?, damn he must REALLY hate the Wii, with flaming a passion, I wonder if his mom was killed in a red steel accident
I won't lie, I laughed.


brodie21 said:
i agree, my parents bought my family a wii two years ago and it is currently gathering dust, i just play xbox 360. like yahtzee says, "It's a glorified Etch-a-Sketch."

i play wii tennis with my dad once in a blue moon, but thats it.
I...don't even understand how this makes sense, am I alone here? Explain how this is even partly true please?
? What? Im sorry, i didnt understand you, please elaborate.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
AceDiamond said:
Zhalath said:
I can see the headlines:
In the interest of fairness, if he said the same thing about the PS3 I would've reacted exactly the same. See unlike people in the inudstry saying things, Shia is an "actor" and as such is not an industry professional or anybody with any sort of knowledge about game development. As such I care not for what his thoughts on consoles are, because it's irrelevant, much like any movie he stars in.
Well, of course. No matter what system he dissed, there'd be a swarm of anger.
You're right, in that he's not a professional, and that his opinion is no better than any of ours.


The Voice of Treason
Dec 17, 2008
Hey I have a Wii, yet I'm sure people would want to play games with me, because I have a PC and play awesome PC games. I rarely play my Wii anywhy, and if I do it's for Gamecube games.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
brodie21 said:
ChromeAlchemist said:
sumanoskae said:
He would refuse a chance at Megan Fox?, damn he must REALLY hate the Wii, with flaming a passion, I wonder if his mom was killed in a red steel accident
I won't lie, I laughed.


brodie21 said:
i agree, my parents bought my family a wii two years ago and it is currently gathering dust, i just play xbox 360. like yahtzee says, "It's a glorified Etch-a-Sketch."

i play wii tennis with my dad once in a blue moon, but thats it.
I...don't even understand how this makes sense, am I alone here? Explain how this is even partly true please?
? What? Im sorry, i didnt understand you, please elaborate.
I meant the glorified Etch-a-Sketch part, not the wii tennis with your dad bit, that one's clear enough. I should have just quoted the part I meant.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Haha, I respect the guy since he knows how to manage his own career unlike most binge-drinking, hard-clubbing celebrity rehab-types.
His comment is borne a bit out of ignorance since he hasn't tried, but I don't blame him for his preconceived notions of it.
The brainlessly casual, 3rd-party titles gracing the Wii lately certainly doesn't improve its standing with REAL gamers in terms of respectability.

jamesworkshop said:
Shia LeBeouf = Who?
Come out from under your rock and watch a movie sometime.
ZeroMachine said:
I think that playing Lego: Star Wars with Megan Fox is less about playing Lego: Star Wars with Megan Fox and more about playing Lego: Star Wars with Megan Fox. Then again, he's worked with her before.
Dude, she sleeps over at his house.
When you get to be that intimate with her, I think you actually get to choose how you spend time with her, instead of at all.

In other news, here some false hope for the rest of us [].


New member
Feb 18, 2009
Cpt_Oblivious said:
But he assisted in the murder of both Transformers and Indiana Jones! Why do we care what he thinks?


I have to say I agree with him
Gaming + movement = sports.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
ChromeAlchemist said:
brodie21 said:
ChromeAlchemist said:
sumanoskae said:
He would refuse a chance at Megan Fox?, damn he must REALLY hate the Wii, with flaming a passion, I wonder if his mom was killed in a red steel accident
I won't lie, I laughed.


brodie21 said:
i agree, my parents bought my family a wii two years ago and it is currently gathering dust, i just play xbox 360. like yahtzee says, "It's a glorified Etch-a-Sketch."

i play wii tennis with my dad once in a blue moon, but thats it.
I...don't even understand how this makes sense, am I alone here? Explain how this is even partly true please?
? What? Im sorry, i didnt understand you, please elaborate.
I meant the glorified Etch-a-Sketch part, not the wii tennis with your dad bit, that one's clear enough. I should have just quoted the part I meant.
Oh, well in my opinion nintendo has spent a lot of time and money turning their console into a toy, not a gaming console. plus, playing an actual game on the wii is an excercise in frustration because the controls feel tacked on on most of them and they dont work right. plus the graphics are not as good as other consoles and games ported to the wii look grainy. im not saying that graphics make a game good, im just saying that if you have bad graphics then you have to have a good game to make up for it, and all of the wii games dont do it for me. so i personally dont like the wii, if you like the wii, thats your perogative, im not going to force you to see my way, but i would just like people to understand both sides of an argument before commenting on it. i feel that i understand both sides fairly well. nintendo likes money and all these toys it puts out give it a generous helping of that. lets face it, everyone likes money. like they say, money doesnt buy happiness, but it sure buys lots of things that lead to happiness.