Shia LaBeouf Slams the Wii


New member
Mar 26, 2009
13lackfriday said:
Haha, I respect the guy since he knows how to manage his own career unlike most binge-drinking, hard-clubbing celebrity rehab-types.
His comment is borne a bit out of ignorance since he hasn't tried, but I don't blame him for his preconceived notions of it.
The brainlessly casual, 3rd-party titles gracing the Wii lately certainly doesn't improve its standing with REAL gamers in terms of respectability.

jamesworkshop said:
Shia LeBeouf = Who?
Come out from under your rock and watch a movie sometime.
ZeroMachine said:
I think that playing Lego: Star Wars with Megan Fox is less about playing Lego: Star Wars with Megan Fox and more about playing Lego: Star Wars with Megan Fox. Then again, he's worked with her before.
Dude, she sleeps over at his house.
When you get to be that intimate with her, I think you actually get to choose how you spend time with her, instead of at all.

In other news, here some false hope for the rest of us [].
You realize she's not in a relationship with Shia, but is engaged to Brian Austin Green right? Shia and her hang out and act in movies together and are friends, but that's about it, they aren't intimate.

brodie21 said:
ChromeAlchemist said:
brodie21 said:
ChromeAlchemist said:
sumanoskae said:
He would refuse a chance at Megan Fox?, damn he must REALLY hate the Wii, with flaming a passion, I wonder if his mom was killed in a red steel accident
I won't lie, I laughed.


brodie21 said:
i agree, my parents bought my family a wii two years ago and it is currently gathering dust, i just play xbox 360. like yahtzee says, "It's a glorified Etch-a-Sketch."

i play wii tennis with my dad once in a blue moon, but thats it.
I...don't even understand how this makes sense, am I alone here? Explain how this is even partly true please?
? What? Im sorry, i didnt understand you, please elaborate.
I meant the glorified Etch-a-Sketch part, not the wii tennis with your dad bit, that one's clear enough. I should have just quoted the part I meant.
Oh, well in my opinion nintendo has spent a lot of time and money turning their console into a toy, not a gaming console. plus, playing an actual game on the wii is an excercise in frustration because the controls feel tacked on on most of them and they dont work right. plus the graphics are not as good as other consoles and games ported to the wii look grainy. im not saying that graphics make a game good, im just saying that if you have bad graphics then you have to have a good game to make up for it, and all of the wii games dont do it for me. so i personally dont like the wii, if you like the wii, thats your perogative, im not going to force you to see my way, but i would just like people to understand both sides of an argument before commenting on it. i feel that i understand both sides fairly well. nintendo likes money and all these toys it puts out give it a generous helping of that. lets face it, everyone likes money. like they say, money doesnt buy happiness, but it sure buys lots of things that lead to happiness.
Video games ARE toys, games, what's the problem in making a console a toy? That's precisely what a console IS. It's a toy, meant to entertain people, it just happens to have a bit broader of a target audience than your average legos and gi joes. But let's face it video games have always attracted children both young and old, the Wii getting bought up by senior citizens centers just shows how far and how broad that target audience can be, and I think it's a good thing. People have a tendancy to take themselves too god damned seriously, I think a lot of people could USE a little playtime with "toys" from time to time.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
I had a feeling Yahtzee had a double life but I never pictured it would be a movie star.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
Devildoc said:
13lackfriday said:
Haha, I respect the guy since he knows how to manage his own career unlike most binge-drinking, hard-clubbing celebrity rehab-types.
His comment is borne a bit out of ignorance since he hasn't tried, but I don't blame him for his preconceived notions of it.
The brainlessly casual, 3rd-party titles gracing the Wii lately certainly doesn't improve its standing with REAL gamers in terms of respectability.

jamesworkshop said:
Shia LeBeouf = Who?
Come out from under your rock and watch a movie sometime.
ZeroMachine said:
I think that playing Lego: Star Wars with Megan Fox is less about playing Lego: Star Wars with Megan Fox and more about playing Lego: Star Wars with Megan Fox. Then again, he's worked with her before.
Dude, she sleeps over at his house.
When you get to be that intimate with her, I think you actually get to choose how you spend time with her, instead of at all.

In other news, here some false hope for the rest of us [].

You realize she's not in a relationship with Shia, but is engaged to Brian Austin Green right? Shia and her hang out and act in movies together and are friends, but that's about it, they aren't intimate.

brodie21 said:
ChromeAlchemist said:
brodie21 said:
ChromeAlchemist said:
sumanoskae said:
He would refuse a chance at Megan Fox?, damn he must REALLY hate the Wii, with flaming a passion, I wonder if his mom was killed in a red steel accident
I won't lie, I laughed.


brodie21 said:
i agree, my parents bought my family a wii two years ago and it is currently gathering dust, i just play xbox 360. like yahtzee says, "It's a glorified Etch-a-Sketch."

i play wii tennis with my dad once in a blue moon, but thats it.
I...don't even understand how this makes sense, am I alone here? Explain how this is even partly true please?
? What? Im sorry, i didnt understand you, please elaborate.
I meant the glorified Etch-a-Sketch part, not the wii tennis with your dad bit, that one's clear enough. I should have just quoted the part I meant.
Oh, well in my opinion nintendo has spent a lot of time and money turning their console into a toy, not a gaming console. plus, playing an actual game on the wii is an excercise in frustration because the controls feel tacked on on most of them and they dont work right. plus the graphics are not as good as other consoles and games ported to the wii look grainy. im not saying that graphics make a game good, im just saying that if you have bad graphics then you have to have a good game to make up for it, and all of the wii games dont do it for me. so i personally dont like the wii, if you like the wii, thats your perogative, im not going to force you to see my way, but i would just like people to understand both sides of an argument before commenting on it. i feel that i understand both sides fairly well. nintendo likes money and all these toys it puts out give it a generous helping of that. lets face it, everyone likes money. like they say, money doesnt buy happiness, but it sure buys lots of things that lead to happiness.
Video games ARE toys, games, what's the problem in making a console a toy? That's precisely what a console IS. It's a toy, meant to entertain people, it just happens to have a bit broader of a target audience than your average legos and gi joes. But let's face it video games have always attracted children both young and old, the Wii getting bought up by senior citizens centers just shows how far and how broad that target audience can be, and I think it's a good thing. People have a tendancy to take themselves too god damned seriously, I think a lot of people could USE a little playtime with "toys" from time to time.
what did i say about not forcing your opinions on other people? while i understand games are essentially toys, i think that the wii should not designate itself as a gaming console when most of its games are wii fit and sports. it should call itself a interactive sports and fitness simulator.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
what did i say about not forcing your opinions on other people? while i understand games are essentially toys, i think that the wii should not designate itself as a gaming console when most of its games are wii fit and sports. it should call itself a interactive sports and fitness simulator.
Most of?

There are a lot of other games for the console you know. Some of them are some of the best games made this generation (yes, they are the mario/zelda/metroid trilogy essentially (with Brawl coming in as the odd one out)).

I kinda wish the anti-wii crowd would at least be less ignorant about it.

Hiroshi Mishima

New member
Sep 25, 2008
Devildoc said:
It doesn't surprise me he'd say this, he seems to follow whatever trend is hot and hating on the Wii is trendy these days.

He might be a little "elitist" but he's hardly "hardcore" everyone knows Hardcore has ALL the consoles, including the Wii. The even more hardcore still have working versions of previous generation consoles, from at LEAST the NES all the way up, probably a 2600, and the hardcore gamers all know the PC is the best platform when it comes down to it as well. They own consoles for a few exclusives, and to play local multiplayer games with their friends irl, but probably spend more gaming time on pc than anything else.

So the guy's played in some entertaining movies, so f'ing what? He's just a trendy douche when it comes down to it and this is just evidence of that.
You know you almost had me there. I do agree with most of what you said, although not quite with the way you said some of it. I mean, I have many working consoles from previous generations I still play, including the NES, Original GameBoy and Genesis. However, I'm not apparently not wealthy enough to be hardcore by your definition, because I could never afford every single console ever released. It also seems as if I'm not "hardcore" because I never got an Xbox, mainly due to the fact that nothing on it really interested me save one or two games and I wasn't gonna spend that much money on one or two games.

But all that notwishstaning, what you said definitely rings true for the most part. As I said, I'm just not comfortable with how you said some of it. And just to shoot myself in the foot, I actually prefer the older consoles over the new ones, although I do own a Wii (would like a 360 someday) but the platforms I play most are my GBA, PSX, SNES and DS. Does that make me less of a gamer because I find new games to be lacking something?

Oh, wait, I'm getting off topic. I have to say regarding Shia Labeouf or however you spell his name... I'm not a fan of your work, although I give you props for at least trying. However, there is no reason to disregard someone just because they own a console you don't like. Sure you might not like Lego Star Wars, but she was one of your costars and you should treat her with at least some respect. All you had to go was give the game a go and then go blog about how much you hated/liked it later or something. No reason to blow her off and then go on about it as public opinion the way you did.


New member
Dec 23, 2007
The day I think some half-egotised celebrity has a legitimate sway on my opinion is the day I eat a shoe.
Much like how I ignore the opinions of "Critics []" and "Entertainers".

Riding on Thermals

New member
Aug 28, 2008
Devildoc said:
what did i say about not forcing your opinions on other people? while i understand games are essentially toys, i think that the wii should not designate itself as a gaming console when most of its games are wii fit and sports. it should call itself a interactive sports and fitness simulator.
Most of?

There are a lot of other games for the console you know. Some of them are some of the best games made this generation (yes, they are the mario/zelda/metroid trilogy essentially (with Brawl coming in as the odd one out)).

I kinda wish the anti-wii crowd would at least be less ignorant about it.
The best games made this generation? You don't think that's a bit of an exaggeration? I've played all four of those titles and I wasn't really drawn in by any of them in particular. The Wii is still fun, and Shia Lebeouf's opinion doesn't really interest me, but none of the games really have lasting appeal for me


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I am surprised by the amount of people that actually take time out of their lives to answer to Shia. I mean come on, it is HIS opinion. Yeah, I do not like the Wii either but again it is pointless to whine because:
1-Shia is most definately not going to read what you just posted so why bother?
2-The Wii IS mostly directed to casuals.
3-Shia could be just as good as any gamer in this forum. Why? I do not even know what kind of games he likes. He could be better than me at SF4 or Call Of Duty 4. I do not know. Noone does.
4-Aside from Nintendo's trifecta (Zelda, Mario, Metroid), Zack and Wiki and No More Heroes, name a 3rd party title for the Wii that actually stood out.
5-Finally, an opinion coming from someone that actually refused to play a game (ANY GAME IN OUR CASE), with a WOMAN that is also a gamer is pure crap. Mainly cause gaming females do not grow on trees. A woman asks if you want to play with her? And she is someone like Megan Fox? If you even think about the answer or take into consideration that you do not like the Wii, you are a moron.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
brodie21 said:
Oh, well in my opinion nintendo has spent a lot of time and money turning their console into a toy, not a gaming console. plus, playing an actual game on the wii is an excercise in frustration because the controls feel tacked on on most of them and they dont work right. plus the graphics are not as good as other consoles and games ported to the wii look grainy. im not saying that graphics make a game good, im just saying that if you have bad graphics then you have to have a good game to make up for it, and all of the wii games dont do it for me. so i personally dont like the wii, if you like the wii, thats your perogative, im not going to force you to see my way, but i would just like people to understand both sides of an argument before commenting on it. i feel that i understand both sides fairly well. nintendo likes money and all these toys it puts out give it a generous helping of that. lets face it, everyone likes money. like they say, money doesnt buy happiness, but it sure buys lots of things that lead to happiness.
Like I'm sure someone's said by now, video games are toys. Almost every game I own with motion controls work right. Yes the shovelware uses the motion controls badly but then the high quality titles like madworld, Metroid Prime, even ports like Resident Evil 4 (which I still consider to be superior to 5) and MP 1 and 2.

And like you said, graphics don't make a game good, if that was the case the PS3 would be the best home console, and the PC would be infinitely better. Besides, The Wii has some visually solid titles out there (The Conduit, Gladiator A.D., Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy).

But yes, either way, games are toys, their first objective is to provide interactive entertainment, therefore they are toys. I don't really know if you do understand both sides that well.

what did i say about not forcing your opinions on other people? while i understand games are essentially toys, i think that the wii should not designate itself as a gaming console when most of its games are wii fit and sports. it should call itself a interactive sports and fitness simulator.
And yet even though that statement is incorrect, if it were correct, they are still games. The Sports and fitness games are still in the minority.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Hiroshi Mishima said:
Devildoc said:
It doesn't surprise me he'd say this, he seems to follow whatever trend is hot and hating on the Wii is trendy these days.

He might be a little "elitist" but he's hardly "hardcore" everyone knows Hardcore has ALL the consoles, including the Wii. The even more hardcore still have working versions of previous generation consoles, from at LEAST the NES all the way up, probably a 2600, and the hardcore gamers all know the PC is the best platform when it comes down to it as well. They own consoles for a few exclusives, and to play local multiplayer games with their friends irl, but probably spend more gaming time on pc than anything else.

So the guy's played in some entertaining movies, so f'ing what? He's just a trendy douche when it comes down to it and this is just evidence of that.
You know you almost had me there. I do agree with most of what you said, although not quite with the way you said some of it. I mean, I have many working consoles from previous generations I still play, including the NES, Original GameBoy and Genesis. However, I'm not apparently not wealthy enough to be hardcore by your definition, because I could never afford every single console ever released. It also seems as if I'm not "hardcore" because I never got an Xbox, mainly due to the fact that nothing on it really interested me save one or two games and I wasn't gonna spend that much money on one or two games.

But all that notwishstaning, what you said definitely rings true for the most part. As I said, I'm just not comfortable with how you said some of it. And just to shoot myself in the foot, I actually prefer the older consoles over the new ones, although I do own a Wii (would like a 360 someday) but the platforms I play most are my GBA, PSX, SNES and DS. Does that make me less of a gamer because I find new games to be lacking something?

Oh, wait, I'm getting off topic. I have to say regarding Shia Labeouf or however you spell his name... I'm not a fan of your work, although I give you props for at least trying. However, there is no reason to disregard someone just because they own a console you don't like. Sure you might not like Lego Star Wars, but she was one of your costars and you should treat her with at least some respect. All you had to go was give the game a go and then go blog about how much you hated/liked it later or something. No reason to blow her off and then go on about it as public opinion the way you did.
It's more or less the spirit than the actual owning of all the consoles. What I was really trying to say was that a "hardcore" gamer isn't going to shirk a console because it's popular to call that console "casual" and never try it out. I mean, if they can't afford it they can't afford it, but if they could, they'd buy one, you know what I mean? The owning every console for the past 25 years is of course, an exaggeration though there are some people who do just that and I'd have to say they're pretty hardcore about their gaming. I mean right now, I can't afford a PS3 yet.. I plan on getting one eventually but at the moment there just aren't enough games that interest me for it. When GoW3 and FFvs13 are out.. I'll seriously be considering buying one.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Riding on Thermals said:
Devildoc said:
what did i say about not forcing your opinions on other people? while i understand games are essentially toys, i think that the wii should not designate itself as a gaming console when most of its games are wii fit and sports. it should call itself a interactive sports and fitness simulator.
Most of?

There are a lot of other games for the console you know. Some of them are some of the best games made this generation (yes, they are the mario/zelda/metroid trilogy essentially (with Brawl coming in as the odd one out)).

I kinda wish the anti-wii crowd would at least be less ignorant about it.
The best games made this generation? You don't think that's a bit of an exaggeration? I've played all four of those titles and I wasn't really drawn in by any of them in particular. The Wii is still fun, and Shia Lebeouf's opinion doesn't really interest me, but none of the games really have lasting appeal for me
Well by ratings the critics agreed with me, but Super Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3, and Brawl were all very standout games this gen.

As far as 3rd party games for the Wii that stood out.. well, sometimes the games aren't exclusives for the console, but I think Resident Evil 4 was best done on the Wii version. Madworld was also a good game although it was too short. House of the Dead Overkill had problems with frameskipping and such, but aside from that is a blast, and Bomberman Blast is an even better downloadable title than Megaman 9 (which was also good though).

Hitman 43

New member
Jun 6, 2009
Sgt.Looney said:
I don't like Megan Fox. I loved the Transformers movies, and the Fourth Indiana Jones wasn't too bad. Oh and the Wii sucks.

Bring on the rain.
You've played the Wii right?


New member
Dec 24, 2008
whats so bad about the wii? its fun with friends and if you have the right games. his movies are good so i respect that but, the response to megan fox?


New member
Jun 24, 2009
Has this guy played Metroid or Super Smash Bros. for the Wii? I'm not a big fan of the Wii and prefer my Xbox360 over anything but I've had fun with the Wii games I've played so far and personally might pick one up for my girl. Amateur doesn't mean bad Shia Lebytch, if I do get a Wii for her, I will definately check out Metroid Other M and The Conduit.I respect a good gamer no matter what console they chose.