Shia LaBeouf Slams the Wii


New member
Jun 7, 2009
I wonder to the question of what exactly is a gamer. I mean if you play one console does that still get you in the kewl kids club? I personally play every single format a game comes on in or around. That, to me, is a gamer.

MK Tha Rebel

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Jun 12, 2009
Cpt_Oblivious said:
But he assisted in the murder of both Transformers and Indiana Jones! Why do we care what he thinks?
I don't care what he thinks simply because he's Shia LeBeouf.
I'm not a fan of the Wii, but it's ok in small doses.

weeman3000 said:
I played a sonic game, a wwe game, a zelda game and all the sports things and they all just had me stand and waggle my arms around like a twat.
Except for any WWE game on the Wii. Those aren't good in any doses. WWE on Wii = BAD IDEA.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
weeman3000 said:
Devildoc said:
rickthetrick said:
I'm sorry...wait no Im not! the wii is an innovative and fun system that Microsoft and Sony are now trying to copy. Great if you have friends, but other than that it can still be fun, though there are probably more single player games on the other 2 consoles.
There fixed that for you

seriously have any of you Wii hating people ever tried the system... and played anything other than Wii sports?
I played a sonic game, a wwe game, a zelda game and all the sports things and they all just had me stand and waggle my arms around like a twat.

Did i miss something?

I sold mine to an old workmate and havn't missed it since, but then again i'm not apart of this generation of ADD inflicted lemons who don't have the patience to sit down and play a real game.

Hmm I must have played a different Zelda game on the Wii then because I remember playing Zelda sitting down and just doing a little flick of the wrist to use my sword, not waving my arms around like a twat.

Guess what? I also play "real games".

Good of you to completely limit yourself though. I'm 28 (and no ADD) and frankly I've gotten more entertainment out of the Wii than I have from a console in a long time. If it wasn't for the Wii, I wouldn't have bought any console this generation, I would have stuck to PC like I did for the past 2 generations. The Wii brought new interest in consoles back to me. Prior to the Wii, consoles had very little to offer to a PC gamer, what.. you console gamers are just in the past few years enjoying high definition gaming? PC gamers have been enjoying HD gaming since the turn of the century! The Wii put something new and different, that I couldn't replicate on my PC, back into the console world.

Frankly I find that the most "hardcore" anti-Wii "Wii is for children" people are young teens and "adults" who are still under drinking age. It's actually VERY funny to hear someone under the age of 18 claim that the Xbox 360 and PS3 are for "mature gamers".


New member
Apr 28, 2009
An amatuer actor slams a console? Regardless of whatever console he slams, he holds very little weight in blows. We get people slamming the Wii, 360 and PS3 everyday, why should the opinion of an overpaid actor be taken any more seriously than a nintenbot, a xbot or a sony-fanboy?


New member
Jun 26, 2009
...I wish people would stop pretending that the system is "hardcore." A system is not hardcore when it is not HD in a clearly HD gaming world, can entertain all the women in my family, and my girlfriend wants to play it more than me.

Darth Sea Bass

New member
Mar 3, 2009
Ahh what does he fucking know he reckons michael bay is the best action director alive! I know it's only an opinion but an opinion that wrong should result in sterilisation.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
he is such a little cry baby. he should just go home and play with his optimus prime figurine eurghh god i hate him he wasnt even that good in tranformers or disturbia or any of the fucking nickelodeon shit

Anarchy In Detroit

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May 26, 2008
My opinion of him just went up that's for sure.

I don't take what actors say so seriously. They're people entitled to opinions like the rest of us, the only difference is that they get quoted. Certainly what they say is no more credible or impactful than anyone else too.

Face it, all of you whining because he's an actor are just pissed because...

1) Nobody cares about your opinion. Probably because you're not the it kid in a slew of shitty movies. Sucks, but it's true.

2) You're not a successful (against all logic in this case) actor.

3) You're a redneck upset at the liberal media telling you to think your Wii is in fact a system for full of sh*t 6 year olds.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Devildoc said:
weeman3000 said:
Devildoc said:
rickthetrick said:
I'm sorry...wait no Im not! the wii is an innovative and fun system that Microsoft and Sony are now trying to copy. Great if you have friends, but other than that it can still be fun, though there are probably more single player games on the other 2 consoles.
There fixed that for you

seriously have any of you Wii hating people ever tried the system... and played anything other than Wii sports?
I played a sonic game, a wwe game, a zelda game and all the sports things and they all just had me stand and waggle my arms around like a twat.

Did i miss something?

I sold mine to an old workmate and havn't missed it since, but then again i'm not apart of this generation of ADD inflicted lemons who don't have the patience to sit down and play a real game.

Hmm I must have played a different Zelda game on the Wii then because I remember playing Zelda sitting down and just doing a little flick of the wrist to use my sword, not waving my arms around like a twat.

Guess what? I also play "real games".

Good of you to completely limit yourself though. I'm 28 (and no ADD) and frankly I've gotten more entertainment out of the Wii than I have from a console in a long time. If it wasn't for the Wii, I wouldn't have bought any console this generation, I would have stuck to PC like I did for the past 2 generations. The Wii brought new interest in consoles back to me. Prior to the Wii, consoles had very little to offer to a PC gamer, what.. you console gamers are just in the past few years enjoying high definition gaming? PC gamers have been enjoying HD gaming since the turn of the century! The Wii put something new and different, that I couldn't replicate on my PC, back into the console world.

Frankly I find that the most "hardcore" anti-Wii "Wii is for children" people are young teens and "adults" who are still under drinking age. It's actually VERY funny to hear someone under the age of 18 claim that the Xbox 360 and PS3 are for "mature gamers".
You presented your opinion and i presented mine, why does half of your retort sound like you're trying to insult me on a personal level? I'm sorry if i hurt the feelings of your precious console that saved you from an early midlife crisis but all i did was wave my arms around like a twat during all of the games i played.

You have no idea how old i, or anyone else who makes claims about how 'casual' wii's are so please leave the condescending shit out of the discussion.

Gratz on been a pc gamer though, it must be a great source of pride.. everyone knows pc gamers are the height of social society nowadays =D

And by the way, limited myself? firstly you're the one who only owns a pc and a wii, i own a gaming pc, a ps3, an xbox 360 and a psp... what exactly am i missing out on? a console which was made with children in mind that might have a couple of gems at best? i play games to relax and throwing around a white dildo isn't something that i find very relaxing.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Malygris said:
And in case there was any lingering doubt, he claimed that he refused to play LEGO Star Wars [] with Megan Fox on the set of Transformers 2 because he doesn't like the game. "Who wants to play the Wii version of LEGO Star Wars?" he asked. "I'd rather eat glass."
Now come on, who would resist the chance to play LEGO Star Wars with Megan Fox?
But I guess everyone gets an opinion.


New member
Jun 25, 2009
Well he probably got into ranting on the Wii like most hardcore gamers (because it does) but I would say something similar about the Wii maybe not "amateur" but very "kid freindly" to a point where we don't play it but if Megan Fox asked me to play a LEGO game I would not turn that down.


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Feb 5, 2009
ZeroMachine said:
I think that playing Lego: Star Wars with Megan Fox is less about playing Lego: Star Wars with Megan Fox and more about playing Lego: Star Wars with Megan Fox. Then again, he's worked with her before.

Either way, it's Shia freakin' LaBeouf. Who cares what he says? He was only good in Holes. After that it was the same role over and over again. It's like he has Nicholas Cage sindrome.
Ah I vote "Nicholas Cage Syndrome" best new phrase of the day.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
I know others might disagree, but I love hearing the Wii get slammed. It may not be THAT bad, but its bad enough to deserve the commentary from hardcore gamers. However, its odd that Shia considers himself hardcore. I guess its credible, but does anyone remember how he described Steven Spielberg playing Bioshock, and went on to say that Steve was stuck on the 7th level, because the Spider God was too difficult to fight? If he is a hardcore gamer, he has never been near Bioshock in his life.

Riding on Thermals

New member
Aug 28, 2008
hannarr said:
By the rules of the Universe doesn't this make him gay?
Megan Fox? Refuse? Lolwut?
Marry me.

Boxpopper said: he described Steven Spielberg playing Bioshock, and went on to say that Steve was stuck on the 7th level, because the Spider God was too difficult to fight? If he is a hardcore gamer, he has never been near Bioshock in his life.
I'm just confused, I think I missed something. I assume he got Bioshock confused with something else, or is just talking out his ass?


New member
Mar 27, 2009
AAW: Another attention whore

I'll be the firt to admit that the Wii is sucking off "casual" gamers right and left, but maybe that isn't a bad thing. Video games were created so regular people could relax and play a game. Online multiplayer wasn't an original concept, and has become a lifestyle for "hardcore" gamers who bash the Wii for selling out.

Ever since I got an Xbox 360, my Wii has been rarely used and I have not gotten any new games for it. Hell, it's in the rec room. I've been playing SSBB lately, and was going to get on, but my brother had been playing MySims (which sucks) and while I was taking MySims out, I decided to play some other games. Several hours later split between two time periods, I still hadn't played Brawl because I was too busy playing my old Wii games. Why? Because it adds variety. Let me take a look at my Xbox 360 lineup. Not counting Lego Indy/KF Panda, I was 16 games. 15 of them involve killing others. (The one that doesn't is Rumble Roses XX.) Now, it is debatable that MKvsDC has been castrated so much that it doesn't involve killing, but it's one of the most violent ASFG series. So if I'm playing 360, chances are I'm going to be killing people. There are only so many different ways in which you can kill someone and still feel personal satisfaction. Swords, guns, giant robots, everything is used for killing.

Now if I'm playing the Wii, I have a lot more variety. I can be playing carnival style minigames. I can play a wide variety of sports. I can skate down semi-vertical cities with pink hair and a British flag t-shirt. And if I really need violence, I can knock little kids down at the rec center off the screen in Brawl, or play, ... Red Steel...

People argue that video games cause obesity. Now, while I oppose this theory, I can appreciate the fact that Nintendo gives fat Americans false hope. Nintendo can't make you use Wii Fit daily. They can only sell you more games.

I'm not attacking Hardcore gamers. I consider myself one. What I am questioning is why do we have to exclude certain game systems, not to mention the highest selling current gen consule. Casual gamers still play games like Halo 3, so all we are doing by being "hardcore" is handicapping our game selection.

One more thing: Shia LaBeouf sucks.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Riding on Thermals said:
hannarr said:
By the rules of the Universe doesn't this make him gay?
Megan Fox? Refuse? Lolwut?
Marry me.

Boxpopper said: he described Steven Spielberg playing Bioshock, and went on to say that Steve was stuck on the 7th level, because the Spider God was too difficult to fight? If he is a hardcore gamer, he has never been near Bioshock in his life.

I'm just confused, I think I missed something. I assume he got Bioshock confused with something else, or is just talking out his ass?
You got me. Most likely the latter. Since when do games really have numeric levels anymore? And whens the last time you've combatted a spider god?


New member
Feb 26, 2009
Ranooth said:
Malygris said:
"This is how in a simple way you can find out if it's a gamer you want to play with," he added. "Ask them if they have a Wii. If they say yes, get the f--k out of there."
Im a Wii owner and i bet that A) im a better actor then you and B) that i could easily own you at any modern FPS that the 360 has.

What a big-headed idiot.

dont u think its a little "big-headed" to assume u are a better actor than someone who has been acting for like a decade, and to insist that u could own them on a game that u probably havent even played JUST because u are a wii fanboy? thats pretty rediculous, i must say.

sounds to me like hes just ur average ordinary hardcore gamer. i have a wii myself but i havent played it in months because the only game i like on it is mario kart. he said himself he is an old super mario bros fan and since nintendo basically alienated their entire audience above 12 years old, he has no respect for them or their console at this point just like millions of other serious gamers.

ill agree tho that he did kind of insult the console a bit too much but the point remains the same: he doesnt like the console, and hes entitled to his opinion just like millions of gamers that feel the same way, and he shouldnt be shunned and insulted for his opinion just because hes a celebrity OR because u dont like his acting.

u know what tho? he probably doesnt hate the DS...thats at least something. nobody really hates the DS, just the wii. the DS is at least fun for anyone to use, not just 7 year olds.


Mar 26, 2008
Vykrel said:
Ranooth said:
Malygris said:
"This is how in a simple way you can find out if it's a gamer you want to play with," he added. "Ask them if they have a Wii. If they say yes, get the f--k out of there."
Im a Wii owner and i bet that A) im a better actor then you and B) that i could easily own you at any modern FPS that the 360 has.

What a big-headed idiot.

dont u think its a little "big-headed" to assume u are a better actor than someone who has been acting for like a decade, and to insist that u could own them on a game that u probably havent even played JUST because u are a wii fanboy? thats pretty rediculous, i must say.

sounds to me like hes just ur average ordinary hardcore gamer. i have a wii myself but i havent played it in months because the only game i like on it is mario kart. he said himself he is an old super mario bros fan and since nintendo basically alienated their entire audience above 12 years old, he has no respect for them or their console at this point just like millions of other serious gamers.

ill agree tho that he did kind of insult the console a bit too much but the point remains the same: he doesnt like the console, and hes entitled to his opinion just like millions of gamers that feel the same way, and he shouldnt be shunned and insulted for his opinion just because hes a celebrity OR because u dont like his acting.

u know what tho? he probably doesnt hate the DS...thats at least something. nobody really hates the DS, just the wii. the DS is at least fun for anyone to use, not just 7 year olds.
Like i said with the other guy please read what else i said. Yes i know i it was quite a stupid thing to i wasn't really being serious and im not a Wii fanboy.

Yes the man is entitled to his opinion and we must respect that, but to class a whole league of gamers like that is just ridiculous and foolish.