Shia LaBeouf Slams the Wii

First Person Shane

New member
Jun 18, 2009
Malygris said:
"I haven't been able to play the Wii game because my hand is broken. I've just been playing Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3," he said in an interview with Big Download []. "I would imagine that the Wii experience will be like... I don't mess with the Wii, to be honest with you. It's kind of an amateur console. I'm not into the Wii thing."

"This is how in a simple way you can find out if it's a gamer you want to play with," he added. "Ask them if they have a Wii. If they say yes, get the f--k out of there."

That's a bit overly judgmental for my liking but it's possible that LaBeouf is just that hardcore. How hardcore is he? He said he's a big fan of LEGO Star Wars [] with Megan Fox on the set of Transformers 2 because he doesn't like the game. "Who wants to play the Wii version of LEGO Star Wars?" he asked. "I'd rather eat glass."
Paragraph 1: Alright, if your hand is broken to the point that you can't hold a Wii Remote, how do you retain the fine motor skills to grip and operate a 360 or PS3 controller? I like how in the next sentence, he just stops and blurts out the truth, like he realized no one was buying his bullshit.

Paragraph 2: Not much to say except it's just kind of rude. If you don't like the Wii, that's fine, but you don't have to be a dick to people who do.

Paragraph 3: I certainly hope that by "hardcore," the writer meant, "staggeringly lame." Civilization is a pretty good game for those who like it, so I'll leave that alone. But singing Mario Bros. songs in the shower? Outside of the Super Mario Bros. Super Show, none of the songs from the Mario games have words! What is he singing?! And I just have to jump on the bandwagon with the whole refusing to play with Megan Fox thing. That woman could put TOO HUMAN in front of me, and as long as she sat next to me and looked like she was having fun, I'd play for hours...and with all the unskippable cutscenes I'd have to, but that's beside the point.

My final opinion on Shia: Either he never had a childhood (literally, I think he squirmed out of a pod somewhere), or he just strives to be as unlikable as possible. Screw him >.<


New member
Feb 25, 2009
And all because one of his hands is so majorly fudged up by his own recklessness (rolled a car and crushed his hand while DUI, most people would be in prison for the same charges...unless your famous of course), he can't hold the remote or the nun-chuck, so he's bitter about that.

Here's a thought Shia don't drink and drive, hindsight's a ***** isn't it?

Couldn't give a rat's what he thinks myself but he's not a tosspot for nothing, good movies, good actor but seems to be a bit of a tool...could be worse though, could be Tom Cruise.

As for the Wii, I own it, has some gems, but like any other console is outnumbered by the sheer amount of crap that's on the shelves. I can think of maybe five games off the top of my head worth playing for any console, the rest are absolute shite.


The Basement Caretaker.
May 26, 2009
Blimey! All of a sudden i like Shia LaBeouf.

Although id play lego star wars with megan fox...


New member
Apr 7, 2009
Ranooth said:
Malygris said:
"This is how in a simple way you can find out if it's a gamer you want to play with," he added. "Ask them if they have a Wii. If they say yes, get the f--k out of there."
Im a Wii owner and i bet that A) im a better actor then you and B) that i could easily own you at any modern FPS that the 360 has.

What a big-headed idiot.
hes the big headed one? yet you're the one sayign you bet you could beat him and are a better actor?

ok mate, go tell that to his millions of dollars , adoring fans, and famousness..if that's a word. silly kid.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
I'm sorry...wait no Im not! the wii is a gimmicky flash in the pan system. Great if you have kids, but other than taht pretty much worthless.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Malygris said:
he refused to play LEGO Star Wars [] with Megan Fox
By the rules of the Universe doesn't this make him gay?
Megan Fox? Refuse? Lolwut?


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Meh, Shia is my favourite actor, even if he did help in the destruction of Indy, we all know george was going to F*ck it up the ass without him anyway.

Hooray for Holes and disturbia!

The good movies people keep forgetting he was in...


Mar 26, 2008
lee1287 said:
Ranooth said:
Malygris said:
"This is how in a simple way you can find out if it's a gamer you want to play with," he added. "Ask them if they have a Wii. If they say yes, get the f--k out of there."
Im a Wii owner and i bet that A) im a better actor then you and B) that i could easily own you at any modern FPS that the 360 has.

What a big-headed idiot.
hes the big headed one? yet you're the one sayign you bet you could beat him and are a better actor?

ok mate, go tell that to his millions of dollars , adoring fans, and famousness..if that's a word. silly kid.
Ranooth said:
Acid Armageddon said:
Ranooth said:
Malygris said:
"This is how in a simple way you can find out if it's a gamer you want to play with," he added. "Ask them if they have a Wii. If they say yes, get the f--k out of there."
Im a Wii owner and i bet that A) im a better actor then you and B) that i could easily own you at any modern FPS that the 360 has.

What a big-headed idiot.

I'm sorry, but you're response makes it seem like you're the big headed idiot. Let the guy have his opinion, it doesn't matter whether we agree with him or not, because at the end of the day, he's going to be a rich mofo, and we will still be average people.
Reading what i put yeah i kinda did :S

Yeah he's allowed his opinion but my god how much of a twat does he sound when he says it and anything that sparks off more console war debate just pisses me off.
Please read the rest the rest of threads before commenting with such strong opinions and i stop with the name calling, people on here (mods included) aren't impressed by it.

Welcome to the Escapist!


New member
Mar 16, 2009
I'm sorry, he turned down the oppotunity to play with Megan fox I mean seroiusly... N00b.

Hamster at Dawn

It's Hazard Time!
Mar 19, 2008
Obligatory sexist remark:
I'd play with Megan Fox. DAAAAAAMN!

I can't say I'm a big fan of Shia, he always seems to have beef with something.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Cpt_Oblivious said:
But he assisted in the murder of both Transformers and Indiana Jones! Why do we care what he thinks?
Because he has killed before and can kill again.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
rickthetrick said:
I'm sorry...wait no Im not! the wii is an innovative and fun system that Microsoft and Sony are now trying to copy. Great if you have friends, but other than that it can still be fun, though there are probably more single player games on the other 2 consoles.
There fixed that for you

seriously have any of you Wii hating people ever tried the system... and played anything other than Wii sports?


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Devildoc said:
rickthetrick said:
I'm sorry...wait no Im not! the wii is an innovative and fun system that Microsoft and Sony are now trying to copy. Great if you have friends, but other than that it can still be fun, though there are probably more single player games on the other 2 consoles.
There fixed that for you

seriously have any of you Wii hating people ever tried the system... and played anything other than Wii sports?
I played a sonic game, a wwe game, a zelda game and all the sports things and they all just had me stand and waggle my arms around like a twat.

Did i miss something?

I sold mine to an old workmate and havn't missed it since, but then again i'm not apart of this generation of ADD inflicted lemons who don't have the patience to sit down and play a real game.



New member
Jun 4, 2009
I'll be the first to say that I don't like the wii. It does feel like something you'd buy a 8 year old for christmas, and nintendo real is alienating it's fan base for "casual gamers" but still shia don't say it in public! Especaily not putting it so frank. I mean now you KNOW you'll never have ANYTHING to do with nintendo at all, wich if you keep picking movies like transformers 2 to star in they'll probably be the people who you go crawling to when you have no carer left.
I have nothing against shia but come on man! Transformers one was BAD but doing the sequel? Were you even allowed to read the scrpit before hand? That's the best excuse you can make. Just horrible man. But whatever like the wii or not don't denounce it in public.
oh and he had a chance to play video games with megan fox and passed it up? ARE YOU CRAZY! I mean if i had to pick one consel to play with megan fox it would be the wii...I don't like the wii BUT YOU GET TO WATCH HER JUMP AROUND! HOW DID YOU NOT SEE HOW AWSOME THAT WOULD BE!?!?!?